• 4

    posted a message on HS after LoE - new player experience

    I agree, but I was thinking about something slightly different - the time it takes for a new player to be able to compete on ladder at all. It may be a bit overwhelming when you start the game and realize how long the journey to a competitive (not even high ranks) level is. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on HS after LoE - new player experience

    I know it's too early to say where the meta will actually go after full release of LoE, but after going through initial deck ideas and seeing what happens to ladder I see a big risk coming along with more controllish meta.

    I mean, I know it's great to have a perspective of less aggro in ladder, but the fact that aggro dominated ladder was not only caused by the fact it was generally easier to play such decks - those decks are noticeably cheaper than others (e.g. you could still climb through ladder with Secretadin without a single legendary), letting new players do a competitive gaming without months of grind for expansions and packs. Now my doubts are - if we actually come to a ladder full of Reno-and-similar decks, which most are based of control/fatigue archetype, what do you think will be a new player experience? 

    Before you could actually unlock some of the wings and create an average deck that would bring you close to 40-50% winrate on lower ranks, which surely was motivation for new players (like me). Now if you come to a ladder with a new, F2P account, what really would you be able to craft out to face control decks packed with epics and legendary.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not a post to complain "oh noez, can't SMorc anymoar". I don't play huntards or secretards. I'm just wondering if with the meta (if it goes the way it seems to go right now) won't be even more new-player-unfriendly than it was before. Lots of threads discuss how great it is we're gonna finally have anti-aggro tools, but no one seems to see that it may also block new players from coming over, which is eventually going to kill the game?

    What you guys think? Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, maybe it's not like aggro is actually going anywhere? Gimme your thoughts.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The counter to aggro we have all been waiting for?

    Well, it would utterly destroy cards like Muster for Battle, making it unplayable. I understand the intention of limiting the aggro in HS, but such design is more of a kill-it-completely. 

    It's kinda like what Blizzard did with Patron - instead of nerfing, you would have just killed it with introduction of few such cards, and seems like Reno Jackson is already doing the job.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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