• 2

    posted a message on [+70% WR] Pure Libram Paladin

    Tried your deck this month and hit EU legend yesterday. I finished diamond 3 or something last month cause I didn't have the motivation to complete the grind. After all, HS is a card game and RNG exists. If you aren´t completely unlucky and get too frustrated tho, your chances of winning with this deck are pretty high. By the way, I didn´t craft Murgur Murgurgle because I couldn't see much value. I tried some random pally cards to replace him and ended up with Redscale Dragontamer simply because a 2/3 brings value and has a higher chance of surviving for your upcoming buffs imo.


    Stats show Diamond 5 to Legend. I played the last 10 games on my phone and went 8/2 on them so my stats would definitely look better and match the 70%+ WR.


    Stats proof: https://ibb.co/s2Y9sx5

    Rank proof: https://ibb.co/1bK0m6f



    Posted in: [+70% WR] Pure Libram Paladin
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    posted a message on Top 500 Legend Pure Paladin Guide

    So which one is it now? DH or Paladin?

    I'm Gatormatthew. I finish top 500 on NA every month, and I make educational Hearthstone content. Today's guide is on the single best deck to play outside of legend: Aggro DH.

    Today's guide is on Pure Paladin. I believe this is the single best deck in the game to play right now, especially outside of legend.

    Posted in: Top 500 Legend Pure Paladin Guide
  • 1

    posted a message on Wild Pyromancer + Lifesteal

    I just found out that if you get life steal on Wild Pyromancer you will heal every time you cast another spell through the regular 1 damage to ALL minions effect. This shit is bugged lol. My enemy just healed 24HP in turn 6 with this and I thought it was a bug at first...

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    Awesome deck to climb and not spend too much time per game. I still added leeroy for a lifedrinker and I have to say it works pretty well (for me at least) safed the game couple of times already. I still don´t know if I´m just unlucky but I hardly ever start with toxic reinforcements almost seems like the card can´t be drawn before turn 4 lmao

     Edit: (IMO) getting a dwarfen Sharpshooter turn 1 is way more important than having Toxic Reinforcements on hand/played turn 1.

    Thanks for the good work buddy.

    Posted in: Easy Legend Face Hunter
  • 2

    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    I can say I faced a couple of hunters with the knife jungler & snake trap deck and they didn´t stand a chance, even tho everything was pretty even in terms of draws.

    Posted in: Easy Legend Face Hunter
  • -5

    posted a message on Easy Legend Mid Hunter

    Totally Agree with you no Idea how this can be played at Legend rank in my rank 5 - 3 battles this deck stood almost no chance maybe 25% WR.

    Posted in: Easy Legend Mid Hunter
  • 5

    posted a message on Slavik's Big Control Pally - 90% WR

    Wow this Deck totally sucks for me. It feels like I got no chance against the Rogues or Bomb Warriors ATM for what ever reason. Im playing around Rank 5 and have been Legend twice. Not is this Deck just way to slow for laddering, if you Mulligan is bad you lost 90%. So The 90% is right but not as win rate more as loose rate if your mulligan is bad. Maybe its just my bad luck but 7/10 times my starting hand looks something like Tirion, Tiger, Lightforged Blessing etc. Every class im playing against at rank 6-3 easily removes Vargoth like nothing. Maybe im just too tilted right now but for me this is one of the "worse" good meta decks at the moment. All in all there is no early game exept for the times you draw good and the enemy draws bad because if he doesnt he can clear vargoth anyways, the late game is ok but hardly any opponent with slow decks got problems clearing my Big guys and can provide countless more even tho I added Ysera to this fcking deck. Im giving this up and trying it again next month. Every self builded hunter deck is 10x more succesfull for me.


    Edit: After about 100 games with this deck not a single enemy conceded turn 5/6 no matter what happend.

    Posted in: Slavik's Big Control Pally - 90% WR
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