• 1

    posted a message on Delete all Questlines?

    No. The only questlines that are oppressive are Warlock, Mage, and maybe Priest if those two get nerfed.

    Hunter quest is a bit annoying but manageable. The rest are pretty balanced for the current power level. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on WTF BLIZZARD !?!
    Quote from Talarak >>

    Do you remember when Hearthstone first was released? We would scramble to buy cards. I knew people who would buy packs every loss they had. Adventures every couple months. Some of which were even free. Yes,.. free! Now if you possess any kind of compulsiveness, which if you play WoW or any MMMORPG you most likely do, and you miss a month... Actually, If your someone who just likes to stay caught up. YOU CAN'T! Well, if your wealthy, have no job, and don't know what "having bills" feel like you can. I mean every month its twenty to eighty or more. And now? 120+ if you want the bundles (3 I believe), each containing a specific diamond card. Blizzard, did you not think this was not going to become public? as adults we may grasp responsibility, but what if we aren't? How many will.. Ok, I won't finish that so I am not the bad guy by putting ideas into kids heads. STOP. Just let us take a breath. Plus, not to mention the marketing You have to ask if it's "moral". Everywhere you look it's  FTP (Free to play)?? Is it? Or just a way to rope in the people who are always looking at their phones? Sure this may get deleted. I find it more therapeutic then informative. But I do feel that we as hearthstone players deserve a break. This Rewards track, ever-growing diamond cards, xp instead of gold, expansion after expansion. 7 years I have played and I am not sure I can anymore. I promise you I will not be the only one.

     >xp instead of gold

    And... that xp gains you more gold than you ever got under the old system.

    Diamond cards are cosmetic, and the only thing you can pay for on the Rewards Track are cosmetics (and some extra gold from increased xp). 

    I buy the mega bundle each xpac, but it only gives me about 6 or 7 legendaries total. By the time I get to the end of the xpac, I have 80-90% of the legs. I actually had to stop buying packs last xpac because I got all the legs, so I went back and crafted my way to the bigglesworth coin. 

    The game is far more generous than it has ever been before.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Mercenaries Mode looks like Trouble
    Quote from EnigmaXIV >>

    Everyone seems to be complaining about the mode being 'Pay to Win' and all of their greedy money jokes, even though there is not much evidence supporting as such.

    They are currently charging for are optional Rare Promotional Mercenaries for the release of Mercenaries mode. They may be overpriced. Also, no one needs to buy these; however, everyone seems to be using this as their fundament towards the whole mode being pay to win. And I believe some people may be misguided into believing this is an entrance fee to unlock the game mode.

    The only other thing that they have an option to buy is: Mercenary Packs. These can also be bought with gold. These packs are only to unlock new heroes. After getting some new heroes to your collection: the mode is entirely play to win. Your heroes only get stronger via playing more and levelling up. I believe in their new shop in the game mode, they may have certain Mercenaries or their pieces and skins on sale; however, it still doesn't look like it will be necessary to participate.

    Also, this is almost an entirely single player game, that may be intended to take a very long while to complete over the course of hundreds or thousands of runs. Weaker minions will get stronger via playing and levelling, synergies, and equipment during each run. The one thing that may be considered 'pay to win' would be the PvP Arena, only if certain mercenaries are very overpowered, and a meta forms around only a few, causing people to go buy packs for those mercenaries. This will always happen to an extent, but no one knows how far this will go. And this mode to is a completely optional endeavour to play a fun game with others.

     Friend, have you never played a gacha game?

    The way games with collectible units work is that the basic units you get through gameplay are useless for anything past basic story content. You have to have a full team of max rarity units to even attempt any sort of endgame content. 

    It's possible that Blizz is going to balance this differently, but it's definitely worth being leery of that very strong possibility until we've seen the game in action.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from Pherosizm >>

    I just found out yesterday that the new Tamsin hero skins have a unique voice line for when you play Twisting Nether.

    It is cool as heck and nobody will ever hear it because nobody is playing Twisting Nether. And if you do play it in your deck, you'll never get to use it because the board of 8/8s you need to use it on just killed you at turn 6.

    What a world we live play in, huh?

    Sure, but it is what it is. Meta is super fast and aggressive now, so the only way to survive is to adapt to it (even Priest did that, creating probably the fastest aggro deck currently available!). And it's not like a single card, deck or class is responsible for that, it's Team 5's new design philosophy. They can nerf Warlock to the ground, but that won't change anything as there are many similar decks (Quest Mage, Quest Shaman, Quest Hunter, Secret Paladin and so on). Control (in the classic sense) is dead, so I'm trying to enjoy what's left of it and Handlock is probably the closest thing we can get, though Quest Shaman could also be a worthy candidate.

     None of those other decks make it impossible for control to win. 

    Quest Mage does need a hit, and I think Shaman needs their 1-drop elemental nerfed to 2 health. But it is possible to run them out of resources, Quest Mage does put a timer on you with Ignite but if you can put out enough chonky minions and force them to use their burn cards you can win.

    Same with quest hunter. Their damage from hand in the best case scenario maxes around 24, so if you keep yourself high and keep board control you can beat them. 

    Secret pally just isn't a big deal tbh it's so easy to play around because you know the entire makeup of their deck and it's super easy to know what they're playing. 

    Warlock is about 70% of the problem facing control. You can't run them out of resources, because all that does is increase the damage they deal to you. And they don't need to worry about the board because they can throw 100% of their resources at your board, never hit you in the face once, and still win. The only thing you can do is pop their 2/5, or Stealer of Souls if they drop one early. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on I'm making a custome expansion. I made 3 new very complex Legendary cards. Each is strong and somewhat difficult to understand.

    Ishanah and Tiras'Alan seem pretty good

    Vorenthal not so much. It's too strong. You could Darkmoon Tonk for 48 damage, you could gain 48 armor with Forgefiend, instantly finish Sword of a Thousand Truths, add 6 Primes (or 18 with Rustwix) to deck, summon a board of 5/8 taunts, draw 6 with +3/+3, infinite Greybough, a board of 8/8 Rattlegore (his deathrattle doesnt care if he got debuffed), etc. That's not a good design unfortunately. Way too strong.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on how do you report bots in game?
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from FortyDust >>

    When you type "how to report a player in Hearthstone" into Google (hint, hint), this is the first link to come up:


      What option should I choose? 

     Battle.net covers all players of all Blizzard games.

     Battle.net refers to the Battle.net client that you launch your games from my guy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from SirJohn13 >>

    Quest Handlock is probably one of the best decks in the game right now and it fits very well the definition of a control deck. 

    Also here is a list of popular meta decks that play minions on board: the above mentioned Quest Handlock, Face Hunter, Elemental Shaman, Quest Shaman, Shadow Priest, Quest Rogue, Miracle Rogue (the variant with Field Contact), Aggro Druid, Deathrattle DH, all Paladin decks

    Then there are a few 'scam' decks that only run a few minions and aim to create a big board with a huge swing turn: Lady Anacondra Druid, 6D Warlock, Glide/Brute Demon Hunter

    And finally there are only 2 decks that don't play minions: Quest Mage and Poison/Weapon Rogue

     Quest Handlock is a midrange deck. It is in no way a control deck. They have no value cards, and they shit out most of their plays by turn 7 or 8.

    Miracle Rogue has like a 45% winrate so I don't know why you're including it.

    Anacondra Druid is barely played.


    Quote from Anarchy1 >>
    Quote from SinAscendant >>
    Quote from Wyrdward >>

    The game is designed for and not focused on slower decks. Agro decks are harder to pilot period and control decks loaded with removal and draw are too easy long for the style of mobile / pc hybrid game for hearthstone.

    You need a win condition in your deck, I remember Pizza saying this on stream. People have this vision of hitting 10 mana and playing big cards but you need a win condition you can't expect to just not lose they need a plan to win.

     >aggro decks are harder to pilot

    LMFAO what? No, no they aren't. There's nothing difficult about "play minion hit face". Aggro decks are what I play when I want to turn my brain off and burn through my bonus stars quick so I can play something actually fun. 

     Then you will play them bad. Might be enough to climb but not to play them good. Aggro mirrors are the most unforgiving matches in hs (if both players draw decent)

     No. They aren't. They are the easiest matches I ever have. I haven't bothered to push to Legend because I get bored but I have peaked about Diamond 3, so I'm not a bad player or anything. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I'm making a new expansion. It's name is 'RETURN TO OUTLAND!' here are 5 from them my expansion:

    I mean they're interesting concepts but I don't think they're good concepts.

    3/7 is way overstatted for a 3 mana to begin with let alone one that gives you beneficial effects.

    Burning General seems fine.

    The other 3 are just infinite value cards which is a bad idea. Control is already dead rn, we don't need to give aggro a full board refill every turn for no card cost

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from Wyrdward >>

    The game is designed for and not focused on slower decks. Agro decks are harder to pilot period and control decks loaded with removal and draw are too easy long for the style of mobile / pc hybrid game for hearthstone.

    You need a win condition in your deck, I remember Pizza saying this on stream. People have this vision of hitting 10 mana and playing big cards but you need a win condition you can't expect to just not lose they need a plan to win.

     >aggro decks are harder to pilot

    LMFAO what? No, no they aren't. There's nothing difficult about "play minion hit face". Aggro decks are what I play when I want to turn my brain off and burn through my bonus stars quick so I can play something actually fun. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from SinAscendant >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from SinAscendant >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    This isn’t the time for control. It will return when it has more tools, and when there is a strong deck for it to counter, but right now a control archetype isn’t necessary. Walls are in the game already, and mana destruction sounds terrible.

     The problem is that the existence of these quests makes control impossible. Mage and Warlock quests both auto win after a certain point and there is no way to outlast them, which is the entire point of Control. You can't taunt against them, you can't heal out of range, you just die. 

    They're both beatable, if you're using aggro they're easy to farm. But that doesn't change the fact that they shut control decks out completely. It's fine to go an xpac or so without any major control decks, but if the quests aren't touched we'll be going a year and a half without them, which is not ok.

     I know, I play this game too. It’s a combo meta, like I said, it’s not control’s time. Just wait until all the classes get hero cards for the mercenaries next expansion. Control will return when they keep hero cards at the same cost/power level as this expansion. 5 cost DK Jaina and shadowreaper Anduin…

     If they have 5 cost Hero cards that's not control, it's midrange.

    There is literally nothing they can give control to counter a deck that ignores what you have on board and damages your face for 30 in one turn, that can't fatigue. That's the biggest two issues; nothing you play can stop them from destroying your face, and nothing you play can run them out of damage. That makes it impossible for any control deck to beat them, unless you can generate 30-40+ health to survive through the burn.

    Please, tell me what card they can print to counter a 2 card 7 mana combo that deals 15-20 damage to face and has the chance to generate another 15-20 damage, plus a hero power that deals 6-8 damage, all while healing themselves, destroying your board, and generating board presence? 

     I seem to remember DK Rexxar being a control card and not midrange, but I digress. You’re convinced you’re right and nothing anyone or anything they do can change it. I can think of one card they could print, and I would be shocked if they did, but a 4 cost “destroy opponent’s active quest” would definitely do it.

     He was 6 mana, not 5, so clearly you don't remember right. And you remember the meta wrong too. He was splashed into Deathrattle which was semi Control because he was a good card, but the vast majority of Hunter decks that year were midrange, and didn't run anything above 6 cost. Even the Deathrattle decks only ran 4 or 5 7+ cards. Here's proof:


    Try to be a little less snarky unless you bother to actually check whether you're right or not next time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Hear me out - A Hearthstone Auction House
    Quote from GaMatecal >>

    Well, there are ways to prevent bot/smurf accounts.  Providing ID during registration, like how you identify yourself through Battle.net if you don't have access to your email anymore, is a guaranteed way of limiting 1 account per person,, thus eliminating duplicates.

     That's an absolutely terrible idea, and it wouldn't work besides. Most teenagers, aka the largest group of players, don't have an ID. Even if that wasn't a problem, there is absolutely no way that I want to start giving random game companies MORE personal information. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on For those who want Warlock Questline changed/reworked, how would you do it?
    Quote from XanKortal >>

    Simple: change it so cards/effects that cost life instead of mana don't count as damage.

    Stealer of Souls stops counting towards progression and doesn't outright murder the opponent post completion, and simultaneously fixes the issue where it had to be banned out of wild for it's interaction with immune cards.

    Win win win.

     Yeah it needs to be "damage dealt by effect" and not "health paid". 

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 2

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from RendInFriend >>
    Quote from SinAscendant >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    This isn’t the time for control. It will return when it has more tools, and when there is a strong deck for it to counter, but right now a control archetype isn’t necessary. Walls are in the game already, and mana destruction sounds terrible.

     The problem is that the existence of these quests makes control impossible. Mage and Warlock quests both auto win after a certain point and there is no way to outlast them, which is the entire point of Control. You can't taunt against them, you can't heal out of range, you just die. 

    They're both beatable, if you're using aggro they're easy to farm. But that doesn't change the fact that they shut control decks out completely. It's fine to go an xpac or so without any major control decks, but if the quests aren't touched we'll be going a year and a half without them, which is not ok.

     I know, I play this game too. It’s a combo meta, like I said, it’s not control’s time. Just wait until all the classes get hero cards for the mercenaries next expansion. Control will return when they keep hero cards at the same cost/power level as this expansion. 5 cost DK Jaina and shadowreaper Anduin…

     If they have 5 cost Hero cards that's not control, it's midrange.

    There is literally nothing they can give control to counter a deck that ignores what you have on board and damages your face for 30 in one turn, that can't fatigue. That's the biggest two issues; nothing you play can stop them from destroying your face, and nothing you play can run them out of damage. That makes it impossible for any control deck to beat them, unless you can generate 30-40+ health to survive through the burn.

    Please, tell me what card they can print to counter a 2 card 7 mana combo that deals 15-20 damage to face and has the chance to generate another 15-20 damage, plus a hero power that deals 6-8 damage, all while healing themselves, destroying your board, and generating board presence? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    This isn’t the time for control. It will return when it has more tools, and when there is a strong deck for it to counter, but right now a control archetype isn’t necessary. Walls are in the game already, and mana destruction sounds terrible.

     The problem is that the existence of these quests makes control impossible. Mage and Warlock quests both auto win after a certain point and there is no way to outlast them, which is the entire point of Control. You can't taunt against them, you can't heal out of range, you just die. 

    They're both beatable, if you're using aggro they're easy to farm. But that doesn't change the fact that they shut control decks out completely. It's fine to go an xpac or so without any major control decks, but if the quests aren't touched we'll be going a year and a half without them, which is not ok.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Brawl Block: Gods, Gadgetzan, Gurubashi - Tavern Brawl #323
    Quote from SirJohn13 >>

    Any deck ideas? I got my win with some kind of 'Pirate Jade Rogue'

     Honestly I went with Cthun/Yogg spell/beast Hunter jank. It doesnt feel that great but it was getting about 50% winrate so hey

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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