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    posted a message on How is this card not called..

    Its probably named after a spell in World of Warcraft. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on POLL - Are there any OP classes?
    Quote from Ignopius »

    The real OP is Hunter. You just go face and you win at a higher rate than you lose. 

    All decks try to win more than they lose. You could say, that control warrior armors up, hits things with axes, and you win at a higher rate than you lose.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you think of my deck + a question

    One of the advantages of Deckhand is that you can use it like an arcane shot against aggro. I have noticed a downtick of Harrison Jones as well so I don't think Assassin's blade is a bad choice. 

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on What do you think of my deck + a question

    It looks fine, although I would personally swap Assassin's blade for Southsea Deckhand. But if you find success with the blade then thats fine. I don't think Sabotage is a bad card but its not really necessary in this deck, especially if you are already running BGH and 2 saps

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on POLL - Are there any OP classes?

    In an ideal world, all classes should have something unfair about them, a unique reason to use a particular class. At the moment, I think this is just about true, although the unfair aspects of some classes are either more exploitable or more obvious than in others (mainly due to the meta I think - shaman has some awesome powerful cards like Fire Elemental, Flametongue Totem and Hex, but the class struggles in the meta).

    I voted no to there being overpowered classes because I don't think any one class dominates all others. The 9 classes all manage to exert some pressure on some of the others leading to a decent balance.

    One class will always be strongest (or have at least one deck that is strongest) but that will never last forever, and there will always be one or two other decks out there that wreck the strongest deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Pyroblast and Mind Control return to their 8 mana cost?

    I think the cards are unpopular for people who don't play that classes they are in. I notice your favourite class is Paladin, and I do sympathise with not liking the priest cards (I hate playing vs priest as Paladin and Mind Control is a big card to play around). 

    I'd be sad if Pyroblast were removed from the game, if Mind Control were removed or nerfed somehow I wouldn't care that much, but if I was asked to vote on it, I would either abstain or vote for both cards to stay.

    Quote from LucariosKnight »

    Despite what I said I just want to add that I hate priest and their "shadow" cards and thief cards but really they don't have anything better to work with. Once they do hopefully we won't ever have to go against a priest whose only viable option is to steal cards against control decks.

    I go back to something you said earlier. I hate the steal cards too, they are irritating to play against and Cabal Shadow Priest is especially undercosted. In spite of the individual strength of some of the cards in the right circumstances, I am not impressed by most priest decks and I would like to see the class get some new cards that enable a different playstyle. Cards that are good on their own (no combo gimmicks), independent of the board state. It would be great if that led to players being less inclined to run MC.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm getting wrecked way too much

    Here  is a helpful playlist by a popular hearthstone streamer, Trump.


    At the risk of making this post sound like a cheesy testimonial advert, I watched the series a few months back and I noticed that I made a slight improvement after watching, and my decks and ranking got better.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Pyroblast and Mind Control return to their 8 mana cost?
    Quote from LucariosKnight »

    Would I be wrong to say that no one wants these cards to exist in the game(along with me of course)? 

    Sometimes I feel this way but I don't want either card to be removed. Mage is my joint favourite class (along with rogue and shaman) so I may be a bit biased with pyroblast. But arguing to remove pyroblast is not that different to arguing to remove all other burn spells like, Force of Nature (/savage roar), Kill Command, Mind Blast, even Fireball. Of course you are free to make that argument if you wish, and you might make some good points if you did. Its just not an argument I would ever make so I don't want Pyroblast to be removed from the game.

    Priest is probably my least favourite class but I still think Mind Control should stay. I think the card is less "unfair" than Cabal Shadow Priest (which I think is a more interesting card anyway, that also doesn't need changing imo) because it takes a whole turn to play, but it is predictable and you can react to it. Its only game winning in my opinion when you are really behind on cards and you were relying on the mind controlled minion to stick on the board for a few turns. A control priest's main win condition is often card advantage anyway, and mind control is one of those cards that convert that card advantage into a win and even if I don't like it personally, I accept it as part of the game. This is my rational brain speaking, if priests suddenly dominated the meta I might not be so gracious about MC. At least there is always aggro though.

    All in all, I want both cards to stay, but I would be happier about this if both cards were given new animations that were at least as good as the other huge spells, Twisting Nether and Tree of Life.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Pyroblast and Mind Control return to their 8 mana cost?

    I think Pyroblast has more of a reason to be buffed to 8 mana than Mind Control. 10 damage is not too hard to deal with even a 2 drop (Knife Juggler). It is an inefficient way of damaging your opponent but it makes up for that by being guaranteed 10 damage burn which is difficult to mitigate in one card. All that being said, I think it is balanced now and it sees play in some mage decks even though it costs 10 mana.

    Mind Control on the other hand is fine at 10 mana. I think of it as Silence + Assassinate + Faceless Manipulator which equals 10 mana across 3 cards and mind control is only 1 card. Mind Control is much more efficient than pyroblast. It is a slow card but it is so powerful. Furthermore, the 3 cards in one effect is often worth a some mana cost anyway, so maybe if we were being strict it should cost 11 mana. It being a very bad card vs aggro though is a fair enough reason why I think it is balanced at 10 mana though.

    If priest needs to be buffed, then buffing mind control is the worst way to do it. Its not even that bad of a class. I don't think anyone seriously thinks mage needs buffing though so Pyroblast definitely doesn't need a buff imo. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Priest Deck Opinions

    It looks ok. If you can spare the dust though it might be worth crafting a couple of Wild Pyromancers and the other Auchenai and Circle of Healing. The first cards I would cut to make room for that would be Mind Vision.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Hogged

    In a board floor echo mage he might be quite good, but you seem to be experimenting with that already. I hope its going well, but to be honest, I am most curious about whether or not you get golden gnolls when you echo your board.

    I think he is ok in druid and shaman and he has been used in warrior and paladin before as well. His effect is good on its own, and reliable, so I think he can fit in any deck which would normally have a 6 drop, but I think there are usually better 6 drops. I think hogger is one of the more fun 6 cost cards though so enjoy him.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Must have cards for each class?

    Running the second equality is less good in an aggro meta, but generally better when there is more midrange and control out there. Its flexible.

    All these really good cards do not need to be a 2 of, or even a 1 of, in every deck. Cards like equality are important but the amount of equalities you put in a pally deck depend partly on the meta and partly on how exactly the deck is meant to win (at the same time I had a midrange pally that ran 2 equalities and an aggro pally that had none).

    Just make a deck with an idea, such as face hunter, and add cards which support the archetype. Charge creatures, knife jugglers, burn spells etc are all selected for face hunter, instead of something like a sludge belcher or Sneed's old shredder, because they can be relied upon to deal damage quickly. 

    If you are interested in a class, have a look at some of the popular decks on this website for that class. Compare the decks and look for the cards they have in common. You should be able to get a better idea for the must-have cards for the deck you wanna build by doing that.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #16 - [Ended]

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on How do I deal with Dragon Paladin and Dragon Priest?

    Let people know what deck you have been using and they will be able to give you better advice.

    Speaking generally, when you match up against an opponent one player is the control player and the other is the beatdown. If you are having problems out controlling a certain type of deck, forget about control, and embrace the beatdown. You don't have to play face hunter if you don't want to but there are plenty of good aggro and tempo decks out there that are faster than dragon decks. Put the pressure on them and you dictate the tempo of the match and you force them to use their resources while you knock 'em down to zero health before they can use their greedy dragons.

    When I played a dragon deck it didn't take me long to realise that many of the good midrange dragon synergy cards have 4 health. Volcanic Drake, Blackwing Corrupter, Azure Drake etc. Play a deck that is good at dealing 4 damage and you might be able to get an advantage from that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on NEVER CONCEDE! Share Your Epic Comebacks

    I had a great game recently versus a mech mage with a tempo dragon rogue I had been messing around with. I had a rough start and never got my early tempo going. At least I had a turn 7 Dr Boom but by that point the mage felt like he had enough initiative to mostly ignore Dr Boom and press his advantage by going face and committing a few more minions to the board. In the end he had a leftover harvest golem + mechwarper + mech yeti + shredder and a full harvest golem.

    I had Fan of Knives, Backstab, Eviscerate and a Volcanic Drake in hand. I traded Boom into harvest golem and played fan of knives to kill both of the leftover golems. Fortunately I drew into SI:7 Agent which allowed me to kill the first half of the shredder which popped out an armorsmith. I eviscerated the mech yeti to finish that off, leaving just the mechwarper and armorsmith. But I had boom bots! I backstab the mechwarper and run 1 of the boombots in, which explodes for 4 damage on the armorsmith, clearing his board. So many minions had died that turn that I was able to play my Volcanic Drake for free. Fortunately for me, my opponent didn't draw into fireball and he wasn't able to come back from that crazy turn.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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