Didn't they say they wanted cards that represent the classes well? Since when did mages start to play Warlock? All you need is a mountain giant before turn 5 and a coin use the spell on mountain giant and you have two 8 cost minions by turn 5 and if you fail to kill both the 8 cost minions you can just do it again next turn because it's a Twinspell.
I agree it should definitely be a hunter card instead since mages got enough secret discovery cards as it is. Maybe so many mages were upset and sad about getting rid of the abused Ice Block card so they threw in this one.
suddenly I see people using this card. In 1 ten games maybe two times compared to 0 times in 100 games 2 months ago. So what's the deal? are people just copying someones popular build on some forum or trying to imitate a twitch streamer of some sort?
That deal " 6dmg " spell and remaining damage goes to the hero spells is OP as well... getting hit in the face by it already at turn 2-3
6 dmg for 2 mana crystals is op. Kill Command costs 3 mana crystals and requires a beast on the board but still only deals 5 damage and that's only IF you have a beast on the board or else it's just 3 dmg...
It's funny how the Possessed Lackey card was voted as a bad card while 90% of all locks who get voidlord by turn 6 or 5 (with the use of a mana gem) uses it.
I can't see how it was smart putting this card + voidlord (which is not even a legendary card), dark pact & a lifesteal spellstone in a single patch and expect some kind of balance.... Before Warlock was more about sacrificing health to draw cards to get more cards for stronger options of what cards to play & synergy but now with the spellstone + dark pact health is hardly an issue...
Just played against a mage who had 4 ice blocks by turn 8 and 2 more at turn 10, I had him down at 1 HP for probably 4 turns he used blizzard to stall & finishing the quest for infinite fireballs + waiting to his Hero card. It was infinite fireballs by the way and he managed to build all of the minions up for it while still having 2 iceblocks left. So let's say even if I did push through and he wasn't able to finish the quest for the infinite fireballs just with his Hero card alone with that many ice block's left he'd easily go from 1-30 health. and THEN infinite fireballs so.
Even worse he had lucky pulls for almost the entire game then I punished him after messing up once and I got a few lucky draws but after I noticed he had 3 secrets that didn't trigger even after attacking his hero / using spells, summoning minions or hitting his minions I knew It was baboaoboabo....
Why does it have 0 cost (Free) when it's so easy to complete?
Didn't they say they wanted cards that represent the classes well? Since when did mages start to play Warlock? All you need is a mountain giant before turn 5 and a coin use the spell on mountain giant and you have two 8 cost minions by turn 5 and if you fail to kill both the 8 cost minions you can just do it again next turn because it's a Twinspell.
Makes Zoolock even more disgusting...
I agree it should definitely be a hunter card instead since mages got enough secret discovery cards as it is. Maybe so many mages were upset and sad about getting rid of the abused Ice Block card so they threw in this one.
suddenly I see people using this card. In 1 ten games maybe two times compared to 0 times in 100 games 2 months ago. So what's the deal? are people just copying someones popular build on some forum or trying to imitate a twitch streamer of some sort?
That deal " 6dmg " spell and remaining damage goes to the hero spells is OP as well... getting hit in the face by it already at turn 2-3
6 dmg for 2 mana crystals is op. Kill Command costs 3 mana crystals and requires a beast on the board but still only deals 5 damage and that's only IF you have a beast on the board or else it's just 3 dmg...
It's funny how the Possessed Lackey card was voted as a bad card while 90% of all locks who get voidlord by turn 6 or 5 (with the use of a mana gem) uses it.
I can't see how it was smart putting this card + voidlord (which is not even a legendary card), dark pact & a lifesteal spellstone in a single patch and expect some kind of balance.... Before Warlock was more about sacrificing health to draw cards to get more cards for stronger options of what cards to play & synergy but now with the spellstone + dark pact health is hardly an issue...
Just played against a mage who had 4 ice blocks by turn 8 and 2 more at turn 10, I had him down at 1 HP for probably 4 turns he used blizzard to stall & finishing the quest for infinite fireballs + waiting to his Hero card. It was infinite fireballs by the way and he managed to build all of the minions up for it while still having 2 iceblocks left. So let's say even if I did push through and he wasn't able to finish the quest for the infinite fireballs just with his Hero card alone with that many ice block's left he'd easily go from 1-30 health. and THEN infinite fireballs so.
Even worse he had lucky pulls for almost the entire game then I punished him after messing up once and I got a few lucky draws but after I noticed he had 3 secrets that didn't trigger even after attacking his hero / using spells, summoning minions or hitting his minions I knew It was baboaoboabo....