It's interesting that people complain about 'greed' etc whilst seemingly bragging about the fact that they've played a game for years and years and never paid a penny. Seems like you've milked plenty of content from a game that costs money to create and maintain. Pot, kettle, black much?
Arw you seriously dumbstruck by why a company panders to paying customers more than customers who literally just skim free service and nothing else? How ridiculous and entitled are you haha? There's plenty of content for free players. Absolutely plenty. Hearthstone is more than value for no money.
And why do you need to convince other people to also not play? Does that make you feel.... More secure or? Like, why?
When I don't find hearthstone fun. I don't play. If there's a game mode I don't like, don't agree with the pricing of or think is a swizz? I don't play it. It's really simple. I've barely touched arena, don't like the format. Never touched mercenaries, seems like a meh mode and I cba keeping up with it and I think I've bought the bg battle pass once, when I went through a minor phase of really enjoying it.
Know how many forums, sub reddits and social media platforms I created threads on about it? None. Why? Because it's such a bizarre waste of time. Do you. Be happy with whatever it is you want to do.
But I find it weird that there's a subset of people who seemingly need to convince themselves they are doing the right thing and take to the Internet to get some sort of validation?
Seriously. Why not just not play haha? I say this as someone who only vaguely knows what twist is, have never played and may well never bother but cannot for the life of me understand why you've decided that your perspective is important enough to come and make a thread with a title literally telling people what they should or shouldn't do.
Usual random brawl. Hope you can draw random cards that you can play on curve, then hope the random deathrattles are good. The person with the best random deathrattles wins.
This is a good thing. It stops it being min maxxed to within an inch of its life and that makes it a welcome break. There are enough game modes you can try hard in, rng fests are brilliant as a side option in this game.
I enjoy the game. Flick between barely playing, standard, duels and BG. If I don't really enjoy it, I play little to none for a week or up to a few months.
This community doesn't change. If you hate it so much, move on and do something else. I used to enjoy loads of things that I don't anymore, I don't wastey time bitching and moaning about it I do something else.
Can't understand the logic at all. We're so spoiled with variety of games, from free to indie to AAA. Services like game pass, ps+ and free games on steam make it easier than ever to do something you enjoy.
I'll tell you what's helped me though, when it comes to hearthstone - basically switching off the community. I've come here because I've ten minutes and nothing to do wulle I wait but 99% of the time, I don't read, watch or interact with the community at all and the game is so much better for it. Honestly, the most toxic, poisoned, negative community I've seen in any game.
Basically a bunch of man children wailing that the game doesn't cater to them. Boo. Hoo.
- people are lured into it for different reasons and with different strategies
- they are encouraged to keep spending
- their stupid brains don't realize it's a trick to keep you invested so you never stop playing
- the target audience seems to be kids of at most 24 years of age. Yes, they are kids. Men grow up at around 26-28. A 24 year-old male is rarely a grown-up person with respect to life and choices (i.e. there are always exceptions but that's not the point).
- netdecking is amplifying all of the above
Smart moves from blizzard? Sure. Immoral much? Definitely. Does "immoral" make lots of money? Oh yea baby, let it flow. Should we do something about it? Definitely. Why don't we? Because we are too stupid or suffering from a god complex. What's that??? When the game's whales need to feel powerful or like they matter in this world, they spend their very-easily-earned money on this game. But isn't it their right? Of course, but it also shows how "smart" they are and why things never change in this world.
Meanwhile, the homeless guy you see every day on your way to the bank, to retrieve your 1million$ pocket money, has almost froze to death because he can't afford a ride to the nearest shelter.
PS: i'm waiting for the world to have matter replicators so we won't require money anymore, for almost anything. No one starves to death, no one lacks basic clothing etc. An economy without money and based on research and self fulfilment is the best humanity has to offer. Too bad it's gonna be an utopia for a good while due to greed and power. Technically we are not that far from it - quantum mechanics and computing is the first step.
Nice thread.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
HS being fun or not is both subjective and flexible. It goes up and down, has good periods and bad periods.
This is the first time I've visited this site in many, many months. I've honestly found that what makes HS the least fun..... Is its community. For what is now probably over a year/18 months, I've not engaged with any aspect of the community, not looked for expansion news etc, I've gone in to everything about HS just blind.
I have no care for heat ranl I finish anymore, I play decks I enjoy and if I stop enjoying them or there aren't any, I play a different mode or just stop logging in for several weeks all together.
Maybe I don't play for 2 or 3 months, then have a 6 week burst where I play every evening. I just come and go as I please and have no idea what the community consensus is on overpowered cards, decks or the state of any modes.
The end result is sometimes I love HS, sometimes I don't but my overall enjoyment of it is so much better without any of the noise surrounding the game. There are a good amount of odd posters on here, people who seem very bitter but addicted for whatever reason. My advice would be to just leave the game and community. It clearly isn't impacting you in a positive way. Come back if you feel bored and need something to play casually or whatever, then dip out again if you aren't enjoying it. The festering negativity of the community in general leaves you with this sinking feeling that the game is bad, but you keep playing because ultimately, the game is pretty fun and easy to pick up, play for a bit and put down.
Overall, I find HS to be a net positive in terms of providing me with a time killer or just straight up casual fun. Too many people take it way too seriously and have what seems to be a really unhealthy relationship with the game. They despise it and Blizzard etc but still crank out hundreds of posts on here and probably hundreds of in game hours. It has some messed up metas and Blizzard have made some very poor choices over the years but if the meta or whatever isn't fun, just dip out. It will have changed completely in 3 or 4 months but the fact that it's always there and can be picked up and played with basically zero need to know what's gone on, keeps it a constant in my library.
Yeah it's much better that there is diversity and the game desperately needed it. I do think they are a touch over priced though. I'll buy the odd thing but for a little cheaper if probably double my spending. Like, if the skins were 4.99 then I'd buy a couple but at the price they are, I'll only really buy one if it really stands out. Really like the content and they are entitled to price it at whatever but I just hope they reduce them a little in future and I'd certainly spend more.
Nice, every slave guides his happiness after his god, Zeddy.
If he says "uninstall hearthstone NOW!", will you do it?
One can only hope!
Look Zeddy is the only one who says what he really thinks no matter what, he is not a Blizzard drone, and if he says he is happy the whole HS community should be grateful to Zeddy he is the one who’s fighting our battle against Blizzard.
I'd rather they didn't dedicate resources to this idea instead of mercenaries etc. BG, duels and hopefully mercs are very different to the core game and that's really good for when your hunted out or not enjoying the typical hearthstone experience.
No matter how much rotating they do, they will always have peolle complaining about the meta, it's stale etc and I don't think the interest in this idea would be high enough. I'm sure they get tons of feedback and data from focus groups, surveys etc. If they felt this was desirable and would enhance the business model then I'm sure they would have considered it.
I don't think it would be worth it, not only the initial outlay to put it all together but it would require people to update it, manage rotations, monitor metas etc and that seems like a waste of resource as well.
This seems like the kind of idea that can be community driven. Setup a thread on here or a sub in reddit etc, get a bunch of like minded people and friend each other. You can play whatever rules you like, ban whatever sets you like etc. If you can't find enough people who want to do it then it might make you realise why the devs aren't putting time into doing similar. You can effectively have games with these rules that you make and manage yourself, it doesn't need specific dev dedications and changes to the ui etc to cater a new menu.
Mercs seems really interesting and the more different types of modes there are the more I'll spend time in the hearthstone launcher. I'd usually wander awya for the second half of an expansion but now I just flick over to BG, wild, duels and I spend much more time in the app overall than I did before. Mercs will add to that I'm sure.
I don't really know much about the mode, certainly not enough to buy anything at this point. I buy pre orders and odd bundles, no problem putting money in but not in something I don't know if I'll enjoy. I don't say this as a bad thing, I do the same with regular games, if I know I want it, I pre order, if I'm unsure, I'll wait and either pick up a physical copy (so it can be traded after) or wait for a sale etc.
If it's a mode I don't like, having played the version on launch, then I'll move back into other modes. Just as I did with arena, classic, duels etc. Some I play, some I don't.
What I do know is that it's OK if I don't like it. If it isn't for me, I don't like the gameplay or how you build a collection etc, then I'll do what I do with everything else in life that isn't for me - do something else. If I do really enjoy it, I will continue to play it along with the other modes I enjoy. If I enjoy it enough, I'll buy some stuff. I've no issue with people pre ordering, some people are happy to take that risk or are so in love with the lore etc that they'll enjoy any and all game modes.
ALL OF THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FINE. I don't need everyone else to think like me. I don't need other people to do what I'm doing. I don't hate a company for expanding their product range and looking to add an extra way of making money, this is totally normal behaviour.
If you repeatedly bitch about this game and company and yet still pour your time into playing it and complaining then more fool you. I've played some mobile games which I really didn't like the payment structure of. So I stopped playing them and moved onto sonething I do enjoy.
People have been convinced that them and their thoughts are actually special and that people should care about them. In truth, 99% of people do not give a crap, your perspective and views are your own but you are not so special that you as an individual should be catered for above others. The quicker some people learn that, the happier they will be....
Why is everyone on this forum so angry these days? I used to like coming to read people's opinions on stuff, stories and ideas about cards/decks.
Now it's like every thread is just overflowing salt about one thing or another.
It's not really fun to be here anymore. It's exhausting to read instead of a fun distraction while at work.
I've drastically reduced my time on this site. I still pop by and check for bits of news or updates when I'm having a smoke or whatever and I'll have a nosey at the new posts because it's on the home screen. Reason being exactly what you say, it's honestly just miserable, salty and I assume predominantly young teens.
To the point that I've been disappointed in myself that I've been dragged down to that level and actually been a bit of a dick in many of my own responses. I don't particularly rate the admins either and I feel bad saying that but it seems that someone can be an obnoxious little shit but if you reply in kind, you'll be flagged for flaming. I don't think they manage the community well at all.
People are going to dump hours into complaining about this on Reddit, sites like this etc.
I'll save all that time and do more productive things, wait for the mode to drop, have a play and then if its shit, I might have a moan and move on or just move on. It may not be something I enjoy and you know what...... That's OK! Not everything has to cater to me, not everything has to be to my taste or liking, I've never touched classic mode, want to know how often I've whinged about it? Never......
The quicker certain little snowflakes understand that not everything and everyone is focused on them as individuals and not everything revolves around their particular likes and dislikes, the quicker people can just get on with enjoying what they enjoy. The world can't always look after you, sometimes you have to own decisions you make and if you have problems with addiction etc, put measures in to protect yourself, don't demand that the world change for you.
I have no idea how relevant cash bought things will be. I don't really understand the mode fully at this point. No point spending the next 6 weeks complaining about it though. I'll find out then and make a decision about whether it's a mode that interests me or warrants my time.
What a stupid question. Obviously different teams work on different things, the two things aren't connected. So many of you lot must lack so much work and life experience.
Do you think you just have a group of people who move from one task to the next?
I think you massively over think this. I suspect there are a large number of players who take this game far, far too seriously and would do well to get some fresh air once in a while. Maybe get out into the real world and gain some perspective.
The people you are against probably don't care that you take your little 'victory' and rope back etc, they are likely doing other things. I often watch TV, cook, read etc while I'm playing. If I take too long and the person ropes the rest of the game, they are literally just wasting more of their time. I don't care one bit, it isn't 'payback', I just carry on watching my film or continue cooking.
Seems like a lot of angry little basement dwellers play this game.
I'm not a fan of the meta but I've been enjoying wild and BG. I wouldn't say it's the worst ever, but it isn't my cup of tea. There are a fair few decks but I don't particularly enjoy them. I'll dip in and out of it and see how the mini set goes.
If you're so convinced the game is rigged to the point you have no say in your win rates etc then why the fuck are you playing the game? How monumentally stupid are you? Your wins? Nothing to do with you. Your losses? Not your fault, rigged.
Anyone who genuinely believes this but continues to pump their time into not only the game, but coming in this forum and crying about it is just dense.
The second I became convinced of anything like this in any game or even any other activity in life, I'd be long gone. If it's rigged then what on earth is the point?
More likely, it's crap players with crap attitudes. Just do something else with your time then. If you honestly think it is and has always been rigged then it's completely pointless playing, isn't it? Nothing you do matters, you only win because the game decided for you to, so you never win through your experience, skill or knowledge, so what are you getting from it?
It's interesting that people complain about 'greed' etc whilst seemingly bragging about the fact that they've played a game for years and years and never paid a penny. Seems like you've milked plenty of content from a game that costs money to create and maintain. Pot, kettle, black much?
Arw you seriously dumbstruck by why a company panders to paying customers more than customers who literally just skim free service and nothing else? How ridiculous and entitled are you haha? There's plenty of content for free players. Absolutely plenty. Hearthstone is more than value for no money.
And why do you need to convince other people to also not play? Does that make you feel.... More secure or? Like, why?
When I don't find hearthstone fun. I don't play. If there's a game mode I don't like, don't agree with the pricing of or think is a swizz? I don't play it. It's really simple. I've barely touched arena, don't like the format. Never touched mercenaries, seems like a meh mode and I cba keeping up with it and I think I've bought the bg battle pass once, when I went through a minor phase of really enjoying it.
Know how many forums, sub reddits and social media platforms I created threads on about it? None. Why? Because it's such a bizarre waste of time. Do you. Be happy with whatever it is you want to do.
But I find it weird that there's a subset of people who seemingly need to convince themselves they are doing the right thing and take to the Internet to get some sort of validation?
Seriously. Why not just not play haha? I say this as someone who only vaguely knows what twist is, have never played and may well never bother but cannot for the life of me understand why you've decided that your perspective is important enough to come and make a thread with a title literally telling people what they should or shouldn't do.
This is a good thing. It stops it being min maxxed to within an inch of its life and that makes it a welcome break. There are enough game modes you can try hard in, rng fests are brilliant as a side option in this game.
I enjoy the game. Flick between barely playing, standard, duels and BG. If I don't really enjoy it, I play little to none for a week or up to a few months.
This community doesn't change. If you hate it so much, move on and do something else. I used to enjoy loads of things that I don't anymore, I don't wastey time bitching and moaning about it I do something else.
Can't understand the logic at all. We're so spoiled with variety of games, from free to indie to AAA. Services like game pass, ps+ and free games on steam make it easier than ever to do something you enjoy.
I'll tell you what's helped me though, when it comes to hearthstone - basically switching off the community. I've come here because I've ten minutes and nothing to do wulle I wait but 99% of the time, I don't read, watch or interact with the community at all and the game is so much better for it. Honestly, the most toxic, poisoned, negative community I've seen in any game.
Basically a bunch of man children wailing that the game doesn't cater to them. Boo. Hoo.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
HS being fun or not is both subjective and flexible. It goes up and down, has good periods and bad periods.
This is the first time I've visited this site in many, many months. I've honestly found that what makes HS the least fun..... Is its community. For what is now probably over a year/18 months, I've not engaged with any aspect of the community, not looked for expansion news etc, I've gone in to everything about HS just blind.
I have no care for heat ranl I finish anymore, I play decks I enjoy and if I stop enjoying them or there aren't any, I play a different mode or just stop logging in for several weeks all together.
Maybe I don't play for 2 or 3 months, then have a 6 week burst where I play every evening. I just come and go as I please and have no idea what the community consensus is on overpowered cards, decks or the state of any modes.
The end result is sometimes I love HS, sometimes I don't but my overall enjoyment of it is so much better without any of the noise surrounding the game. There are a good amount of odd posters on here, people who seem very bitter but addicted for whatever reason. My advice would be to just leave the game and community. It clearly isn't impacting you in a positive way. Come back if you feel bored and need something to play casually or whatever, then dip out again if you aren't enjoying it. The festering negativity of the community in general leaves you with this sinking feeling that the game is bad, but you keep playing because ultimately, the game is pretty fun and easy to pick up, play for a bit and put down.
Overall, I find HS to be a net positive in terms of providing me with a time killer or just straight up casual fun. Too many people take it way too seriously and have what seems to be a really unhealthy relationship with the game. They despise it and Blizzard etc but still crank out hundreds of posts on here and probably hundreds of in game hours. It has some messed up metas and Blizzard have made some very poor choices over the years but if the meta or whatever isn't fun, just dip out. It will have changed completely in 3 or 4 months but the fact that it's always there and can be picked up and played with basically zero need to know what's gone on, keeps it a constant in my library.
Yeah it's much better that there is diversity and the game desperately needed it. I do think they are a touch over priced though. I'll buy the odd thing but for a little cheaper if probably double my spending. Like, if the skins were 4.99 then I'd buy a couple but at the price they are, I'll only really buy one if it really stands out. Really like the content and they are entitled to price it at whatever but I just hope they reduce them a little in future and I'd certainly spend more.
My 12 year old idolises YouTubers as well.
I'd rather they didn't dedicate resources to this idea instead of mercenaries etc. BG, duels and hopefully mercs are very different to the core game and that's really good for when your hunted out or not enjoying the typical hearthstone experience.
No matter how much rotating they do, they will always have peolle complaining about the meta, it's stale etc and I don't think the interest in this idea would be high enough. I'm sure they get tons of feedback and data from focus groups, surveys etc. If they felt this was desirable and would enhance the business model then I'm sure they would have considered it.
I don't think it would be worth it, not only the initial outlay to put it all together but it would require people to update it, manage rotations, monitor metas etc and that seems like a waste of resource as well.
This seems like the kind of idea that can be community driven. Setup a thread on here or a sub in reddit etc, get a bunch of like minded people and friend each other. You can play whatever rules you like, ban whatever sets you like etc. If you can't find enough people who want to do it then it might make you realise why the devs aren't putting time into doing similar. You can effectively have games with these rules that you make and manage yourself, it doesn't need specific dev dedications and changes to the ui etc to cater a new menu.
Mercs seems really interesting and the more different types of modes there are the more I'll spend time in the hearthstone launcher. I'd usually wander awya for the second half of an expansion but now I just flick over to BG, wild, duels and I spend much more time in the app overall than I did before. Mercs will add to that I'm sure.
My 2 pennies worth....
I don't really know much about the mode, certainly not enough to buy anything at this point. I buy pre orders and odd bundles, no problem putting money in but not in something I don't know if I'll enjoy. I don't say this as a bad thing, I do the same with regular games, if I know I want it, I pre order, if I'm unsure, I'll wait and either pick up a physical copy (so it can be traded after) or wait for a sale etc.
If it's a mode I don't like, having played the version on launch, then I'll move back into other modes. Just as I did with arena, classic, duels etc. Some I play, some I don't.
What I do know is that it's OK if I don't like it. If it isn't for me, I don't like the gameplay or how you build a collection etc, then I'll do what I do with everything else in life that isn't for me - do something else. If I do really enjoy it, I will continue to play it along with the other modes I enjoy. If I enjoy it enough, I'll buy some stuff. I've no issue with people pre ordering, some people are happy to take that risk or are so in love with the lore etc that they'll enjoy any and all game modes.
ALL OF THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FINE. I don't need everyone else to think like me. I don't need other people to do what I'm doing. I don't hate a company for expanding their product range and looking to add an extra way of making money, this is totally normal behaviour.
If you repeatedly bitch about this game and company and yet still pour your time into playing it and complaining then more fool you. I've played some mobile games which I really didn't like the payment structure of. So I stopped playing them and moved onto sonething I do enjoy.
People have been convinced that them and their thoughts are actually special and that people should care about them. In truth, 99% of people do not give a crap, your perspective and views are your own but you are not so special that you as an individual should be catered for above others. The quicker some people learn that, the happier they will be....
I've drastically reduced my time on this site. I still pop by and check for bits of news or updates when I'm having a smoke or whatever and I'll have a nosey at the new posts because it's on the home screen. Reason being exactly what you say, it's honestly just miserable, salty and I assume predominantly young teens.
To the point that I've been disappointed in myself that I've been dragged down to that level and actually been a bit of a dick in many of my own responses. I don't particularly rate the admins either and I feel bad saying that but it seems that someone can be an obnoxious little shit but if you reply in kind, you'll be flagged for flaming. I don't think they manage the community well at all.
People are going to dump hours into complaining about this on Reddit, sites like this etc.
I'll save all that time and do more productive things, wait for the mode to drop, have a play and then if its shit, I might have a moan and move on or just move on. It may not be something I enjoy and you know what...... That's OK! Not everything has to cater to me, not everything has to be to my taste or liking, I've never touched classic mode, want to know how often I've whinged about it? Never......
The quicker certain little snowflakes understand that not everything and everyone is focused on them as individuals and not everything revolves around their particular likes and dislikes, the quicker people can just get on with enjoying what they enjoy. The world can't always look after you, sometimes you have to own decisions you make and if you have problems with addiction etc, put measures in to protect yourself, don't demand that the world change for you.
I have no idea how relevant cash bought things will be. I don't really understand the mode fully at this point. No point spending the next 6 weeks complaining about it though. I'll find out then and make a decision about whether it's a mode that interests me or warrants my time.
What a stupid question. Obviously different teams work on different things, the two things aren't connected. So many of you lot must lack so much work and life experience.
Do you think you just have a group of people who move from one task to the next?
I think you massively over think this. I suspect there are a large number of players who take this game far, far too seriously and would do well to get some fresh air once in a while. Maybe get out into the real world and gain some perspective.
The people you are against probably don't care that you take your little 'victory' and rope back etc, they are likely doing other things. I often watch TV, cook, read etc while I'm playing. If I take too long and the person ropes the rest of the game, they are literally just wasting more of their time. I don't care one bit, it isn't 'payback', I just carry on watching my film or continue cooking.
Seems like a lot of angry little basement dwellers play this game.
I'm not a fan of the meta but I've been enjoying wild and BG. I wouldn't say it's the worst ever, but it isn't my cup of tea. There are a fair few decks but I don't particularly enjoy them. I'll dip in and out of it and see how the mini set goes.
If you're so convinced the game is rigged to the point you have no say in your win rates etc then why the fuck are you playing the game? How monumentally stupid are you? Your wins? Nothing to do with you. Your losses? Not your fault, rigged.
Anyone who genuinely believes this but continues to pump their time into not only the game, but coming in this forum and crying about it is just dense.
The second I became convinced of anything like this in any game or even any other activity in life, I'd be long gone. If it's rigged then what on earth is the point?
More likely, it's crap players with crap attitudes. Just do something else with your time then. If you honestly think it is and has always been rigged then it's completely pointless playing, isn't it? Nothing you do matters, you only win because the game decided for you to, so you never win through your experience, skill or knowledge, so what are you getting from it?
Fucking brain dead community, honestly.