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    posted a message on Does Blizzard/HS team even test the cards before the release?

    Mage has about the same amount if not more removal, why only complain about Warrior? I don't even know how you think removal is a bad thing.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Why do you play heartstone?
    Quote from Ibbinx >>

    I enjoy forever having to play aggro because control decks break the bank

     It’s not like the best aggro decks run 3-5 legendaries and 4 epics or anything.

     Ah yes, I forgot token druid and murloc shaman totally both run 3-5 legendaries and 4 epics. https://hsreplay.net/archetypes/7/token-druid https://hsreplay.net/archetypes/126/murloc-shaman

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How is Kalecgos for you ?

    if you like the deck, sure

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do you play heartstone?

    I enjoy forever having to play aggro because control decks break the bank

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hype for Endgame?
    Quote from thazud >>

    Can't be hyped for an extremely see-through plot. The villain loses, and the heroes that bring in the most money survive. I don't even have to watch the movie to know that, because it's incredibly obvious.

     Can you even watch any movie? Most movies plots are extremely see-through. Why can't a movie just be what it wants to be? A funny action movie that celebrates 10 years of MCU movies. Not all plots has to be complex.

    Spoiler alert:

    Besides, you are not entirely right.


     Yes, I can. But for a movie with so much hype, you'd think it actually deserves it. This is just another action movie with inconsequential action.

    Black widow dies, but they're just pulling the "its a prequel" angle for her movie so it doesn't matter. It's hard to become invested in such a film in which nothing matters. It's meant to be this huge build up, but it's so anti-climactic and meaningless. Iron Man also dies, an actor who arguably does not bring in as much money as surviving heroes for Marvel, considering Iron Man 3 is a 79% on Rotten Tomatoes with a 1.215 billion in the box office. Unfortunately, that falls short when compared to Black Panther (a hero who survives) with a 1.344 billion in the box office. As I said, the ones who earn Marvel the most money will survive, which they did.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rise of Shadows Developer Q&A - All Answers

    Not all classes are classes that should be able to heal, that's the thing. A strong neutral heal should not exist due to that. Especially when the heal is an auto-include in almost half the decks in the game.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Rise of Shadows Developer Q&A - All Answers

    Everything was good apart from the barnes and zilliax mention. Barnes has been in hearthstone for almost three years, you don't need more data. Just admit that wild isn't important, we understand. Zilliax feels awful to play against, especially when magnetized onto a mech and the opponent suddenly has 10+ more health than they started the turn with, along with a taunt that realistically cannot be traded off.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Watch the HCT World Championship Next Week, Earn Free Packs

    Yeah, I know right! Giving away 48000 Classic packs is soooo stingy...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Should Dr. Boom Mad Genius get Hofed?
    Quote from ToolParabola >>

    Note that this is not a salt thread just asking your opinion on this.

    Warrior curently has Warpath, Brawl, Shield slam, Omega devastator, Dynomatic, Super collider, Execute for removals and Dr boom as a hero that gives rush to mechs and many other recourses (discover a mech, summon 3 1/1, etc)

    He has way too many removals and he can clear easily big boards. But i feel that the main problem is Dr.boom's Rush to his mechs its just a huge tempo every turn since his decks have many mechs 2x omega assembly and a random passive to discover a mech.

    So what do you think should he get Hofed, changed in some way or he is not a problem at all?

    In comparison with Hagatha and Zul'jin i feel like he is way too OP.

     Okay, this hero card has been out for almost a year, yet you choose to only complain about it now? That tells me that it is clearly not a major problem. Warrior along with Shaman were given the very short stick when deathknights were created, so it is understandable as to why these two classes received these heroes. Hunter not so much, but Zul’Jin is no where near as good as Hagatha the witch or Dr. boom, mad genius. Also, Warrior is no where near the top class right now, Druid is. Bomb warrior and control warrior both beg on their knees for forgiveness from their Druid, Hunter and Paladin overlords. If you’re truly having a problem with Warrior, play those classes. 

    So, short answer is no, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius should not be hall of famed. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Dr. Boom Mad Genius get Hofed?

    Okay, this hero card has been out for almost a year, yet you choose to only complain about it now?

    Maybe it's because year ago, EVERY CLASS had access to hero cards (aka infinite value generators)? Take the best runner in the world, cut his legs and make him compete against mediocre, but able-bodied runners. Will it be fair? It's the same story with Dr. Boom. He wasn't much of a problem, when he was competing against other strong (or even stronger) and high value cards. Now everyone but Warrior, Shaman and Hunter lost their legs, so efficiency of the remaining hero cards is 300% greater than before.

     A year ago, a certain amount of classes had access to infinite value generating hero cards. Rogue, Warrior, Shaman and Mage are classes that didn’t not have infinite value hero cards. Also, your analogy just doesn’t work, considering that Warrior is destroyed by classes without hero cards. So Dr boom is, as you would say, being beat by legless runners. Hunter does not even have infinite value anymore, 2 mana deal 2 only gets you so far. And Shaman eventually runs out of minions, so also no infinite value. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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