1st game on 0-0 a mage that discovers endlessly with the legendary mage spell. Ends up hitting my face with generated fireballs and pyroblasts, nothing you can do.
There were a lot of people against discover in the past, but somehow people forget how bad this mechanic is for the game, also for other modes. And Blizzard massively brought back discover again. In the past top players averaged on over 8 wins, right now its barely 6 wins, that tells you everything.
Arena is an absolute garbage mode right now, i was never really a fan of it, but right now its worse than ever. And i feel mandatory to do it because i dont want to waste my free tickets you get in the reward track.
That would lose them 80-90% of their playerbase. It's a zombieland out there and you're a minority in it.
I think we're already past the point of no return with discover. Hearthstone community loves it so it's here to stay and discover cards will only get stronger. Classes like Priest, Mage and Rogue are already ruined. DK is next and others, in order to keep up with power level, will fall to it as well.
Pretty soon all matches will look like Priest mirror where every turn each player stares at three card choices until he starts to rope. Fun times.
Just treat Hearthstone like a drug and take it in small doses and all will be fine.
I don't know where bots come from but they are pretty good. At least those that play zoolock in classic mode. They make favorable trades, correctly identify and deal with dangerous minions (Baron Geddon for example, they will get rid of him immediately), empty their hands before playing discard cards, keep burn in hand if they don't have lethal etc. Sometimes they mess up like buffing minion after it attacks or position wrongly Dire Wolf, but all in all it's quite impressive.
IMHO, considering that Hearthstone is a F2P game and keeping in mind all issues that unavoidably come with it, Hearthstone is a very good game, one of the best in it's genre. Main problem is that we players look at the game only from our point of view and forget about other, more important POV and main reason why the game is out there - business & profit.
I'm with the game since beta and I've seen a lot worse than we have now, so I can safely say that current state of the game is about as good as it gets. Things may improve slightly in the future or they can be even worse - both is equally possible, but all in all I think that Hearthstone team is doing pretty good job last few years.
How to make Hearthstone more enjoyable? Don't get overinvested in it. Take a break. Don't netdeck and grind. Making your own deck, testing and improving it is the most fun you can have. Try other game modes. Try other F2P card games.
If you're putting Renathal alongside 9 extra cards in your decks just for those 10hp extra, then you're doing it wrong ;)
I lost my weekly quest "Deal 1500 damage in Battlegrounds" after update. No different quest or XP compensation, simply quest gone and that's it. Small indie company...
I also didn't get legendary in my first YotP 10 packs. This must be a bug because all other pack types are guaranteed to have it, except golden classic packs.
Judging by the cards revealed so far, with the new expansion priest might be (again) more board oriented class. I sure hope so, because I haven't played priest for a long time, back since old dragon priest was meta, and that was one of my favorite decks ever.
Let's just hope that developers will continue in this direction and that we will have priest as an honest class once again.
The saying "picture is worth a thousand words" perfectly describes this video. In a 15 minutes of entertaining gameplay it says everything there is to be told about the deck and (indirectly) about people playing it. Pure art!
"Winter is here, AND IT'S COLD!"