100%? That's great if you like Anomalies, I guess. Sadly, I think they're rubbish.
*shakes head* I'm starting to think that Blizzard is making decisions purely to annoy me this year.
Prediction: Next expansion will be 100% Jade Druid.
100%? That's great if you like Anomalies, I guess. Sadly, I think they're rubbish.
*shakes head* I'm starting to think that Blizzard is making decisions purely to annoy me this year.
Prediction: Next expansion will be 100% Jade Druid.
Imagine thinking Thief Priest is a problem in Wild! LOL
Just wait until you face a never ending onslaught of Shadow Aggro Priest, Demon Seed Warlock, or any kind of good Rogue deck! Then you’ll wish for more Thief Priest opponents.
There are so many more decks in the format that are much bigger problems than Thief Priest.
At least Reno is still 0 mana in Druid decks
What's next?
khadgar instead of his legendary staff will wave the LGBT flag?
Do magnetized mechs count as "enchantments"?
This art is TERRIBLE. Where's the mech/elemental/murloc/etc. parts on this amalgam?! This is just a beast hybrid only!
When my opponent plays it, it's a Loatheb. When I play it, it's a Millhouse.
I don't think you want to play any minion in a no-minion deck. If you don't have this in your hand it shuts down half of your synergies.
One wild theory here:
Reason why warrior got tourist into hunter is to use this Octo-masseuse with a Furious Furnace attached and somehow get Always a Bigger Jormungar or a reprint and still fail because minion has no rush!
Hearthstone is so inundated with cosmetics now. Half of these are just one-off legendaries that appeared in a single expansion. Who the hell is Kit? Why do they have more than one skin?
I'd rather they just give us the skins for the og heroes at the end of the rewards track and the occasional high quality prestige product. So much stuff added to the game constantly that it's impossible to keep up with or care.
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Brining back a bad gimmick is not going to garner positive attention for Constructed. You need to grab a fire extinguisher and put out the many wildfires you've started if you want to get positive attention.
Anomalies were a bad gimmick when they were new and they're still a bad gimmick now. Please don't put them back into Constructed again. There's already enough RNG bullshit as-is.
Underwhelming constructed changes. Won't really stymie the over prevalence of Reno or Ziliax on ladder, just make them 1 turn slower.
The celestial projectionist hurts Standard but hurts Aggro Shadow Priest in Wild even more. For lists that use it that's 1 more mana you need to have for another-other Shadowbomber or Voidtouched Attendant.
Not a huge fan of the whiplash of the uneven saturation. Some of them are fine but holy mother of Godzilla that Finley is Oversaturation City.
The designs themselves are fine to good.
So it's a 1 mana summon 6 worth of damage over time for a class that has rather good cycling tools?
In before this gets nerfed.
Discover what diehards that refuse to cut Kazzakus from Singleton have known for a long time:
those 5 & 10 drop potions just don't pull their weight anymore.
The sideboard is a little too tech heavy. You might consider something like Wildfire over Devolving Missiles and Ice Block over Solid Alibi. Also might want to consider hard running Potion of Illusion because that with E.T.C. leads to broken things.
Interesting concept though.
It might be worth considering swapping out Magatha for Sayge. Also Okani is a hair greedy considering you are already running two Counterspell and Objections. Just something to think about.
Otherwise it is a fine proof-of-concept.
Still not a peep that the new miniset broke Warlock in Constructed.
Turns out 1 mana draw 2 self harm with infinite capacity is kind of busted, who would have figured?
Thanks for reducing the effective reach of Even Paladin in Wild & Flood in Standard. Also thanks for reducing some of those quest requirements.
Thirsty Drifter adjustment is fine. I can live with it being a hair harder to get it on board. Molten Giant hurts Standard but means nothing to Seed 'Lock, so.