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    posted a message on [Legend] RENO Dragon Warrior (71%)

    How important is nefarian? can switch for alex?

    Posted in: [Legend] RENO Dragon Warrior (71%)
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    posted a message on Literally no decks to get you out of Rank 12
    Quote from fleshmanz »

    Man, you sound salty and stubborn. You claim to know all the ins and outs of Rogue and never got past rank 5. I have made it to rank 5 with every class except for Mage and Priest and I definitely don't know all the ins and outs of the classes. I'm still learning like most players here. And no, i do not put in a lot of hours into hearthstone, i play an average of 5 rank games per day because i have a full time job.   You are blaming the class, the luck factor and claiming to know the other classes because you have them at level 30+.  Other members were nice enough to offer you advice and suggestions but you replied with excuses and a stubborn attitude. It's not Rogue that's preventing you from getting to higher ranks, it's you. 

    lol thanks for your feedback.  I did take some on board the ones that weren't being facetious.  But I guess you skipped those posts.

    Not sure you entirely understand what facetious means... I haven't seen any posts on here treating you with ill-willed/inappropriate humor (i.e. facetious). There are a few posts, including my own, suggesting you might not be as strong a player as you think you are - and following that up with advice on how to be a better player. That's not facetious, though. A little humility goes a long way, man. And sometimes if you want to get better, you have to recognize your weaknesses.

    I'm assuming you're going to ignore this, however, and continue blaming the game instead, given the attitude you've consistently expressed in this thread.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Next Expansion

    Not sure they'd feel a need to keep the multiple of 3. WoW didn't. They could easily make up a third one, though, if they wanted to. It would be a bit tricky to balance the new classes and obviously they would need to do some testing, but I it's certainly possible and would be incredibly exciting. I'll put it this way, Hearthstone is far less complex than WoW on the dev side and if they can introduce new heros there, they can certainly do it for HS. They would have to do it right, but on that front, I trust Blizzard, they're pretty damn good at what they do. On that note, the more cards introduced to the game, the harder it will be to balance newly introduced heroes. I still don't think the next one will be hero expansion, but I do hope it's sooner than later (mostly because I'd love to play them).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for detailed advice on spending dust

    I play a Sneed in my control paladin deck and a few others, but I don't really understand why you'd want to replace Jaraxxus with Sneed in a handlock deck. Honestly seems like a very weak choice. Sneed definitely a fun card, but I actually don't think it's worth crafting, especially with the legendary list you have. So with your collection I'd go for Harrison (or Tirion, because I like playing paladin - recently crafted this one myself).

    You definitely don't need two Piloted Sky Golems, one is enough, and even then it doesn't make it into most of my decks. Echo of Medivh is a great card, I personally hate playing mage so I'd never craft it, but Giants mage is kinda fun and that makes it much stronger. Coghammer looks great but is honestly a little disappointing, I wouldn't put it in a deck unless you want to do tempo/aggro paladin, and in that case you're good with just 1. Quartermaster is also not as strong as it looks because it's very slow and people have learned to play around it, usually ends up sitting in your hand a long time. I wouldn't put more than one in a deck - my strongest Pally deck doesn't use (do use Muster, though, even without QM to buff, Muster still a strong card, for a number of reasons). Overall, if you're crafting for pally, I would say 1 Tirion is a much stronger choice than those 4 epics.

    Do you have recombobulators? Could think about this if you want to craft some epics. I don't have any, so not speaking from experience, but some people have had great success with this in handlock (guaranteed giant replacement). Personally I think I prefer keeping earthen ring farseer instead, but I'd give it a try if I opened one in a pack. Also you should think about maybe a Troggzor as a legendary option. Especially if you play much priest, he's a strong choice instead of Boom in any deck that doesn't have other BGH targets.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legend Top 100] Control Hunter

    I'd been playing around with control hunter this season and found the biggest difficulty not having the healing/armor generator that priests and warriors have (which also makes hitting enemy minions with weapons slightly more painful). Gladiator's Longbow I found really helpful, since I could take out enemy threats without any damage to myself or losing minions, and working in an antique healbot helped a HUGE amount. It's not a lot of healing, but usually that additional 8 health was enough to give me that round or two I needed to finish them off instead of perishing right before lethal.

    Posted in: [Legend Top 100] Control Hunter
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    posted a message on [Spark] Unleash the Death (S10)

    Nice Deck :) I used almost exact same build at the beginning of this season when I was facing nothing but aggro - only difference was I left out the hunters mark in favor of an arcane golem for some extra burst at the end if needed. Worked well, though. Got me from 16 to 10 in an hour or two.

    Posted in: [Spark] Unleash the Death (S10)
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    posted a message on GvG analysis/rant after 4 weeks

    It's funny when people say things like "Blizzard needs to remove RNG from the game and not to add more in the future.". You realize this is impossible? Your card draw is RNG-based. Unless you're proposing they let you chose your card draw order, too? But that sounds like a great way to really kill the game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on GvG analysis/rant after 4 weeks

    If the added RNG lowered consistent win rates, then I actually think that's a good thing. I don't know how much the added RNG did really affect winrates though, and more importantly, you can always make a deck without the RNG in it. Oh wait, you can't, because without RNG the game wouldn't exist.

    More importantly, RNG makes the game more fun. If RNG ruins the game for you, as far as I'm concerned, it just means you're taking it too seriously - and perhaps it would be better to take up something like archery instead. 

    So sometimes someone gets a great drop from a shredder, perfect hit from a boom bot, or a solid legendary from an unstable portal. Good on them. Still, not a big deal. Dr. Boom isn't a problem either - everyone has tools to deal with him because everyone plays him. And if you don't happen to have your tools to deal with him in hand? Well, sucks to be you, move on to the next game. 

    Point being, I like GvG. Maybe it's a tiny bit harder to be "competitive", but the game is more fun, and I think that matters a lot more.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on DE or use Troggzor

    Troggzor is a good legendary. I would definitely keep if I had. I recently crafted a Dr. Boom, but I was very tempted to craft Troggzor instead. I chose Boom in the end because I do think it's stronger, and if it does get nerfed I get my dust back. But if I had pulled a Trogg out of packs I wouldn't have bothered crafting Boom. 

    There's a few reasons he may even be more playable in the current meta, depending on your deck, than Boom is. First, as mentioned before, he can't be hit by BGH. Boom is nice in a deck with Rag because you can pull out the BGH with Boom and play Rag more safely after he's gone. Also, he's not nearly as common right now and so people aren't as prepared for him. Everyone runs Boom, so everyone has an answer for Boom. You almost never see Trogg, which makes him much harder to have an answer for. You don't even necessarily have to have board control to make Trogg a strong play. If they don't have 6 damage on the board, it's definitely strong. But even if they do, it forces them to run their minions into him (in most cases that will kill off 2-3 of their guys, and trading 1 card for 2-3 is not bad at all).

    I've only had Trogg played against me twice, and in both cases the opponent was behind and he created win condition for them. Can't say the same for Boom - I've had Boom played against me countless times, and almost every time I have an answer. 

    The biggest problem with Trogg is that he competes for the 6 mana slot, which there are already a lot of solid options for (sylvanas, sky golem, etc.), while Boom fills an otherwise very underwhelming 7 slot. I don't see this as a serious problem though, because we all lived without good 7 slots pre-GvG and it was fine, too.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide
    Quote from AlexEnlee »


    Don't know whether it is a good question or not, but I've made this kind of "trade":

    Disenchant Golden Deathwing and Golden Mekgineer Thermaplugg 
    Crafted  Dr. Boom and Sylvanas Windrunner

    Playing mostly with paladin. Spent about 35+ GVG packs to get dr.Boom and about 100+ normal packs to get Sylvanas or Tirion. But I had ran out of patience and decided to d/e my "golden pride". How do you evaluate this move?

    Great trade, IMO. Two mediocre legendaries for the two best legendaries in the game. I mean, I guess you could "find" a way to play both mekgineer and deathwing, but what you traded them for are much better and much more useful. I haven't been lucky enough to get a golden legendary yet, despite opening 500+ packs, but I would do it in a heartbeat unless it was a really legit legendary that I didn't already have. But those two are worth every bit of dust, wouldn't even consider it a sacrifice.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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