• 3

    posted a message on Twist Winter Break Update

    This is another unfortunate pattern Team 5 keeps repeating. They announce and release a new format then just abruptly drop support for it. While I do admire the ambition & going for the gusto, I would really like it if they would reign it in with the overall scope of the game and give more support to the formats that have not died off from lack of player interest.

    Not that the opinion of some bitter jackass on the internet counts for much, but there it is.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Boomboss Tho'grun

    Patchwerk's bigger, meaner brother that costs 1 mana more.

    Posted in: Boomboss Tho'grun
  • 0

    posted a message on Pocket Sand

    Rest in Peace, Johnny Hardwick.


    Posted in: Pocket Sand
  • 0

    posted a message on Sunset Volley

    Ten mana to do some random damage and summon a 10 drop. Might see play in Standard or Arena. In Wild this is just a bad gimmick.

    Take it from someone who sculpts decks around bad gimmicks in Wild.

    Posted in: Sunset Volley
  • 0

    posted a message on Trusty Companion

    That is true. I did not consider Aggro Fishman, it is quite good for that without blowing up your smaller fishmen.

    Posted in: Trusty Companion
  • 0

    posted a message on Trusty Companion

    At first I thought this would be an auto-include for Even Shaman in Wild. But it goes up against Jam Session which also helps contest board which this doesn't. May see some play if some new even Totems are printed with this new set.

    How much I'm not sure of.

    Posted in: Trusty Companion
  • -1

    posted a message on 27.6.2 Patch Notes - Nerfs to Druid, Yogg-Saron, The Jailer, Tony King of Piracy - BG and Duels Changes Too!

    Having to spend 1 mana more on removal is not nothing. Since they are never going to hit the overperforming armor gain cards for druid in Wild, like I said, I will take what I can get.

    There was *nothing* good about the verbiage on Yogg Saron 3 as it was. You change it to 'reduce mana when you spend mana on spells' that only slows it down for Questline Druid so much. It only makes it unplayable to Miracle Rogue.

    Posted in: News
  • -5

    posted a message on 27.6.2 Patch Notes - Nerfs to Druid, Yogg-Saron, The Jailer, Tony King of Piracy - BG and Duels Changes Too!

    I will admit, that hurts Questline Druid even if only the tiniest bit. I will take whatever I can get in that regard. Also rest in shit, Miracle Rogue. The Jailer change I understand the why. Chin up big dude, maybe you'll be relevant again some day.

    I'm done explaining why upping mana on combo pieces for Druid is meaningless in Wild. Good news for Tony Druid enjoyers, much to the annoyance of everyone else.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Should quests be banned in wild?

    The only quest I find the verbiage egregious to need addressing is Open the Waygate. Which would be a simple enough fix. Just make it a dormant location that activates upon completion & has 1 durability. Unless they ever print a card that recreates a location you've played that solves the issue while making it harder (but still possible) to pull off degenerate nonsense.

    The rest range from mildly annoying to bad gimmick with the noted exception of Lost in the Park. Which shouldn't be banned but probably should have it's numbers tweaked a bit with how overly abundant armor gain cards are in Wild.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Howdyfin

    Only archetype I can see this shining for is Aggro Fishman Shaman in Wild. Might have potential in Arena as well, but far less impactful.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Hearthstone Expansion: Showdown in the Badlands - Releases Nov 14th!

    Excavate looks like an interesting combo enabling keyword. Not the biggest fan of Quickdraw with the cards revealed but it's early yet. Sure there will be something revealed that blows my hair back.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on A Less Friendly Game of Chess is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    That isn't the point. The point is that one thing that should not be allowed in a format that should be fast-paced like Tavern Brawl? The ability to go infinite should just not be on the table. For any class.

    e: keep the downvotes coming. It doesn't disprove my point.

    Posted in: News
  • -1

    posted a message on A Less Friendly Game of Chess is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    If they insist on repeating this bad idea, they really should ban cards that can go infinite in it. Ignite, Kingsbane, Jade Idol, et cetera.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on Patch 27.4.2 Balance Changes - Auctioneer, Tony & Mech Warper Bans - Much More

    I'll get right onto explaining how an immediate nerf to a single overpowered card opens up design space for the Archetype right after you explain how you aren't trying to flamebait me.

    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on Patch 27.4.2 Balance Changes - Auctioneer, Tony & Mech Warper Bans - Much More

    You don't want to spend mana on Secrets if you can at all help it. Full stop. And at turn 2, 2 mana develop a secret & leave a 2/1 on board you're better off using the 2/3 that reduces the cost of your next secret to 0 and leaving a 2/3 on board that's harder to remove. Even if you have coin, you e: wouldn't want to empty out your hand that severely just for early game development. (fix't for bad grammar)

    I used the qualifier 'I guess' for a good reason. It may or may not allow for more early to mid game tech choices which might be a way forward when printing new cards.

    By all means, keep maligning my guesses with what the developers are trying to accomplish, though.

    Posted in: News
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