• 1

    posted a message on Warlock's existential crisis

    The problem with decks like handlock/gul'dangerous is they try to do everything. Aggro is doing one thing extremely well. Jade and priest are doing the other thing extremely well. If you're not min maxing in a ladder system where you can't know what you're queing into then you'll probably just 50 your way around for a while until you give up or switch to a streamlined deck. 

    My advice to you if you want to avoid frustration like this is find a very good control deck you like or a very good aggro deck you like.

    If you're a dedicated warlock player then play 100 games right now straight without stopping, record which decks you see the most and which you struggle against, then adjust to beat those until you hit the next tier. Then do another 100 at rank 8 to see if the meta has shifted at the new tier. Then adjust again. 

    Posted in: Warlock
  • 3

    posted a message on Arena played today against wild cards :)

    What a waste. They should have used it to snipe kripp.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 3

    posted a message on Icecrown Tours - Part 3: Dread and Breakfast


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Slower Midrange

    Ragnaros used to top off the pre-rotation midrange hunter as a finisher. I dont see why we wouldn't want The Lich King as a Dr. 8 in midrange now. I know what I don't want: 2/2s for 4. Arfus is actually a worse tempo card than Stitched Tracker and the Death Knight card might not even be useful every time. The risk of having it stolen by priest or just being way too slow is too high. I get the Corpse Widow reduction but that's still a 7 mana play and why aren't you running Nesting Roc instead? 1 less hp and NOT taunt for a chance at a decent turn somewhere in the mid to late game. I'm not seeing it.


    Posted in: Slower Midrange
  • 1

    posted a message on Why rogue received so bad cards?

    Really its what happens when the developers hate the class. Down to 7 classes now, what a time to be alive.

    Posted in: Rogue
  • 6

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal - Exploading Bloatbat

    wow is this bad

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Forge of Souls

    So you wont want this in pirate warrior because the deck is saturated with cards that all do the same thing. Any draw is going to be fine, there's no reason to draw extra cards in a turn. Maybe a 1 of if you absolutely need it to go late with pirates but i doubt it.

    That said, this can't be looked at as "2 mana: draw 2". You can only play 1 weapon at a time so this should realistically be looked at as "2 mana: draw 1 and burn 1 card from your deck." I don't think that's a good enough card to justify a slot in control decks. Control wants to be playing a variety of different effects in the same deck so being restricted to weapons when you might want armor gain or a taunt minion isn't good. 

    I might be willing to pick up a copy of this in arena but then I'd want to make sure I have enough weapons, and I also run the risk of drawing my weapons early when I want them and this becomes a dead topdeck. Really too many reasons why this is bad. 

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on New Druid Spell! - Webweave

    Good. Tired of all these good druid cards, bout time they get some crap!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion Revealed! - Deathspeaker

    Hell yeah thats a godamn arena card i reckon! Very nice

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -2

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed: Play Dead

    You cant run this in constructed. Deathrattle effects are not good enough on their own to justify a card slot. Bad card. Two to go. 

    Posted in: News
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