3 mana Yeti with Rush, Reynad in shambles
- Ophion-EU
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DemonicPlushie posted a message on New Shaman Rare Card Revealed - Minecart CruiserPosted in: News -
RaptorWithWings posted a message on New Neutral Common Card Revealed - Red HerringPosted in: NewsYou don't usually see a card that interacts with everything except itself.
Aventurier posted a message on Kobold Priest! - 67% WR D4 to LegendPosted in: Kobold Priest! - 67% WR D4 to Legendgood idea to fill your hand with scraps and abuse it:) converting HP to Atk with priest i think there is still things to do / discover , especially with kobold, have you tried high HP low atk minions , alchemists , reflecto, lightspawns and stormpike aid before settling for this ? +1 for (finaly) a battletested support priest
thebitterfig posted a message on Rogue Quest Nerf Incoming! Un'Goro Q&A this Friday!Posted in: NewsI feel like this was the wrong nerf. The bigger issues with the Caverns Below are that games all feel the same (everything becoming 5/5 does that), that the buff can't be removed by silence or polymorph effects (that is, you can't really tech against it), and that there's Preparation to make the reward cost 2.
My preference: Crystal Core would give any minion +2/+2 when summoned (not just played from hand), and that this buff could be cleared off by silence and poly. This would limit the burst by not impacting minions already on board and reducing the power of common chargers by 20-40%. This would add variety to how games feel, since base minion stats would actually matter, and minions on board would be vulnerable to tech.
It'll be harder to assemble the quest now, but I'm not sure games with or against Quest Rogue will feel any different.
booganzoth posted a message on 20/20 on turn TWO!Posted in: General DiscussionOk...I realize this is not the first or the last time this has happened, but thought I'd share anyway: a 20/20 Radiant Elemental on Turn 2. Yes...2.
Sequence was:
Turn 1: The Coin (0) > Radiant Elemental (2) > Power Word: Shield (0)
Turn 2: Divine Spirit (1) > Divine Spirit (1) > Inner Fire (0)
Needless to say Grommash was choosing death pretty much instantaneously...
CBach09 posted a message on Hitting Rank 10 Then No-Net DeckingPosted in: Standard FormatJust wanted to share that over the past few seasons I have been climbing to around rank 6-7 and I use a variety of decks ranging from Control Pally to Dragon Priest to Midrange Hunter. While all of these are fine and dandy to climb, I think it is important to learn how to stay away from net-deck recommendations and get a better understanding of deck building on your own.
I have made decks before that end up being very similar to popular decks on the net just because of how the meta works, but I think this time I want to do something that is really unheard of and make it work. Are there any cards out there that anyone wants to see more play but just doesn't have a place yet?
I_am_a_r3b3l posted a message on So apparently Echoing Ooze is pretty good with Spikeridged Steed.Posted in: Wild FormatPersonally, I would cut both zombie Chows and Solemn Vigil for Golakka Crawlers and the Curator. You already run 2 drakes.
Darkseeker83 posted a message on [Top 50 Wild Legend] Jade N'Zoth ShamanPosted in: [Top 50 Wild Legend] Jade N'Zoth ShamanI made a quick video of me playing this deck on the early wild mode ladder - fun times!
I credited you in the video for the deck - I hope this is ok.
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DK losing Soulstealer and Might of Menethil is pretty devastating for both control and burn strategies.
DK losing Metamorphosis, not the end of the world.
Druid losing nothing and gaining Vibrant Squirrel, so token Druid might make a comeback.
Hunter losing nothing and gaining Terrorscale Stalker, Mountain Bear and Wound Prey. A big winner for sure.
Mage losing nothing but not really gaining anything either.
Paladin losing Lady Liadrin, pretty odd considering librams are still in rotation. Gaining Anachronos and a 5-mana Spikeridged Steed. Also The Curator tends to be good in Paladin, now also 5 mana.
Priest losing Crimson Clergy which is going to kill many aggressive strategies, and Lesser Diamond Spellstone which didn't see much play anyway despite being a very strong card. Power Word: Shield and Spirit Guide are probably the highlights of the returning cards, but Lightshower Elemental and Greater Healing Potion can also be very relevant in burn-heavy metas.
Rogue isn't losing anything, but not gaining much either. Foxy Fraud into 3/2 Defias Ringleader could be a new strong aggro opener,
Shaman losing Muck Pools and a bunch of other cards that either saw play or are strong enough to see play with the right support. My boy Krag'wa, the Frog making a return, and a bunch of other decent cards that might see play.
Warlock losing Defile and Voidwalker, but gaining The Soularium.
Warrior losing Bladestorm and Town Crier, but gaining Bulwark of Azzinoth
Some neutral highlights are the aforementioned The Curator now at 5 mana, Netherspite Historian as a 3/2, and The Black Knight,
I can't wait for Heroes of The Lost Vikings.
Good patch. I'm surprised to see Reno nerfed yet again but I guess it's because Blizzard doesn't want Starship counters to be prevalent. He will probably only poof minions now.
Highlander Warrior has been nerfed so many times that it's barely playable at this point at high ranks. Even with those 6 bombs there are several decks that can grind out a win through sheer value, and in the vast majority of matchups the game is over before you have a chance to even play boomboss.
Since it's not really the same card I don't see the issue.
4 extra packs in the pass is a pretty big deal.
Seems okay, the main issue is that Control Paladin isn't really a thing.
So you have to guarantee that your 8 cards beats their 8 cards. Seems hard to do against some decks, but I guess that's good since it could otherwise be very frustrating.
I much prefer standard packs from brawls. I usually save all standard packs and open them all when each expansion launches. Since standard packs work with duplicate protection they'll almost exclusively give cards from the most recent expansion if you open them first. Now you can't save up anymore which sucks.
Pocket dimension is probably not going to be playable simply because you'll never have a hand that's empty enough to make this worthwhile.