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    posted a message on WHO SAYS PRIEST IS THE WORST CLASS IN LADDER?!?!

    this deck is good for a priest deck but obviously you are really low rank or have not updated this to the current meta since c'thun druid kinda sucks and yogg druid crushes almost half the meta because the meta right now is warrior of all types every other day, mage in small numbers, hunter who plays midrange exclusively and wins against most control decks without fail, druid who crushes hunter and is ok against everything else, rogue who is barely hanging on to viability and the occasional zoo or shaman who struggle against warriors and the fast/midrange decks

    I suggest you try to get to higher ranks and experience truly why priest can't win cus this meta destroys priest, to varied and priest is to weak for it's reactionary playstyle to do well. I swear priest has never been a top class which is sad but it is a thing and right now it is worse than ever.

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    posted a message on Cards That Will Be Missed in Next Year Standard

    I for one welcome our yet unbeknownst to us overlords. But yeah we will miss many things. Also where is our second expansion this year, and the third we were promised.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Deck to CRUSH aggro?!

    Patron is good, a few other warrior decks, all lose to midrange hunter which is not an Agro deck. Druid and rogue almost compete but lose to everything else. Also the meta is currently warrior so just play midrange hunter and hope against the rare Agro deck. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on How to fix Casual: make it Pauper

    There is no way to fix casual it  offers only one thing and fails at it because some players who do not require a mode specialized for that one thing play there anyway, fixing this would require an infrastructure so complicated that it would inconvenience people greatly. I also say just play ranked, if you aren't so competitive about it you can just enjoy it without the anger that many people have.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Warriorstone

    I genuinely agree with you, warrior is kind of insane right now, it took a lot of time for people to see how good it was, but they have really cheap aggro, pretty powerful midrange, a nice tempo deck, and a few good control variations.

    Despite my love of warrior though I am not enjoying ladder much right now since I normally play weirder warrior decks, all of which lose 90% to other warriors. So I have to play decks that are more boring in my opinion. Because most of the warrior decks right now and pretty easy to play. 

    Face is easy and luck based, midrange patron is as patron had been for a whole and I am bored of it, tempo is just play on curve I also can't make a real tempo warrior yet, control I can't build a real list of cus I don't have all the cards for it but I am suspicious of its difficulty. I normally like.combo decks,which warrior can run but the warrior meta makes them bad because the hero power. 

    I feel like earlier in this expansion things were interesting because every class had multiple archetypes that were seen but now we see 4 classes and less variety of play. fewer strategies are needed to win. so it is less fun.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Feeling Bad after getting a legendary from a pack

    I have crafted every single legendary I own that is not thaurrisan Reno or cutting and I used in game currency for thaurrissan and reno I crafted malkorok for a warrior deck, the next day I draw it in a pack, so angry. Then a week later I find it in another pack. And then a month and a half later I find it in yet another pack.

    It is the only wotog legend I have drawn I got it three times and I already crafted it.

    So yeah I get it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do I suck so bad at arena?!

    I average 6-7 wins, if you exclude this last month where I have averaged 3, maybe I am just getting super unlucky but I think arena has been harder for a while, but yeah arena is generally hard to get the hang of and all I can say is practice, I started playing arena whenever I could and lost most of the time with a record of 2 wins for like a year, then I started watching people play arena and figured out what seemed good and started doing well, after a few months of practice, it takes time and effort. Also, not getting more than 5 wins is understandable especially these days because after like 3 wins, everything gets insane fast. paladins with 2 muster for battle 2 weapons and 2 legendaries is like common at 6 wins now, I am disturbed by this trend, but keep trying and maybe you will get lucky and not see the insane decks I see all the time.


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Why do you always praise control and demonize aggro?

    Get ready for a giant block of text outlining my beliefs about agro, control, people, and the game state as a whole.

    I think that agro is not the problem, agro is fine and even interesting sometimes, control is fine and also occasionally has interest, I hate zoo these days, and I hate agro shaman these days, I try and build interesting decks that can deal with them but aren't just straight agro. I think the reason why people rag on agro as a whole is that they experience those unfair games of having no cards that can deal with their opponents strategy because their opponents strategy does not care about the life of any individual card they have. it is possible to counter agro, but it is hard because there is always the chance you just lose first, where as it is always possible to counter control because control decks lose to harder control decks that lose to fast decks that lose only to fast decks etc. I run mostly combo decks that rely on interaction and minion trading to reach the point where they just win. I feel that they have the chance to beat almost any deck and that is why I like them. but I know most people tend to hate combo decks because they feel they lost to something they could not do anything about, because the opponent won in one turn and before that  did not need to set up much to do so, but this is the same as the problem people have with agro. Many people want interaction and those are most of the people on these sites because those are the people trying to learn about the meta and try to beat it, then they just lose to "stupid" face decks and get angry and rage about it. if everyone wanted interaction and had infinite dust we would all be playing mill, fatigue, and midrange and the game would be amazing and nobody would complain, because everyone likes midrange(I mean real midrange, like old fashioned midrange hunter), it feels fair to lose to, fatigue just requires that the players think throughout the whole game and play around each other cleverly, and mill just creates interesting games where both players have to think about their draws more and try and stay ahead on draw and life total. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 3 Most Annoying Cards in Hearthstone

    1 entomb- don't take my doomsayer or legendary, and yeah, I know priest needs help and entomb isn't op  but it really ruins my day to see my strategy  fall apart to it and my opponent to use the card against me usually to win considering how long that takes and priest late game.

    2 excavated evil- I play patron

    3 2/3  spirit wolves with taunt- I always am just barely catching up on board and shaman plays these and protect one scary minion and so win the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Cart Crash at the Cross Roads - Tavern Brawl #51

    as far as i can tell warrior and any weapon class or any weapon class and warrior is really strong, also druid plus hunter or warlock has amazing curve most games.


    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on [Cheap]Legend Aggro Egg Druid

    I don't have sir finley and I am doing great with this deck, don't know that your problem is.

    Posted in: [Cheap]Legend Aggro Egg Druid
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend - June S27

    really only played seriously for five days last season but got to rank 12 with otk patron, as well as midrange shaman and pirate warrior, hoping to make legend for the first time this season, or at least rank 5.

    Wish everyone luck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Zoolock the best deck for now?

    I run zero taunts in my most played deck and stomp zoo, but I am playing patron with the potential to whirlwind 8 times: 2 from whirlwind, 2 from ravaging ghoul, 4 from wild pyros. So I basically have 3 or 4 board clears against zoo, and enough draw to get enough of them almost guaranteed. Other than that there are a few things with good chances but most of them cost a lot more than what I am running. Also, I am pretty sure that the otk patron is the best deck for laddering right now since as far as I can tell since it has good enough matchup against zoo and agro shaman combined as well as a good chance against anything slow other than warrior that it can deal with most of the things thrown at it in the current meta.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Biggest card disappointment in WotOG?

    Embrace the shadows, but I have always wanted a combo priest deck to take off since flash heal, sadly this card did not make it good enough to really work. Maybe next expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Cool Story (bro)

    what zooloack are you playing, that sounds like handlock, I am so confused. also, no because zoolock kills you if you keep 2 useless cards. By useless I mean uselless on turns 1-3. where zoolock can literally just win if you have no counters.

    Posted in: Warlock
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