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    posted a message on Why did the new Blizzard vid get so much hate?

    I do not know what people were expecting because Blizzard did say we would get card reveals on March 17th. Although I admit I wish we did not have to wait so long for new cards to be revealed in general. As for the video, I thought it was fine. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Tar Creeper

    Senjin Shieldmasta is just a 4 mana 3/5 with taunt while this comes out one turn earlier, and versatile is not a word I would use to describe a 4 mana 3/5 basic taunt. People say that Second rate bruiser is soooo much better, but it requires your opponent to have three minions on board while this is a natural 3 drop. This is a good anti aggro card and it would be silly to dismiss a card with this kind of ability until its tested out to see how good it is. I'll keep an open mind, I know that in this community most new cards are considered trash unless obviously broken as hell so we'll see.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on this expansion is looking good

    Well so far there is nothing too stupid revealed so far, nothing that is overpowered or too aggressive, however we have not seen all of the cards yet, we will just have to wait and see how the rest of the expansion is.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hs balance and meta.

    Magic is actually suffering from the same problems as hearthstone as there are two dominant decks in standard and the playerbase is complaining about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT0THALsqBo . Also games like Shadowverse, elder scrolls legends and gwent are still relatively new games and kind of feel like how hearthstone did when hearthstone first came out, they are yet to stand the test of time like how hearthstone and magic has. In every meta there will be dominant decks that get constantly used all the time because they are the best and most reliable and after a while the players will get sick of it.

    Concerning hearthstone, having the new expansion come is literally a shot in the arm for the game because while I would say that the tier 0 midrange shaman we had in karazhan was worse than the current meta, I have not seen player morale be this low since the undertaker hunter meta. Hopefully we should get some new decks to explore, and if pirates and jades still dominate even after the new expansion is released than hopefully blizzard will act a lot quicker and do something about it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary - Kalimos, Primal Lord

    This is a really cool card and I love its versatility. Unfortunately I feel with some players in this community there will be no middle ground with new cards in general because it feels like player morale is so low that sceptism of any new cards is really high. If the devs print an interesting card, its too good, if they print a solid balanced card, its a boring card. If they print a defensive card, its too slow. 

    However I think this is a really cool card and if Elemental shaman becomes a thing than this card will definitely at least be considered to be run in a deck like that.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Tol'vir Stoneshaper

    Actually what I consider to be a trash tier card are stuff like boogeymonster, savagery, the nerfed arcane golem, the nerfed warsong commander, starving buzzard etc. Cards that are completely unusable no matter what the situation is. If you do not get the bonus on this card, at worst it is a 4 mana 3/5 which is still not that bad because it can trade with most two drops and not die. If you get the bonus off, it is amazing and you can even use this card in the late game because a 4 mana 3/5 with taunt and divine shield is still really good so you do not even have to automatically use this on turn 4 for this to be good and there are early elementals available in order to get the effect if you want to use it in the early game, I have played against many Jade decks and usually before turn 4 they have been able to cast at least 1 jade golem and there are still plenty of cards left to be revealed so we may get even more early game elementals for this to get activated on turn 4, but because of its ability, you can still play this late game and it will still be a solid card as a cheap 4 mana 3/5 with taunt and divine shield so your opponent has to still trade into it at least twice or waste spot removal on a card with a fairly low cost in the late game.

    The problem that I have been seeing in this community is something I even saw in MTG at one point during the whole affinity era brokenness and the release of the kamigawa block which is player burn out. When player morale in the game is low and they have issues with the devs concerning the state of the meta, when a new expansion releases players tend to try and find any excuse to call a card trash and unusable even if it is a solid card. I have been really impressed with this expansion so far, there have been no trash level cards, however there is still quite of bit of hate from some players who almost try to find any excuse to call a card complete trash.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary - King Mosh

    I really like this card, it a really good card for control. You can effectively destroy your opponents board and get a 9/7 body with it which is very powerful and it combos really well with whirlwind. Also this card can be used to remove specific cards that have already been damaged, it does not have to wipe the board when it comes out, it could destroy certain enemy minions which have already taken damage so this card can be a really powerful tempo swing if played well. e.g if your opponent has two large damaged minions and you have a minion that has not taken any damage, this card can actually kill your opponent's minions while leaving your friendly undamaged minion intact.

    I just hate the fact that it seems like any new card which fits the control archetype is going to get dismissed as either being too slow because of pirates or not good enough because of jades being presumed to always beat any control decks.

    I really hope that when the expansion launches, people don't just play pirate or jade decks to try and beat down players trying to play fun decks with the new cards, that would actually kind of suck.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Hemet, Jungle Hunter

    It has been very interesting to see what people's take on this card is. I have literally just been reading people's comments on what they Its either going to be really really good or its going to be pure garbage. 

    Its a card that when you first read it, it looks like absolute garbage. But when you think of the implications of the effect has, it could actually be very useful. When I first saw this card, I thought it was a piece of unplayable garbage, but as I thought about it more and then watching Trump's video and the positive sides of this card he explained, it might actually work. 

    The only problem I see is if the meta is too fast than the card is pretty much dead. However if the meta slows down, than it thins your deck and may allow you to draw better cards. However because we have not had a card with an effect like this before it needs to be tested whether this effect is actually that useful. 

    Cards which have a drawback that can potentially be turned into a positive effect is kind of similar to how dirty rat's negative effect can also be positive because it can screw up your opponent's battlecries such as pulling out Reno Jackson and Lord Jaraxxus. These kind of cards are interesting at least.

    Can't really make an assumption on how good or how bad this card will be because there are arguments on both sides, just need to test it out and find out how amazing or how awful it really is.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Blazecaller

    Really powerful effect, people on the hemet jungle hunter card are really praising the heck out of that card, if the meta is slow enough for that card to see play, this will definitely see play. And this can be seen as a neutral summoning portal that always guarantees a 6/6 body. Strong card. The only issue is that you have to play an elemental last turn, which should not be that much of an issue because there are quite a lot of elementals that have been released in this expansion as well as old cards being given the elemental tag.

    However this does support the archetype of a curvestone elemental deck, While I think this card is really good and I like it, I have heard complaints on this site about the idea of curvestone.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Which quest sucks the most

    We do not even know all of the quests yet and we have not even had a chance to test out these cards to find out which ones are good or not. This poll seems pointless.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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