Here's a wild version I created, more cycle to get the combo faster.
Minion (16)
Ability (11)
Weapon (2) | Playable Hero (1) |
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I just want fun, I mean it is a free puzzle game, I love puzzle games. Like I want free stuff, but if you are gonna give me free stuff, just give me it, in this scenario the free stuff we are given is a puzzle game, and putting free stuff behind free stuff seems silly when you can just give people both free things directly.
which of those decks did you like, play it, continue, grind. This game is grind, also new expansion makes ranking up hard since the ladder is completely random and inscrutable. nothing is good right now. Right now you can play exactly what will be the best deck in a week and go 0/50 because nothing makes sense right now, give it time, don't fret, just stay calm, and have fun.
So If I were making this deck I would cut the semi control vibe going on, and focus on tempo. You want a tempo based deck that adds a few pogo hoppers to your deck and draws them fast, but focuses alot on just generally having board advantage. You want elven minstrel and maybe even faldorei striders , but you also want one drops. You don't need the elekk and both lab recruiter and baleful banker is too much so cut the banker replace those cuts with more tempo minions. You want to sprint and use saps defensively to survive ti you spam pogo. But instead why not play nice tempo cards and lead into pogo shennanigans. You can finish with like 8/8 or 10/10 pogos easily. They get scary fast. But don't treat the deck as a way to maximize them, treat them as a way to finish off games with a deck. Things like cheat death can be useful but may be too slow, and prep needs to be cut along with that sprint. Not efficient draw. maybe you put in myra's element, and when you play it you are basically saying, I need to win in the next two turns anyway, so lets find my pogos and do it. Pogo makes people want to play control and make infinite value pogo stuff happen. But why not just win? I think a tempo pogo does well and replaces odd rogue in boomsday, but only time will tell.
I have spent none, and plan on spending none, my money will go to games that don't drain my soul from me, that being pretty much only single player games and board games. I enjoy games that drain my soul because of addictive cycles, but I refuse to let addiction eat my money as well as my soul. Not judging anyone who spends money on F2P games, it would just be bad for me to let myself do it.
wait wild is worse come the next expansion than standard is. Wild druid is more powerful than standard druid, but it has more powerful competition now. Come the next expansion wild druid will be even scarier and most of the other decks don't appear to be getting scarier the same amount. Like the main problem in wild now is rogue and hyper aggro. rogue will basically be the same, and hyper aggro will be hyper aggro, but druid will be much faster while still doing big scary stuff, which basically just makes druid insane. The same is true in standard but the height of druid in standard is less scary than in wild. I basically gave up on wild because of seeing the cards this expansion is releasing.
On to the OP, yeah I think druid feels like its own animal compared to the rest of the classes. But I think that is just because it is good right now and is one of the classes with unique effects. When priest was on top they were just another control deck, similar with warlock. When hunter or paladin were it was just another tempo deck. But when rogue is top dog you can expect to feel like they are playing a different game. When freeze mage was on top they were playing a different game too. Rogue has weirdness going on because they don't engage with the board the same way, they kind of just avoid the board, or magically create and destroy boards. Mage could make board meaningless. Druid now makes time meaningless, druid basically skips past the early and midgames. they ignore that those phases exist. So while druid is on top it feels weird to play against them since they do something impossible. Now that mage has their whole deal changed to be more about board in a few different ways, mage feels normal and will until they print something as unique as iceblock. Rogue will always get the short end of the stick in cards because they will always have the tools to play their own gameplan, The devs seem to be scared of rogue most of all, and the only times it has been good, it kind of used rogues normal toolkit for other purposes than rogues normal deal. Quest rogue felt unlike rogue, so it did not feel that weird, though it was a little bit out there. But kingsbane mill rogue in wild is totally out there, I kind of love it, but it feels like a different kind of gameplay. Everyone else is trying to play football while you try to figure out how to produce every integer using a set of operators and notation and 4 ones you can put anywhere in those operators and notation. Everyone else tries to kill you, while you just try to live until (n!-(n-c)!>30-x. where x is the amount of damage your opponent has taken - the amount they have healed or negated with armor and when n is less than c (n-c)! is replaced with 0 and n=turns your opponent has taken fatigue damage + c and c is the number of cards you can make them draw draw. I like this game but it is a strange one and playing against it is a matter of trying to prevent them from being able to deal with your stuff or convincing them they don't have to. Making a full hand and a board full of minions that have deathrattles really screws over rogue, but that is not the kind of play that is easy to do or makes sense in a normal game of hearthstone. Similar for druid in standard, you want to prevent them from being able to utilize mana and cards effectively. You can do this by applying pressure, but you can also make their win condition and cards less effective by playing around them or getting huge amounts of armor, or turning full hands into a liability, or all three. This happens to make druid one of the best at beating druid, followed by shaman who can mess with many druids reliance on hadronox, followed by aggro decks who just apply presure, but applying pressure is least consistent while against most decks pressure is the easiest way to beat them, apply more pressure than they can handle and they get crushed, druid on the other hand has a lot of ways of relieving pressure because it just ensures it has more options than the opponent at all times through mana gain, card draw, and choose one.
This was a giant essay of a response, but I think the subject is interesting. I kinda wish all the classes had this quality, that they were all unique somehow. Because they all have strengths and weaknesses even druid (druid is bad at aoe and used to at least help the opponent as a sideffect of their own good cards. Now the second is thrown out the window and the first is mitigated by their strengths being taken too far)
so in my opinion the counter to shudderwock is to play decks that beat it before it wins, which it looks like every class can do in this next expansion (The ones we were missing were warrior, mage, and druid; warrior might be able to make a tempo deck with mechs and rush, mage got stuff great for tempo, and druid got more ramp making all of its decks faster. Priest had some combo decks that won faster that saw some play already so it could do it anyway if you were thinking priest could not, also as much as it is a meme aggro priest totally destroyed shudderwock in my experience of playing like 50 games of aggro priest.)
I am genuinely not worried about shudderwock because I actually was fine with its place in the meta. It was fun for me to play with and against after both the speeding up of the animation and the nerf that made the deck actually viable in the meta. I also feel like if you want to complain about not having counters to combo decks, worry about malygos decks more. Or maybe Mecha'thun (It is a meme but it may be a real thing someday). Or you can worry about abombination hadronox druid (I frickin love this deck btw). Or maybe just exodia mage. Like why complain specifically about shudderwock because it is the one that is good right now, and not even particularly toxic.
Counters to combo might be nice, we have one for warlock to use in the next expansion, and it will probably see play because it might be able to give you something good if used right while ruining your opponents plan if you are lucky (though luck is major with that card). Anyway I am basically certain that there won't be any more counters of the single card variety to combo decks this expansion, but instead we have counters in the form of decks that win first or make the combo too unweildy, or in the form of removing the druid weapon because that is the combo to fear anyway not shudderwock.
Rejoice in the fact that there are ways to beat decks by playing other decks, and stop worrying about how we don't have a single card that fixes everything. I don't want a single card that fixes everything, that makes the game feel dumb. I want a way to win any matchup in any class by making a specific deck in that class that wins the matchup. I want most of those decks to be bad because having that many good decks is chaos and makes it impossible to make a deck of your own that has any chance of doing well. Finally, I want druid to get nerfed because I hate what I feel like it will become and it will limit my first want by making decks that are very hard to beat.
questless infinite was already a thing using the elemental that makes created cards cheaper and the card that copies minions in your hand as well as a Molten Reflection (I forgot card names, sorry). I think you can simplify things by adding a combo into the back end of a more tempo deck. I, for instance, will try to run this along with Vex Crow and the other mage legendary from this expansion. I already ran antonidas and sometimes the elementals that made created cards cheaper in the deck so swapping out aluneth for the new draw and one of my less effective cards for this as well as popping in the new one-cost spell somewhere will probably lead to a decent deck. I will need to make some adjustments but i think that it is a lot more consistent to rely less upon drawing the right cards at the right times, and instead having it as a backup that can be used at varying levels depending on when you draw cards.
I don't think combo druid would neccessarily be your biggest worry. it has to reach turn 5 before it can potentially kill you, and that is not guaranteed at all, it could be as late as turn 12. With that in mind I present to you the idea of just straight up big druid. It runs all the cards in the combo for combo druid, but it also just runs a bunch of other giant minions. and it just plays them all very early. it just tries to overrun you with like 6 win conditions thrown in there for good measure. Why not make your deck be taunt druid, or maly druid, or whatever else you have in your collection that costs more that 6 druid. It is not so simple as just trying to kill you in uninteractive ways, it literally just has to play random cards it draws. This is beyond the stupidity that we could possibly imagine. Wild is now druidstone, and druidstone involves jamming giant minions down and hitting face because why not.
But other than the fact that the sheer terrror of druid not having to build coherent decks anymore not hitting you, you are spot on. And I feel your pain. Something in druid needs to get nerfed, and it is most of druid.
like nothing about druid is ok right now, and they are still printing cards that do things druids do. Why don't they print exclusively 1 drops for druid for a whole set. And not ones with any effects, just 1/3's like print 10 1/3s with different tribes and shit and then druid will still be good. Even after a nerf to like 5 of their cards they will still be good. druid is dumb.
With the amount of ramp druid has now, and the kind of choices we see in say, malygos druid. The logical extension of that kind of deck seems to be playing this. Regardless If this were just a draw 2 with the kind of tutor effect that this has, it might still be half decent in maly druid or the like to pull out the win condition of your deck. Since I bet you can easily get 2-3 cards off this in anything but token druid and sometimes you will get the whole 4 (often enough that I could justify at least a one of regardless of how good the incomplete effect is), I see this card seeing lots of play.