No reason why it would. Each use removes 1 health, so it's not big enough to otk unless your opponent has a board of 1/1s. Could probably get 6 atk off it pretty easy tho
That sounds godawful, two (or three) turns of dropping vanilla stats on board and doing nothing else, you'd lose the game before you drew any of your mega minions.
No, that isn't what it says at all. Have you never played the Solo Adventures? He casts a random helpful spell. It could be Blizzard, but it could also be a secret, or a Draw 1, or a Vast Wisdom or something like that.
Pretty awful tbh. Only wins against other meme decks. Loses against anything that's semi aggro, because if you don't have something on the board to Shroomscavate, you just lose. You also lose instantly against Yogg or even Hexxen because the deck has no removal, and if your big thing gets stolen you just die the next turn.
Druid tourist.
It's 80% netdeck that I just uploaded to show someone on Reddit.
You know paladins have Consecrate right
No reason why it would. Each use removes 1 health, so it's not big enough to otk unless your opponent has a board of 1/1s. Could probably get 6 atk off it pretty easy tho
Works pretty well. If you can clear your hand down to just two Kangors, you get infinite board clear against anything with at least 3 attack.
That sounds godawful, two (or three) turns of dropping vanilla stats on board and doing nothing else, you'd lose the game before you drew any of your mega minions.
Blue is Rare.
At 9 mana if you're still alive against an aggro deck, you've already won the game. Do you even play Hearthstone?
You think a card that gives you unlimited 3 damage for 2 mana is weak?
Wdym Naxx? This is the Halloween event boss in Scarlet Monastery
That literally isn't what it does.
It doesn't identify anything, it isn't Zephrys. It's gonna just be a random spell that doesnt harm you.
No, that isn't what it says at all. Have you never played the Solo Adventures? He casts a random helpful spell. It could be Blizzard, but it could also be a secret, or a Draw 1, or a Vast Wisdom or something like that.
Pretty awful tbh. Only wins against other meme decks. Loses against anything that's semi aggro, because if you don't have something on the board to Shroomscavate, you just lose. You also lose instantly against Yogg or even Hexxen because the deck has no removal, and if your big thing gets stolen you just die the next turn.
I played a few games with it and went 2-5.
You must not play much then, I've seen a bot every 3-4 games