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    posted a message on Hearthstone is slowly dying, will it do any good?

    Oh nice, it’s the classic “HS is dying” thread. Haven’t seen one of these since the last expansion. 

    I’ve been plying since beta and have seen one of these posts every few months. Nothing new here.

    Obviously one day HS is going die, every game does. But maybe check the numbers before making these posts. Other than Twitch (which I find hilarious that so many gamers think it is the be all end all of gaming) Hearthstones numbers have overall been going up the past few years. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Forced Levels in Ranking
    Quote from MProdigy >>
    Quote from Shadowrisen >>

    Sooner or later, you may have to face the notion (if true) that ten losses in a row DOES reflect your skill combined with the lack of strength in the deck.  Hunterace himself couldn't get to legend with some of the memery out there.

    On the broader subject of lack of skill in this game, I'll never understand why people latch onto that particular bit of masturbatory nihilism.  Hearthstone has a lower skill ceiling than Magic the Gathering, I grant you, but that's roughly akin to saying Differential Equations is an easier class to pass than Number Theory.  Statistically true, but practically useless information.

    People should actually watch some of the GM League matches.  Last season, you could watch several iterations of each mirror matchup among the competitive meta decks, and if you pay enough attention and have enough knowledge of the game yourself, you can find one or two major errors in the highest levels of play with thousands of dollars on the line.  It's amazingly interesting to watch.

    I suppose folks get the idea that skill is lacking in the game because there are certain specific matches where the game hinges on RNG.  If that is your philosophy, I laugh to think of how "skill-less" you must consider poker.  Games based on RNG are iterative processes.  No one particular game is guaranteed to reveal the player with the most skill.  Players must execute the correct plays numerous times, and sometimes those plays will not be sufficient to win, BUT win rates over time certainly show huge differences in levels of play.


    It's relevant to point out that some folks just aren't cut out to handle games with an RNG element.  There are games, such as Starcraft, that reduce the influence of random factors down to functionally zero, and because of this, the better player will tend to win a MUCH higher amount than in Hearthstone, but this does not mean there aren't equally provable differences of skill in both games.  By the way, build order losses in Starcraft are NOT RNG.  They represent a conscious decision by one player to play greedily and leave the possibility open to be hard-countered by an opponent.

    In any case, I realize that people who bitch about "no skill gamez" aren't susceptible to facts and evidence, but I can't resist sometimes.  It's disappointing to see, especially in a community I enjoy.  There are reasons the same players continue to post stellar results.  There are reasons you'll see someone take a deck with which you couldn't make Rank 5 if your life depended on it, and take that deck to #1 legend.  For that matter, there are reasons Brian Kibler single-handedly convinces people that Tess Greymane is part of the meta.


    As a final thought, if anyone seriously despairs of substantiating the skill component of Hearthstone, I strongly recommend going to the Hearthstone eSports YT channel and looking up the 2017 World Championships.  In particular, the Quarter or Semi-Finals match between Frozen and Sintolol.  To this day, the greatest tournament match of this game I have ever seen.  If you want a challenge, spot the game-losing error Frozen makes that is not acknowledged by the casters.  Amazing match that most players on the ladder would have lost horribly on many different occasions throughout both sides of all games.

     I love it when people try to sound smart. Kudos my man

     This dude always posts like this, and it’s always just as entertaining.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinion on Warrior
    Quote from Scorpyon >>
    Quote from Kadadji_hs >>

    warrior players should try play their deck without boom, just few games in rank5 or higher.

     Its a nice idea, but why would they when DBMG is so strong and removing him weakens the deck? Most people play to win so take the strongest options. Thats to be expected. 

     You’re making his point for him. He is saying they should try without to realize that he is an over the top addition to an already very strong deck. Hence people crying out for this deck being too much.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unpopular Opinion on Warrior

    Beta Control player here. Warrior is my favourite class. But DBMG warriors is the worst deck to happen to warrior (close tie to hearing “everyone get in here”.. lol). The main difference between patron warrior and new mech warrior is that patron was silly and kinda so busted you had to laugh. Plus it was dealt with fast, devs knew it was too busted and nerfed it. This new warrior is boring, toxic, and extremely brainless. People always says that aggro uses no skill, but I promise you this warrior requires faaaaar less. OP is either feigning ignorance or in denial. 


    Ready for nerfs so warrior can have some variation again.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Once again late with the cards

    Jesus, god forbid people have a life other than modding this site.

    I'm really confused why people feel they are owed this.

    Are you paying for your account on here? Oh it’s free? Get over yourself.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What Blizzard really need to do with Hearthstone

    OP clearly has never worked on a game before. Pulling new modes out of your ass whenever a few people get bored isn’t realistic at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Preparation

    I don't think people get that this nerf is a straight shot at Rogue's class identity. Destroying classic cards isn't good for anyone, except maybe greedy rich folks. This was a tool that many F2P or new players could use. It now means they need to rebalance all the older Rogue spells (which they won't). We are stuck waiting till they release new Rogue cards every expansion, and having to buy them just to make Prep viable. 

    I am not saying Rogue didn't need a nerf, cause it did, but this isn't the way to go about it. It's really lazy balancing IMO. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why are people defending Token Druid?

    You can't have all classes be relevant like "paper, rock, scissors" at this point. The amount of cards, combos, and tech make it super hard.
    I don't think you've done any dev work in your life because it's simple to see and know that balancing a game at this scale isn't as simple as you are trying to make it out to be.

    I realize you don't like playing against this deck, but it isn't even the highest win rate atm. Believe it or not, the meta is pretty healthy. We have three classes in tier 1, 5 classes in tier 2 up, and 7 in tier 3 up. That isn't bad at all. Each deck also has unique play now that Odd and Even are rotated. It's a good time to play, enjoy the games man.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Priest since the rotation of Dragonfire potion and Drakonoid OP

    Lol every time I see Mojo jojo post he is ripping apart players and talking like he's the best player. Ignore the troll.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pre-nerf Knife Juggler, had it not existed before, could have been released as a legendary in ROS.

    Just here to say that this is the kind of thread I like to see on here. Interesting, fun, thought provoking. No salt, just discussion. 

    Not much to add, but I do agree.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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