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    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge
    Quote from Krewger85 >>

    They just need to remove the whole ridiculous gala shit in the first place, its tedious and unbalanced


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Any suggestions on improving my rogue deck?

    I'd say you need at least 2x Sap to ensure to get rid of big/buffed/cheated out minions. Vendetta has so miuch tempo to offer, so add a second copy of it too. You already have so much card random generation to make this good.

    And last but not least add another Oil to beef up your weapon (arguably the least important add). If you have the dust add the Hero instead.

    Waste Warden is only a worse option than vanish if you ask me. Also: What is your FoN aiming to hit? Are there that many low health minions in this meta? I doubt it.

    In conclusion:

    - Waste Warden

    - FON 2x

    + Sap

    + Vendetta

    + Oil / Hero


    If you like to take a different approach, try this Reno Rogue. I have a lot of fun and very good results with it so far. Especially against aggro AND combo.

    Reno Rogue

    # 1x (0) Backstab
    # 1x (0) Shadowstep
    # 1x (1) Bazaar Burglary
    # 1x (1) Dragon's Hoard
    # 1x (1) Hallucination
    # 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
    # 1x (1) Pharaoh Cat
    # 1x (1) Swashburglar
    # 1x (2) Cheat Death
    # 1x (2) Clever Disguise
    # 1x (2) Dirty Tricks
    # 1x (2) Mad Scientist
    # 1x (2) Questing Explorer
    # 1x (2) Skyvateer
    # 1x (2) Underbelly Fence
    # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
    # 1x (3) Blink Fox
    # 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
    # 1x (3) Shaku, the Collector
    # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
    # 1x (4) Elven Minstrel
    # 1x (4) Hench-Clan Burglar
    # 1x (4) Maiev Shadowsong
    # 1x (4) Sky Gen'ral Kragg
    # 1x (4) Vendetta
    # 1x (5) Loatheb
    # 1x (5) Shadowcaster
    # 1x (6) Flik Skyshiv
    # 1x (6) Reno Jackson
    # 1x (8) Tess Greymane

    Deck Code: AAEBAaIHHrQB7QL3DfoOwxaFF9yvApK2ApG8Asm/ApvIAtDjAtvjAsPqAuvwAsf4ApCXA/uaA/6aA/yjA7ulA/WnA6eoA62oA7euA8GuA5u2A/O3A865A+2+AwAA

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge
    Quote from Inzan1ty >>
    Quote from suNN361 >>
    Quote from HatShapedHat >>
    Quote from TheEvilAce >>

    So anyone that is not supporting your opinion is complaining? 

     That's generally how people on the internet work these days.  Everyone is now growing up in a world where they are told all their ideas are wonderful so when someone eventually disagrees with them they can't differentiate between a personal attack and a difference of opinions.

     P.S. Quote me on this but none of these nerfs above going to happen.

     And this is big part of the problem, you are right, Roque is NEVER seeing nerfs.

    Roque is universally accepted as the sole worthy Tier S class.

    1) Its the most popular class, since its so FUN to play and interactive ..... xD

    2) "None game is like the other, its so FUN and  exciting !!!!!1"

    3) They are best to look at on Streams, OMG ROQUE SO FUN !!!!1"

    4) Youtube Highlight Reels

    5) Did I mention FUN ?!?!? FUN FUN FUUUUUN !!!


    Blizzard wont ever do something that possibly has an crippling Impact on their Earnings. Too many Roque lovers and Fanboys.

     It's Rogue, not Roque...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Deck is not valid for this mode in wild?

    I had this bug several times too. Try it again until it works is my only advice.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Battle of Tol Barad - Tavern Brawl #254

    More fun than the last one. But i'd rather have tavern brawls which let my build my own decks without random effects.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 4

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge

    So anyone that is not supporting your opinion is complaining? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    I'd say Akama is at tier 3. Decent, but not needed in most decks right now.

    Time will show if it proves us wrong and be a staple in rogue decks. Mass removal like Plague of Death, Plague of Flames, Zephrys and to a lesser extend Brawl/Bladestorm can deal with it too easy right now to be a Tier 1 or 2 card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge
    Quote from 69xddddddd >>
    Quote from Inzan1ty >>
    Quote from sxavalentine >>

    Sure, because it's clearly Rogue the problem right now. 

     It is, and it always will be the MOST problematic class, to a large part thanks to having the strongest basic / classic Set BEFORE the introduction of DH, which is the only class that matches it.

    They missed the Opportunity to finally HoF Edwin VanCleef and that dumbster card Shadowstep, literally both of them cards that are winning games on its own.

    Other cards that need urgently emergency Fixes

    Blackjack Stunner - FIX: Remove (cost 2 more) I dunno who was possibly that drunk in the Card development team, but this little friend is by FAR and even with pre-nerfed Battlefiend in mind the most BROKEN 1 drop since ....probably pre-nerfed Undertaker ?!              HELLO ?!? It is Sap AND Freezing Trap COMBINED for 1 Mana !!!!! and... ON A STICK !!!! The condition is waaay too easily met. GGNOTHXBLIZZ 

    SapFIX: Cost 3 Mana always a classic. I don't even mind Seal Fate, since Sap is WAY more busted at its cost, the amount of Tempo you get in making someone play that precious big minion again, is just instant game changing. Furthermore Roque spams these low cost high effect cards, and Opponents fall behind so much in tempo, that it's nearly impossible to recover.

    Shadowjeweler Hanar - FIX: Cost 3 Mana Who am I NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS !! Who else is getting Flashbacks when this card is in Action. Building a Christmas Tree full of Value is almost as easy to accomplish as back in Secret Paly, the only argument saving this guy is the fact that its a Legendary, and it should be powerful. Yes, to an extend, but sure as hell NOT FOR 2 MANA.

    Alright, too lazy for the descriptions of the others, but they all follow the same principle, Tempo balance in Mind and doing a BIT less for its Mana costs.

    Heistbaron Togwaggle FIX: Cost 7 Mana

    Galakrond, the Nightmare FIX: Battlecry: Draw 1 / 2 / 3 card. It costs (1)

    Shadowstep FIX: Cost 1 Mana 


    Edwin VanCleef FIX: Cost 4 Mana


    The entire Roque class needs a complete Nerf Overhaul to make it more on Par with the weaker other classes. Blizzard is clearly playing Favorites, they never nerf this class and instead giving them more busted new Toys every time, which is part of the reason I stop playing when yet another Roque Meta settles.

     Thank you for having the most genuine response to this post, I really appreciate it. I agree with every single change you called for.

     I do not want to sound harsh on this one, but how is demanding several nerfs with few to no proof of problematic evidence a genuine answer?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge
    Quote from 69xddddddd >>

    problem is removing a minion on turn 3 as rogue. The minion will probably have 3 or less health. That's using a card that removes a minion and generates a card. It just seems unfairly balanced. thats all, i appreciate your comment though 

     If you do that you spend your whole turn removing and do not develop a board. How is that broken? You can even play around that with 3/4s for 3 mana. It's a pretty common statline and demands an Eviscerate to deal with. Or is it only the lackey you have a problem with? It's much less tempo compared to the 2/1 rush from shaman for example and therefore you die to aggro more often than any other class. *wink* Demon Hunter *wink*

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Great job blizzard!
    Quote from Tomski3000 >>

    Yeah indeed, great job! They turned Wild into an even more cancerous bullshit place. I hope they all get cancer.

     Are you sure you know what you are talking about? Noone deserves cancer and i despise using this term. It's a shame this are common etiquette here...

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge
    Quote from NefariousNilbog >>
    Quote from 69xddddddd >>

    just suggesting because its fun to theorize, I don't understand the negativity 

     People generally have a negative reaction when people call for nerfs.  They often feel those people are exaggerating or overblowing the problem because the said person may be on tilt.

    They may be right about those things but that doesn't generally make their responses any more palatable.  A lot of people can't seem to help being arsey.

    Well i always try to be polite and constructive with my criticism if i think the OP is wrong on a subject.

    But that doesn't mean i'm right. I could be wrong. What i dislike the most is calling for nerfs RIGHT AFTER recent nerfs hit. Just wait ONE week to see how the meta settle down. I bet noone can play enough games in this short period of time to justify begging for nerfs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge

    I have to disagree on this topic. I think it's balanced. There are way stronger cards (like the DH ones) to look at than Seal Fate. And Rogue is the known tempo class so it should have a way to deal with small stuff (unlike Sap, the only way to respond to big things and still gaining tempo).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 19

    posted a message on Next round of nerfs going to be targeted at Galakrond rouge

    Seems like you have missed the "undamaged" character part of seal of fate. With your logic Backstab should cost 1 or 2 Mana (because the lackey part is not there). I don't see a problem with it.

    Both cards are fine, it's about dealing with the lackeys early to prevent this circumstances. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Great job blizzard!
    Quote from Wrathblade >>

    i suspect a 3rd round of nerfs coming

    i netted 8,000+ dust in the last rounds of nerfs with the bloodbloom open way gate....

    one thing u have to realise is blizzard is a trash company

    THEY ARE KNOWN FOR 1 thing polish and user friendliness


    they love doing the PUMP it and dump it so PUMP it so u can have broken cards so it forces u to buy packs and craft decks after LUL they nerf all the SUPPORT cheap cards like RARES and COMMONS and destroy that archetype... this way u wasted DUST to craft legendaries that are bad :) and you get the MINIMUM amount of dust perfect corporatisation.  learn from these lessons and dont' give this trash company money vote with your wallet they will get the picture eventually

     Don't let the salt take over.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Nerfs Have Been Revealed

    I'm happy with the nerfs. Significant but not too much. Only killed decks are Mechathun Warlock and DH Warlock. I'm fine with that. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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