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    posted a message on Is the game intended to be this bursty?

    It is intended to be like this. They want games to be 10 minutes long. And if you allow a rogue or lock to use a one turn kill on you, you need to get better at this game. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your Most Underrated Cards
    Quote from twochiefs »


    Abomination - Since there is no such thing as a neutral spell, a card like this with a built-in AOE effect can really help out some decks. Priest class in particular is lacking affordable AOE, and a card like this can really improve survival against aggro/zoo decks.

    Wild Pyromancer - Like the abomination, this card works a lot like a neutral AOE spell. If you have enough affordable spells, this can save the day against aggro/zoo decks.

    Raging Worgen - The "hidden" windfury here makes this guy shine. Most other cards with windfury are killed on your opponents turn, because they know they can't afford to let you hit them twice (especially with all the potential buffs). The raging worgen as the same ability, but because it isn't activated by default, he is often not killed quite as quickly, and is great at trading 2 for 1 against a minion with 2 attack and another minion with 4 or less health.

    Shadow Madness - Situational, yes, but can be much better than the standard 2-for-1 removal spell in the right circumstances. I've used this to get a 3-for-1 by stealing a raging worgen and then activating his windfury against an opponents remaining two minions. It is also amazing for "stealing" deathrattle effects, such as harvest golem's token 2/1 or loot hoader/bloodmage's card draw. I imagine this will only become more effective with the increase in deathrattle effects in Naxx.

    Force of Nature - What I love about this spell is the versatility. I originally used it as a substitute for big minion removal before I had big game hunter, but I quickly found that this card can be whatever you need it to be. Unleash the hounds-style multiple target removal, single large minion removal, or a big-damage finisher. Rarely does this card not have a good opportunity to use it.

    Harrison Jones - I like this much better than the swamp ooze. The 5/4 body is usually enough to soak large minion removal spells, and even against an opponent that doesn't use weapons I find myself glad to play it on turn 5 or later. Against opponents using a weapon, it can be devastating and game-changing with the bonus card draw. I dropped the ooze from my decks a while ago, but was happy to find this replacement as a solid mid-game minion with an outstanding bonus effect.

    Hogger - This guy has a soft spot in my heart. He was my first crafted legendary, and still one of my favorites. There are few cards more terrifying when you don't have the appropriate response and are unable to stop the 2/2 tokens from spawning, although with only 4 health he usually is immediately removed. Still, getting the 6/6 total value across 2 minions (one with taunt) on the board immediately makes it a valuable play even when he is removed on the following turn. He's like a Silverhand Knight with added taunt for 1 extra mana, and the chance at extreme value if he survives more than 1 turn.

    Gruul - Similar to Hogger, this card nets you a total of +2/2 per turn that he survives, and that will decide a game very quickly if your opponent can't respond to him immediately. Although this is often a "win more" legendary, I still giggle with glee when he survives more than 1 turn. When combined with a Sunfury Protector, he can also be a true life-saver in the late-game.


    Bloodmage Thalnos - Honestly, the 1/1 body is basically worthless, especially since you are often trying to take advantage of the +1 spellpower and don't want him to die. For 2 mana, I'd rather have a Kobold Geomancer and get a more survivable 2/2 body. Although the card draw is the obvious extra bonus, he is often a silence target (which leaves him as a basically worthless 1/1), and I almost never play this card just because I need to draw something else. I've tried using him in my decks multiple times, but always end up taking him out because he just doesn't hit the spot in my opinion (especially for priests).

    Azure Drake - This card seems like such a great deal on paper, but I also have trouble feeling like I am getting a good deal with this. He's not very useful for the spellpower, since he generally costs too much to combo with a spell or two on the turn he is played (again, I would prefer a Kobold Geomancer if I wanted to drop a minion and cast a few spells). His 4/4 body makes him removable by almost all class damage spells, and he dies to a 4/5 yeti that was on the board a turn earlier. For this reason, I'd rather just have the yeti. This card makes me think "jack of all trades, master of none" since he is just not great at so many things. Again, the real bonus here is the battlecry extra card, but in my decks I'm usually not so desperate for card draw that I find that as a worthy bonus. Like the Bloodmage, I keep trying to use this in my decks but end up taking him out in disappointment.

    Argent Commander - The real value here is the shield, I'm sure, but 6 mana for a 4 damage charge seems lackluster. Leeroy gives 6 damage for 4 mana, and Arcane Golem gives 4 damage for 3 mana. Even Reckless rocketeer (which I don't like much) gives 1 more damage as a 5/2 for 6 mana. It could be that I'm generally looking for charge as a finisher, but I find in most situations I would rather have more damage for less mana than attempt to survive for a 2nd attack with the shield. In most situations, the 2 damage it takes to kill him after his shield has popped (most likely from what you hit him with on your turn) is easy enough with whatever baby minions or spells that my opponent has at his disposal.

    Hmmm... This list is just bad man. Most of the cards in under rated are known and well used. And you'd pick Kobold OVER BMT? Lmao. You are missing the point on him entirely. He is not suppose to survive more than one turn, he draws removal, boosts your spells to do that one extra dmg needed, and replaces himself. And the whole point of Argent Commander IS HE HAS A SHIELD lmao. Is this serious? He can kill most things and stay on the board, requiring your opponent to now take him out. You're missing the points on a lot of cards..........

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Your Most Underrated Cards
    Quote from Arananthi »

    Amani Berserker. Little dude is exactly like a River Crocolisk, but with benefits (unless you're a Hunter and give a rat's hind end about Beastyiness). In my last three Arena runs, I've packed 2, 2, and 3 of these little dudes as my turn 2 plays. The two Mage decks would both ping him one and use his now-5 Atk to take out a 4-drop or better; the Druid deck dropped Marks on him to give him some health and Taunt and then rolled face with him on my turns.  Good times. 

    Amani is a beast. Es pecially in Zoo. Love priests and paladins using their respective AoEs to clear the board, leaving this beast enraged and ready to wreck havoc. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Just STOP QQ'ing over LEEROY allready!!!
    Quote from Dev »

    as i said in a previous locked thread, a simple solution for not overnerf leeroy, leaving the spirit of the legendary card (high stat, low cost plus charge) and not completely destroy itself...but, somehow, helping against miracle:

    Normal effect plus this: "If this card is returned to hand, this card lose the Charge effect". End of problems.

    This is the best suggestion I've seen. Great great idea man. All the other suggestions are garbage. Especially the people saying "Make the whelps have taunt", then the card would be unplayable. If this is how the community is going to be, where if they don't like a card, they want it nerfed until it is unplayable, maybe it is time to go back to WoW or WildStar or any other game. While I love living in this age, I hate the entitlement people feel. Like because they signed onto a FREE GAME, they should auto win. It's quite pathetic. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Just STOP QQ'ing over LEEROY allready!!!
    Quote from orbling »

    I think the real problem is the way charge is currently positioned in this game. I would really appreciate some instant speed interaction or flash creatures or some way to stop a charge attack before I'm dead.


    I hate when people say this. Ever play MTG online? Then after every play, it would have to ask you if you want to play a card? Ever play against someone who takes the whole time their turn allows to play their card? Games would take hours. Blizz didn't want that. They want a fast game people can play on lunch or when they have 45 minutes to burn. Leeroy is fine, miracle rogue is easy, if you cant force out a shadow step or a cold blood earlier, you are prolly bad and deserve the loss. The game is in it's infancy, let them release more cards before you call for he ban hammer people, come on.... Since when did the community go from figuring out the best way to counter cards to whining on the forums every time you feel you got screwed? The other player was just better than you, or got a better draw. Get over it and go to the next game, where you will prolly top deck a win. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Worst Class Cards? Simple Changes to make them better...

    By broken you mean insanely OP right? Or broken as they don't work? Broken, in my world, means it is insanely OP. Warlocks demons suck. In WoW, there is no drawback to summoning demons, so why in HS is there? Doesn't make sense to me. The void caller is a terrible card and will never see play in competitive decks until they do a Burning Legion xpac. I don't see many cards that need changes atm. We can speculate all day, and theory craft, which is fun to some, not really to me, but Blizz usually waits until the community is about to explode with hate before anything is changed. Well that is how it has been recently. Sadly, I believe Leeroy will recieve the next nerf, because of all the new casual players complaining about being in the kill zone (10-15 health) and getting burst down, which is a strat in every deck, scrubs just seem to have more problems with miracle rogue I guess? Nice list tho, was a fun good read. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on This is absolutely ridiculous.
    Quote from Somohexual »

    I really don't know what more I can do...

    - I've read all of the Arena guides on IcyVeins and I reference their tier lists.

    - I've read through Trump's Arena tier list.

    - I've tried looking through the forums for helpful info.

    - I use ArenaValue to help make my decisions, but I don't blindly follow it.

    - I've watched videos of Trump and Amaz.

    - I always watch my mana curve.

    - I try to make well balanced decks.

    - I try to avoid cards that are too situational or rely on combos (Ex: Circle of Healing, Ancient Watcher, etc)

    - I always try to make efficient trades and maintain board control/card advantage.

    Then it seems your problem is experience. I'm guessing you have only played HS for a few weeks, while the Arena Pros have been playing for 6-7 months. The funny thing about arena is when I think my deck will be terrible, those are the decks that get me 7+ wins. Remember too that everyone you are playing against had to draft too, and their deck could be worse than yours. Also, thinking legendaries and epics win you games is a bad mindset. Legendaries and epics are good when they have cards to complement them, they don't win you games by themselves. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Voidcaller Discussion (Warlock Minion)
    Quote from Asamu_ »

    Just throwing this out there... when a minion is played through non-standard means (aside from Jaraxxus, which still takes the hero slot when played by another card). The demons that are "Bad" are because of battlecry effects...

    As it is, running this with 2x sense demons, Jaraxxus, 2x Infernal, and 2x Doomguard, and 2xvoidcaller in a normal-ish Zoo deck has potential (might not even want the infernals, but they would add consistency. With Zoo you can usually get board control early, so summoning out an early Jaraxxus wouldn't be bad, and "free" doomguards would be game ending.

    Also something to note: The deathrattle on that card is being valued at 1 mana, so even if you get a 1 drop from it, you aren't losing value.

    Yes, the demons are bad because of their battle cries. But a competitive deck that relies on void caller getting them out? If best, it brings out two, what about all the other ones? This card is horrid. And I doubt they will add demons to Naxx, there are none so lore wise, it wouldn't work. At all. Might be different if this expansion had something to do with the burning legion, but Naxx? This card is for a fun, casual deck, and the other cards other classes get could be added to a competitive deck. Thanks Blizz. This is why Zoo is here btw, because we have no good neutral minions. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Voidcaller Discussion (Warlock Minion)
    Quote from TheManaStrudel »

    They just won't give me my new Priest card, will they? :D
    Anyway, my take on this card is, it's one of those where you can instantly say "this could be a good combo with this and that if...", but if you don't get the right conditions, this is just a dead weight on its own.

    This exactly. After sleeping on it, even more disappointed today...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Voidcaller Discussion (Warlock Minion)

    Does anyone actually see this making play in competitive decks? 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Voidcaller Discussion (Warlock Minion)
    Quote from Thechiv »
    Quote from TheOriginalBen »
    Quote from flexr »

    From my other thread:

    Pitlord, Infernal, Doomguard or Lord Jarrax on the field would be damn nice. This card is a great tempo giver allowing you to summon high cost minion on the field for free and without negative battle cry effects (discard/Hero dmg). I wish syllvanas was a demon too then I will play this card in my void terror deck all day.

    Only run Doomgaurd in Zoo, and Jaraxuss in Handlock. None of the other demons are worth it, and def not competitive. This card is so disappointing. Mages get another amazing secret and this is what we get? GG. Unless they change the current demons, which I don't see them doing at all, this is terrible. /sigh Guess it'll be Zoo in Naxx as well.. 

    ummm that secret is not all that good and to be honest is such a tempo loss I dont think it will see much play.

    Really? In late game Mage decks, I see it will dominate. At least there are places it can fit in competitive decks, unlike this horrid card. The combo I thought of for the Mage secret would be molten giant on board, under 10 health, ice block up, they kill giant, you get two, drop em both with a defender and a heal. GG. This card doesn't even have any cool combos like that, since the demons are terrible. Sorry for being negative, but man is this so underwhelming for being a Warlock player. Illidian would be cool to pull out, but a competitive deck that runs illidian? Blizz gives us terrible warlock minions and then throws us another one. And a demon deck isn't viable because of all the downsides to em, can't handle all those and win..... Sac Pact on it might be cool, but those spots are needed for better cards. Just disappointed...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Does silence work on Crazed Alchemist ability?

    It is permanent. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Cairne Bloodhoof with new Nax cards

    Seems right. But Baron will only be good in Rogue decks that can get em stealthed. Otherwise, they are gone as soon as they hit the board. Naxx is exciting tho, it'll be nice to shake up the meta a bit and give me something else to do besides ladder lol. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Voidcaller Discussion (Warlock Minion)
    Quote from flexr »

    From my other thread:

    Pitlord, Infernal, Doomguard or Lord Jarrax on the field would be damn nice. This card is a great tempo giver allowing you to summon high cost minion on the field for free and without negative battle cry effects (discard/Hero dmg). I wish syllvanas was a demon too then I will play this card in my void terror deck all day.

    Only run Doomgaurd in Zoo, and Jaraxuss in Handlock. None of the other demons are worth it, and def not competitive. This card is so disappointing. Mages get another amazing secret and this is what we get? GG. Unless they change the current demons, which I don't see them doing at all, this is terrible. /sigh Guess it'll be Zoo in Naxx as well.. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Arena Loot

    I'd stick with Arena. 9/10 you will get at least 3 wins, since other people have to draft their decks as well. And if you get lucky and get a 10+, you've tripled your gold. Good luck and welcome to HS! So nice to see new players asking questions instead of flaming the forums about how unfair something is, when it isn't lol. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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