• 7

    posted a message on New Mage Card - Potion of Polymorph

    Compared to Mirror Entity this card leaves you with a 1/1 behind on tempo. It also doesn't benefit from the large amount of removal mage has at it's disposal (in the sense that you can remove the minion played onto Mirror Entity and further benefit from your copy of it).

    On the other hand it is largely better against combo pieces, like Thaurissan, Malygos, Chargers and other non-Battlecry minions that impact the board the momment they are played.

    If the meta is extremelly combo-oriented this could see play over Mirror Entity, otherwise I don't think it's useful.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Piranha Launcher

    You can be sure Savjz, Thijs and the other big streamers will try Control Hunters of all sorts with this card when they are on Legend dumpster.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 21

    posted a message on New Legendary Card - The Boogeymonster

    Arena card...

    ...except it's a legendary.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on THE WINTER UNVEILING - A Card Design Competition [RESULTS!]

    Loyal Companion: Cute. Good and simple design, but should be a rare or epic because of arena, as I'm predicting it would be way too good tempo wise there. Depending on the class it opens up a ping possibility in a 1-drop. Absurdly good in Oil Rogue. 4/5

    Copyball: As stated before, clear design flaws when comboed. I still like the design idea a lot, it would be pretty cool if seen on a minion. 3/5

    Snowball: Another simple but clever design, reminding us of Airplane, a card that almost won the neutral-spell design competition. It doesn't do much though, as it's basically a fancy Frost Shock in Mage. 3/5

    Santa Claws: I hope I don't offend but I find this card's design lazy. It is designed to be flashy, but has no healthy impact on hearthstone whatsoever. It disrupts without adding fun, it's frustrating to both players and has very little place in the current design philosophy of hearthstone. 0/5

    Ice Tank: Moderately overpowered. This opens up for a lot of cool, but very unbalanced, interactions with Flamewaker, Antonidas and others. Should be a 2/3 at best. 2/5

    Dawnchaser Vanguard: This right here is a not-flashy design wich you could clearly see Blizzard making. Nothing too special, doesn't change the metagame, could be a decent pick in arena, could see play in less serious decks. 4/5

    Exorcism: Good design, but I doubt it'd be playable being only 2 damage. As a 3 mana spell dealing 3 damage it would see play to counter Shredders and win 1 mana tempo wise. 3/5

    Ancient Guardian: Basically Gazlowe a little modified. Doesn't look nor sound like an original character to be a legendary. Way too overcosted, although the 6/10 body is very good. 1/5

    Thunderclap: I really like this design, but I'm gonna be sincere when saying this is severely overpriced. Should be at most a 3 mana spell. The downside is huge and if you consider common combos, it'd be a 5-mana 2 damage, 7 mana 4 damage (flamestrike, basically) or 2-card 6-mana 5 damage (shield block and this) with cycle (this is the best option here by far). The other options are either already in the game or slighly underpowered. This card falls off in the late game where control warriors enjoy being at huge amounts of armor and don't want to lose that. At 3 mana it'd be amazing. At 5 I doubt it'd see any play. I give, because of that, a 3/5 (still a clever base idea)

    Half a Miracle: This sounds like a good idea but has the potential to get way out of control in mill matchups against control decks. I'd price it at least at 3 mana, otherwise your opponent is very inclined to fill your hand the next turn, and then you fill his the next one. It develops into a situation where if you have no card draw in hand you're never going to draw a card from your deck ever. Also, for arena purposes, should definitely be an epic. 3/5

    Rudolph the Reindeer: Design suited for the meta, could see some play in control decks. It's missing the Beast tag though, and I wouldn't say that making Flare a neutral card is an amazing and revolutionary design choice. 3/5

    The Nutcracker: 2 Saps in one weapon with the downside of using life as a resource? I smell OPness in this one. As it's a fairly weak rogue weapon I doubt it'd see play in current archetypes, but this would be very much overpowered in classes like Warrior or Paladin. 2/5

    Spellbook: Although the idea is cool, tempo mage is approaching a state in wich it has about 2/3 of the deck as spells. This would basically break tempo mage completely, as it would probably draw 3-4 spells reliably. 2/5

    Holy Knight: Fun idea and has very little potential to break the game as a priest card. I don't think it'd see play in constructed, but seems like a very good arena addition. 4/5

    Silent Concealer: Clever design, balanced and opens space for new archetypes and strategies. I don't have much to say, just a card that I can see fitting in the game - I do, however, think this is moderately above the curve, as a 3/2 Stealth is already a balanced 2 drop. Maybe it would still see play as a 2/2 in more comboish focused decks. In the state it is, it would be interesting for arena if it'd be a Rare or Common. 4/5

    Fortune Teller: Bad wording. Do the cards return to your opponent's deck as they were? Do they get shuffled back in the deck? How do we know the order at wich they are at the top of their decks? From left to right? Doesn't seem much consistent. Also the effect can break 9+ mana costing cards into dead draws. 1/5

    Clamorous Lady: Simple and elegant design, but I have concerns about it's playability and power at certain situations. It would be better to play more specific tech against secrets, like Flare and Kezan, and in the case you want to just soft-tech it with this it's going to be a very bad 2 drop most of the time. 3/5

    Mounted Shark: It has 3 stats missing from a vanilla 5 drop, but summons a group of minions with the average value of 5-6 status. Also has the possibility of summonning Murloc Knight, wich would be pretty broken. Summoning a 2/1 would put it slighly bellow the power curve, but it'd still have the base stats of the vanilla 5 drops. I guess this is somewhat balanced as it is on a Deathrattle, but Murlocs are such a vast group that I'm skeptical if it would be very OP or never be played. 3/5

    Moon's Stalker: Clever design. Mostly you'll use this with Deadly Poison, Oil or Assassin's blade for extra removal. The Combo part is pretty sweet and makes her as valuable as an SI:7, given the circumstances. I'm really digging this card and I think it'd see play in current lists. 5/5

    Warden: It doesn't fit the rogue theme as well, as it resembles Corruption a lot. 6/4 is also not a very playable body. I can see this being a decent arena card, but not as an Epic. 3/5

    Murloc Titan: I feel like the only reason this is not a 3/4 is because of Murloc Knight. Yes, it can enable combos and good sinergies, but look at Warleader - at 3 mana it has the same stats and is much, much more valuable. If this was something like a 2 mana 2/2, or a 3 mana 3/3 I would dig it, but as it stands its way too underpowered. 2/5

    Blood Stone: Overpowered. I'd add 1 mana to that card cost for it to be somewhat balanced. It also has nothing to do with the class theme. 1/5

    Sleeping Dragon: So basically Baron Geddon but way, way worse? This is severely underpowered. A 0/8 body wich needs activation for 5 mana wouldn't be played at all, anywhere. 1/5

    December Succubus: Although the name isn't the most clever christmas pun, the design is absolutely amazing. Given the vast Demon sinergy Warlocks have, the Deathrattle most likely won't do anything, but it has a very real possibility of discarding that Mal'Ganis that was sitting in your hand for a couple turns and losing you the game right there. 5/5

    Little Match Girl: Reminds me of Bloodmage Thalnos. Draw effect coupled with a little utility on a 2 mana 1/1. It's deathrattle is a little bit overpowered in Freeze Mages, but it's likely you might not even use the cycle effect (unlike thalnos wich is almost a guarantee). I feel this card would push Freeze Mage towards a way too strong spot as it is an extra Frost Nova and has potential to boost up the drawing power of FM even more. 3/5

    Mana Bomb: We've seen this design 3 times already in this competition, and every week it shows it gets to the finalist list. What to say? It's a pretty good design. I won't rate it too high as I've seen it over and over. 3/5

    Naughty List Enforcer: The nemesis of value trades and Priests. Although the design is pretty cool, I don't know where and when it would be played. As it stands, it would be only good in a heavy-control priest-swarmed meta and in arena. I really wish this was more playable, but as it stands it's just a cool idea that would never see the light of the day. 3/5

    Declaration of Peace: Enough. Paladin. Secrets. This design is cool and all that stuff, but could easily be morphed into another class' secret or even into a minion/regular spell. Although this seems like "too much water -IGN", I have to say "too much paladin secrets". 2/5

    Nightborne Enchantress: This card has no place in constructed, but it fits a lot into the design choices Blizzard makes, and would be an absolute beast in arena. First I thought this card needed to be a common to be played in arena, but as it stands it would be so good as a late game drop and be so flexible that I wish this was an epic. 4/5

    Mysterious Walker: To be fair, this could be a 3/6 just because of the sheer value you're giving your opponent. The idea behind this card is amazing, but it's place in status is a bit questionable. As a 3/5 it still trades with 2 2-drops or one weak 3-drop and something else. Yes, it's resistant to pings, but it's not an advantage worth giving your opponent a free discover. 3/5

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 12

    posted a message on THE WINTER UNVEILING - A Card Design Competition [Submission Topic] [ENDED]


    Obvious usage in both Tempo and Freeze mages. Amazing with things like Arcane Missles.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition - Feedback Topic

    The two major complaints I always had with the competition probably have no easy way of fixing, but I'm going to give my 2 cents anyway.

    First, the impossible to solve problem that, in my opinion, is the worst one: our voters actually have little to no idea what they are doing. Week after week we see cards with improper texting or even grammar, blantly overpower entries and such getting to the finalist page or even winning. Also, cards that have some obscure sinergy or have that "simple, but very clever" design usually don't get upvoted by the masses because they are not flashy enough. Creators try to circumvent this by explaining the idea behind the card with additional commentary, but truth is if it's not flashy it's not getting upvotes. Cards like Savage Roar are a good example: not flashy at all, but the mana cost combined with the extensive synergy with a lot of cards make for that card a very clever design that has a lot of thought put on a very simple text. There is also the fact that some cards can be simmilar to each other, but have vastly different impacts if they are class cards of different clases. I wouldn't be surprised if Savage Roar wasn't in the game and someone created it here, it would get absolutely no upvotes from our community.


    Second, the order of the displayed cards in the finalist pool. Yes, we get it, you use the most voted and yadda yadda. But week after week we see winners comming from the first 4 cards displayed, simply because - again - our voters are dumb and lazy and usually don't look at all the finalists. I'm yet to prove this statistically (mainly because I couldn't find the time and I want to analyze a LOT of variants), but now that season 2 ended I have a good amount of data - from season 1 and 2 - to analyze. There is no easy way to fix this on our current forum platform. A very unpopular solution would be cutting the finalist number to 4-10 cards, wich would encourage the masses to read all of them before voting.


    So overall the main problems I see in our system are a reflection of the dumbness of our voters. It is up to the moderation team to find a way to circumvent those problems, because as we see in any democracy in the world the dumbness of the voters can't be solved in itself.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Mini Competition #3 Aegwynn-er Takes All - Submission Topic



    Basically a cheaper Archmage Antonidas that is more easy to remove but that comes earlier and is much more balanced because of the lack of "chain potential", since Frostbolts won't generate other Frostbolts.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Mini Competition #2 Sudden Death - Submission Topic

    Basically Nourish with the possibility of having lethal reach.

    If you're missing that last Soulfire or Doomguard to close out the game, you can try your luck with 3 cards.

    If you want some balanced-costed card draw in the mid/late game, it's the 5 mana for 3 cards for warlock.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Mini-Competition #1: Peculiar Pilots - Submission Topic [ENDED]

    Where this is going to be used? Control archetypes in classes that don't have 2-cost 3-damage spells. Beast synergy mid-range hunters also would benefit from this for some burst (maybe over Quickshot?).

    It's good while you trade your shredder, wich usually isn't the case. It is atrocious when your opponent pops your shredder.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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