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    posted a message on Top 10 Worst Legendaries including ONK
    Quote from DontFeedtheEmu >>

    Here is an interesting question: Who is the worst legendary in One Night in Karazhan?

    Medivh, Prince Malchazaar, or Moroes 

    My vote is Medivh. He is slow. But maybe worse he sets up awkward turns for you where you often have to choose between inefficient expensive removal to get value from his staff or efficient cheap removal but you don't enough value out of your ten drop. He sets up no win situations unless you hit the dream of a board of low health minions to Flamestrike, that obviously just appeared because playing Medivh into that board would be suicidal...yah, its an awkward card to use in practice, cool idea but so awkward. 

     No hesitation, Moroes. 
    Medivh may be awkward, but he still provides a 7/7 body and unless you're casting 0 mana spells, he could still summon decent minions for you. In a deck that you fill with Legendaries, Medivh isn't too terrible. 
    I've made my thoughts on Malchezzar very well known. 
    Moroes is just the worst. Oh sure let it spawn 1/1s for free that can all be destroyed by any AoE spell in the game. Waste of 3 mana
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from TallAr92 >>

    Yeee i hate this tavern brawl aswell. It takes too long. half hour for 4 games? Fast anyway.

     Half hour for 4 games? Try playing Rogue. It took me 1 hour to play 4.
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    posted a message on Top 10 Worst Legendaries including ONK
    Quote from CypherBenkes >>
    Quote from RWBYSanctum >>
    Quote from CypherBenkes >>

    Flame Leviathan really isn't that bad. I like using it quite a lot with Explosive Sheep, and I usually time it perfectly so both 2 damage AOE effects trigger at a good time. Flame Leviathan can also be really good against Zoo, especially when you consider sometimes only having enough damage to wipe some of the board. Draw FL when you can play Blizzard, so you have a four damage turn, or a six damage turn with Flamestrike.

    Also, Malchezaar should be on this list in place of Moroes. Most people would say the same.

     Malchezaar? Why should he be on this list?  He gives you five extra legendaries to run with. Sure, he's basically a vanilla minion but does that matter when he can give you legendaries you can only dream of having? 
     You must be new here.
    It's been discussed and mentioned, time and time again, that he puts minions in your deck that get in the way of when you need to draw removal or other cards. Enough of us already have practically every Legendary in the game, so why would I only dream of having cards when I can just wake up?

    I feel like you just spit on with that line about Legendaries I can only dream of having, holy damn.
     Again, you're talking on the assumption that people running Malchezzar have so many legendaries. In that scenario then yes, it's a bad card. But for players who arent as lucky or are leas experienced, Malchezzar provides more legendaries that could be useful. 
    Even if you have a lot of legendaries, Malchezzar still gives you some other legendaries you might not have. By the argument that you practically have all legendaries, then Elise Starseeker shouldn't see play since the Golden Monkey is worthless right? Sure it gets in the way of your removal draw, but consider that you can then replace some other cards with Removal or card draw. And it's not like the classes have little card draw:
    Rogue: Sprint for 4 cards, FoK for 1 and Shiv for 1
    Mages: Arcane Intellect for two
    Paladin: Lay on Hands for 3,Divine Favor, Blessing of Wisdom, Solemn Vigil
    Need I continue? 
    I'm not saying Malchezzar is meta defining. I'm just saying it isn't terrible. Certainly Moroes and Medivh are far worse. 
    (Yes I know so many people love Medivh. Point is unless you get him for free, itgives your opponent a chance to destroy it. And as a Rogue who runs double Sabotage, you essentially waste 8 mana. An 8 mana 7/7 with that ability is also pretty terrible. If it was 8/8 I think it wouldn't be too much bad. 
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    posted a message on Top 10 Worst Legendaries including ONK
    Quote from SolipsisNL >>

    Challenge: propose good cards or counters to go with the bad legendaries mentioned so far in the thread to actually make them work gloriously.

    Like Acidmaw with Nightbane Templar or The Boogeymonster with someone with Fool's Bane attacking into you.. ;p


     Moroes 3 mana 1/3 At the end of your turn summon a 1/1 steward. Essentially, it loses the Stealth, but it can survive in the early game. 
    Flame Leviathan 7 mana 7/7 When you draw this and when you summon it, deal two damage to all characters. It shouldn't be a vanilla minion. 
    Bolf Ramshield 6 mana 3/9 When you Hero would be attacked, attack this minion instead. Basically your opponent has to trade with this guy rather than getting free hits to your face. 
    Boogeymonster 8 mana 5/5 Stealth. Whenever an enemy minion dies, gain +2/+1
    Millhouse Manastorm 4 mana 4/4 Battlecry: Your spells cost (0) next turn. 
    Bolvar Fordragon 7 mana 4/7 Battlecry: Give your minions +2/+2
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    So for the last two days, I've been trying out a Burgle Mid range Rogue in Ranked for kicks and giggles. I start at Rank 17 2 stars and proceed to play. I go 5-2 and reach Rank 15 1 star.  Now I will concede that my deck is pretty trashy and I wasn't expecting Rank 10 or whatever. I just wanted to get like Rank 14.

    Over the course of the next 4 hours, I run into nothing but Tempo Mage, FaceMage, Secret Paladin (I'm on wild), Midrange Shaman and Zoolock. Occasionally I run into Rogues and Warriors but the rest of the decks almost always wrecked me and I ended the first day on Rank 17 1 star. 

    Currently stabilises at Rank 16 2 star and I'm gonna keep it that way. Ranked has way too much cancer for casuals like me. 

    Switch to Casual. First four games Secradin, Divine Paladin, Taunt Warrior and AggroShaman. Meanwhile I'm just trying to play Rogue. 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from wizzai92 >>
    Quote from RWBYSanctum >>
    Quote from Robban85 >>

    Tried out a ressurect priest today...

    played 2 injured blademaster - killed

    Played sylvanas - killed

    played Cairne - polymorphed and killed

    both resses and both black bishop resurrects the effin sheep

    RNGesus, why have you forsaken me?

     At least your sheep survived. I played a Rez Priest. Cleric died, Pyromancer died, Sylvanas died, Blademaster died, Thaurissan died, Rag died... 
    My hand, I have Brann and double Onyx Bishop,  plus two Rez. Opponent has nothing on the board and I want to establish board. So I play Brann and Onyx and Rez, not waiting to see what came out. 
    Bishop summons Cleric and Pyromancer , Rez summons Pyromancer. Suddenly, my boars fills with flames, my two Pyros die, my cleric is at 1 up, my bishop and Brann at 2. No mana to heal, opponent blows Flamestrike and blows my board to smithereens
    Freaking removed Pyromancer immediately
     You should remove cleric,  too weak in this 3/2 minions meta even more so in rez priest, and put back pyros theyre really good vs agrro
     Thanks for the advice. Though tbh, I play Rez Priest quite little. Primary deck is Klepto-Yogg Rogue 
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    posted a message on Top 10 Favourite Legendaries that you own or owned before
    Quote from lhombrecalcetin >>

    Man LoE has some of the coolest legendaries in any expansion. Her are mine in no particular order:

    Sir Finley Mrrgglton- One of the coolest effects in any legendary to date, he's also  cheap mana Legendary which I think we need more of. Besides he's a talking murloc.

    Ragnaros the Firelord- First legendary I ever opened, kind of showed me the power of these kind of cards when I was just starting.

    Lord Jaraxxus- Your hero is now the Eredar Lord, 'nuff said.

    Sylvanas Windrunner- The control deck's dream.

    Yogg-Saron, Hope's End- Trolden material, but tons of fun to play.

    Nexus-Champion Saraad- I love this card I don't know why, it has this amazing sound effect when he enters.

    Brann Bronzebeard- Made a whole bunch of new decks and other ones even better.

    That's what I have right now.


     No love for Bae Elise? :((((
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Robban85 >>

    Tried out a ressurect priest today...

    played 2 injured blademaster - killed

    Played sylvanas - killed

    played Cairne - polymorphed and killed

    both resses and both black bishop resurrects the effin sheep

    RNGesus, why have you forsaken me?

     At least your sheep survived. I played a Rez Priest. Cleric died, Pyromancer died, Sylvanas died, Blademaster died, Thaurissan died, Rag died... 
    My hand, I have Brann and double Onyx Bishop,  plus two Rez. Opponent has nothing on the board and I want to establish board. So I play Brann and Onyx and Rez, not waiting to see what came out. 
    Bishop summons Cleric and Pyromancer , Rez summons Pyromancer. Suddenly, my boars fills with flames, my two Pyros die, my cleric is at 1 up, my bishop and Brann at 2. No mana to heal, opponent blows Flamestrike and blows my board to smithereens
    Freaking removed Pyromancer immediately
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    posted a message on Top 10 Favourite Legendaries that you own or owned before

    Keep it restricted to what you have or had. Otherwise this would just be a thread about Dr Balanced. 

    10) Leeroy Jenkins. While I generally dislike aggro decks, Leeroy is proof that even aggro cards can be awesome. It's such a troll-like card and no one likes losing to this guy. Made a post WoG OTK deck with Rogue which has a less than 20% win rate, but the few times I win have been epic. 

    9) Deathwing. I could kinda live without it discarding my hand, but it's a great panic button. Overall, I like it's power. Next to it's Dragonlord counterpart, no other minion comes close to it's sheer power (not counting uncollectible Legendaries). Also, when you're panicking, this guy is such a good way to win the board back. 

    8)Elise Starseeker. I don't really dislike any LoE legends but I really only like Elise. Rafaam gets an honourable mention, but Elise is the Queen of LoE. Sure, her effect is slow as all hell and there's no guarantee you will even get it, but her stats, decent cost and survivability more than make up for it. On the occasion that you get the Golden Monkey with more than 10 cards in your deck, you can outright win the game if  you have enough cards. 

    7) Yogg-Saron. I get it, people hate RNG. I hated this card too. Until I got it. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about this card. While some decks use it as their primary win condition, there are those (like me) who just throw it into a deck that doesn't need to rely on Yogg. And his chaotic effect is just kinda fun to watch. 

    6) Sylvanas Windrunner. This card gets a lot higher on this list than most would have put for the sole reason that while her Deathrattle is good, essentially you're throwing this minion out as bait. I like the mechanic and she's a solid 6-drop, but the fact is unless you kill her on the same turn, you really won't get anything worth stealing. That being said, Sylvanas and Brawl is one of my favourite combos when I can pull it off. 

    5) Alexstrasza. The way I see it, Alexstrasza works two ways: either she fucks your opponent up, or she saves you from being fucked up. It's a win win either way. 

    4) Dr Boom. Any list of favourite legendaries would be folly if this guy wasnt on the list. I don't think there's much for me to say that hasn't already been said, but why he isn't No. 1 is solely because I feel he's overrated. Sure, he's OP, but in today's meta he just doesn't evoke that same sense of fear he did in GvG. 

    3) Lord Jaraxxus. Best. Hero. Ever. 

    2) Emperor Thaurissan. This guy is just amazing. 

    1) Ragnaros, The Firelord. I cannot tell you how much I love this card. The first legendary I crafted, I truly didn't know how good this guy was gonna be. But Rag has consistently proven to be one of my top performers in most games. If I got a Golden version of this card, ill just disenchant the regular and play with Golden. 

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    posted a message on Top 10 Worst Legendaries including ONK
    Quote from CypherBenkes >>

    Flame Leviathan really isn't that bad. I like using it quite a lot with Explosive Sheep, and I usually time it perfectly so both 2 damage AOE effects trigger at a good time. Flame Leviathan can also be really good against Zoo, especially when you consider sometimes only having enough damage to wipe some of the board. Draw FL when you can play Blizzard, so you have a four damage turn, or a six damage turn with Flamestrike.

    Also, Malchezaar should be on this list in place of Moroes. Most people would say the same.

     Malchezaar? Why should he be on this list?  He gives you five extra legendaries to run with. Sure, he's basically a vanilla minion but does that matter when he can give you legendaries you can only dream of having? 
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    posted a message on Top 10 Worst Legendaries including ONK

    10) Flame Leviathan. Essentially, it's a War Golem that occasionally blows up in your face and you can't do anything about it. You know, Melchazzar might be a vanilla minion like Leviathan, but it's effect is already a lot better. 

    9) Millhouse Manastorm. Like Leviathan, dropping this guy on Turn 2 could immediately lead to your fiery demise. 

    8) Moroes. OK, a 3 mana 1/1 Stealth minion that spawns a 1/1 at the end of your turn. You guys do know that we already have a rare minion like that, called Imp Master, that you can actually attack with, and which cab survive a few AoEs unlike Moroes? 

    7) Bolvar Fordragon. Just...sheer disappointment. 

    6) Skeleton Knight. Poor stats, an even worse ability, and the only thing good about it is that it has good taste in TV shows

    5) The Beast. Fine it had decent stats. But it's literally a time bomb. 

    4) Hemet Nesigwary.

    3) Majordomo Executus

    2) Nat Pagle 

    1) Boogeymonster 

    I didn't bother explaining the last few cause I don't think I need to

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

     Playing a newly created Control Warrior deck. First matchup against Priest. First three turns, dude does nothing while I throw out Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain. 

    Turn 4, dude plays Mindgames. I think, OK, I got Rag, Alex, Obsidian Destroyer in my hand, and I've got Ravaging Ghoul, Elise, and a slew of low cost minions still in the deck. Chances are he won't get anything goo.... 

    Motherfucker gets freaking Emperor Thaurissan. 

    I'm like, OK, never mind, I have Execute. So I ram acolyte in, Execute and then guess what?  The dude plays his left most card (ie the first card he drew during Mulligan)  and guess what it is?  

    Freaking. Resurrect. 

    So tilted, but I calm down. OK, I still have the rest of my legends. 

    Throughout the rest of the game, the mofo either SWD anything I got, Entombed it, or stole it with Cabal. The worst thing?  Every single answer he got was topdecked. I drop my Thaurissan after his two SWDs, he draws Entomb. I drop Rag, he topdecks Entomb. 

    But this was the worst. He's burned his removal, I drop Sylvanas on my Thaurissan and his Cabal. Guy topdecks Faceless Manipulator, copies my Sylvanas, Mind Control (his faceless costed 3, his Mind Control 7. Because he started with that hand.) And suddenly I'm faced with two Sylvanas, no legendaries, my own Thaurissan, and a Cabal. 

    FUCK RNG. (Not the Priest. 

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from SchruteBucks >>
    Quote from exr29070 >>

    Now rogues steal your cards too.  Awesome.  From a class perspective, it makes more sense than a priest stealing your shit, but doesn't make it less annoying.

     lol I love the new cards.  "Swashburglar - Battlecry: Put your faith in the Light!"
     As a Burgle Rogue player, I feel a little justified to defend the deck. Yes, it's very Priest like in terms of our kleptomaniac tendencies. But unlike Priests, we just take the cards your class plays. That may not sound very good but consider this: If a Priest used Thoughtsteal, and you ran a Control deck with tons of Legendaries, then you were in for it because it takes the legends from your deck. The chances of Thoughtsteal giving Priests a good card is pretty damn high. With Burgle, we just take the cards from the class. Sure, it may mean we can get Tirion from Swashburglar but it's equally likely we get some useless card like Divine Strength or Quartermaster (I mean, it's useless if you have no means of summoning Recruits). The chances of you getting a bad card from Burgle is so much higher, especially now because of Purify 
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from ShQQta >>
    Quote from desasterking >>

    Double brawl is standard since patron warrior got popular it has nothing to do with netdecking....


     You're so brainwashed into playing "standard" decks you don't even realise your mindset - what I call double brawl warrior probably has some proper description - except the only knowledge I have of netdecks is the cards I see - which is an endless shitstorm of warriors playing the exact same cards - ravaging ghoul, slam, shield slam, execute, double brawl, win axe, ... The only variations are C'thun vs Worgen otk, very occasionally a weapon warrior with hooks and the reaper or the warrior with dragons and the 4/3 charge. But always each one running the exact same cards - no variation within the deck type at all.
    I don't for one second believe any of those players have designed their decks themselves - no originality - effective I'm sure, but boring and desperate  - I despise them all.
    I hit rank 10 last season playing only my own deck recipes, but the shitstorm of netdecks is so fucking boring. I don't mind losing to them, until the sad little fucks playing them start with bad manner emotes - as if they are clever for putting together yet another copy of token shaman or zoo.
    At the moment the ladder is all warrior and shaman. If it's not that, it's the zoo deck you've seen a million times, or a Yogg Druid (yawn Insta concede sun Yogg drops), or the so-called tempo Mage running all running the exact same decklist, or that rogue with hucksters and N'Zoth. 
    Nobody plays anything not netdecked - are people so desperate ?
     I don't disagree with you that a lot of people netdeck. I get that loads of people play the exact same deck and it's annoying. But I completely disagree with you that nobody plays anything not net decked. That is a very biased generalization. 
    This isn't the perfect example, but I for one don't netdeck. Right now, I play Klepto-Yogg Rogue (Burgle with Yogg) but not once did I go online and look for a competitive decklist for this deck. My deck has 14 minions including Cutpurse, and the spells I run are mostly just delay spells and Thistle Tea. In fact, my late game is literally just Thaurissan, Arcane Giant (because if you're playing Yogg, a giant is always nice) and Yogg. THAT'S IT. When I made a Midrange Hunter, all I did was type "What is Midrange Hunter" and find the first article which just described how the deck is supposed to be played. The deck recommended cards like Infested Wolf and Call of the Wild, but I only played Infested Wolf (didn't have CotW) and then filled the rest in on my own. Every deck I make I make by my own decisions. If I fuck it up in game, I improve it. I don't see a point in netdecking--I just play for fun, why the need to netdeck? 
    Another thing: maybe you're salty about double Brawl. Maybe you think every Warrior netdecks because they just happen to run two Brawls. You would like it, right?  When your opponent burns his Brawl and doesn't have anything else?  Let me tell you why, as a Warrior, it has become necessary to run Double Brawl. The current meta is full to the brim with Aggro decks. If you think the Patron era was bad, it is nothing compared to the meta now. Warriors lack concrete and viable AoE (Come on, Whirlwind is pathetic in terms of damage output)  and most of the other removal cards are single target removal. Brawl is the closest thing Warriors have to board clear, but in the current meta of Aggro, just Brawling once isn't enough;  most classes can just as easily return the board state. Double Brawl is a necessity for Warriors because it's the only true viable board clear not involving single targeting. 
    Or how about this?  I have played Casual a lot and I have seen some creative decks(at least to me). A few weeks ago, I ran into a Spell Damage Druid that ran Jungle Moonkin and Evolved Kobold. EVOLVED KOBOLD! Who even runs that? I ran into C'Thun Shaman (I mean, have you HEARD of C'Thun Shaman?)  I ran into ShadowLurker Rogue (Moat Lurker with Youthful Brewmaster and Shadowstep), Silence Priest, Control Hunter (kinda... He just played really control)... Maybe you've just been unlucky, but I've seen a few creative decks. Those that I've added as friends all say the same thing: they just made the deck, been losing, and just happy to finally win against someone. And I'm not mad about it. 
    Here's a tip: play Casual on Wild. Who gives a damn about Ranked? 
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    posted a message on What non to semi competitive decks are you trying?

    How does discardlock work?  I mean, if it works,  it's a great payoff. But trying to get it to work is so hard because it requires more RNG play than a Yogg Mage. I tried one once, ended up discarding Mal'Ganis, Jaraxxus and Ragnaros...on a 8 card hand with two Fists of Jaraxxus. 

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