• -3

    posted a message on Fist of Jaraxxus

    This is so bad.

    Even if you can control which cards you discard, and even if you have two of these to discard perfectly controlled, these aren't worth card slots in your decks. It's a 4 mana flamecannon meaning it's borderline un"playable", and even if you get it for free you would need an empty hand with this or just pray to RNGesus that you're lucky.

    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this will see constructed play, but I don't see it.

    Posted in: Fist of Jaraxxus
  • 1

    posted a message on Charged Hammer

    You can kill the weapon faster by replacing it with another weapon, giving the deathrattle immediately. Not only that, but the weapon itself does 2 damage to anything (even if you take the damage yourself and you can't bypass taunts) so it's not a tempo loss. Even with the 4 cost, it's pretty comparable to Assassin's Blade (which is a 5 mana 3/4) so overall I think this weapon is pretty decent. Even if it doesn't fit the current shaman archetypes I'm sure new decks will come out with this card included.

    Posted in: Charged Hammer
  • 0

    posted a message on Charged Hammer

    I actually think this weapon will bring out a new shaman archetype. True that it doesn't synergize well with current archetypes that include Argus or Flametongue, but maybe we will see some new cool decks.

    Posted in: Charged Hammer
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    posted a message on Flash Heal

    20 damage. Spell power affects damage before Velen. 

    Posted in: Flash Heal
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    posted a message on Dragon Egg

    Yeah, you're a prophet for saying a card is objectively bad 4 months after release. Ignore the negative? You're ignoring your own negatives (namely being a douche *I mean prophet*). Just because the card doesn't see much play doesn't make the reasoning invalid. I'm just puzzled on why some people are continuing a 4 month thread that has no relevance since the card was released 4 months ago. 

    Posted in: Dragon Egg
  • 0

    posted a message on Dragon Egg

    It's also hilarious when people look back at people's initial impressions on new cards being released and spew shit about discussions of a card not even released. I love it when, after months of seeing new cards, judge people that had logical impressions on new cards just because it doesn't see play after months of coming out. You must be pretty damn genius to judge every card correctly.

    Posted in: Dragon Egg
  • 7

    posted a message on Darnassus Aspirant

    This card is pretty insane in my opinion. Even if you gain the crystal and lose it on your opponent's turn, you still have the same amount of mana crystals on balance. Not only that, but this card combos extremely well with Recombobulator, Brewmaster, and forces a removal from your opponent, as well as being anti-Mirror Entity and other stealing effects. On top of those, it's a solid 2/3 body which is great/ok against aggro.

    The only downside, which can be nullified, is if you end up trading this card on your next turn. If you play this turn 2 and it survives, on turn 3 you would have 4 mana crystals, but if you trade this card first, you would only have 3 mana. If this card gets any use, which I predict it will, I will be expecting some blunders with this card :P

    Posted in: Darnassus Aspirant
  • 2

    posted a message on Top Legendaries to craft after BRM?

    In my humble opinion, spending 1600 dust on a 2 mana 1/1 is the worst feeling ever. But in the end, it's worth it. Way better than ending up using Kobold Geomancer for the rest of your life in Oil Rogue and Freeze Mage, haha.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Top Legendaries to craft after BRM?

    Quote from Dooditstyler jump

    I am a new player and I already crafted both Dr Balanced and Sykvanas. I really want to craft Ysera, Malygos, and Alestrasza, but I dont know wich to create first. Anybody have a good idea (I have both the adventure expansions already too, so I have Thaurissan) Inhabe been wanting to play Malygos Shaman cuz Shaman is my favorite hero, and I am also really loving both Egg and Mech Shaman decks. (I also have both Shaman legendaries luckily, I got them both from packs and Al'Akir was my FIRST legendary I opened, but in the same pack I also got a Lorewalker Cho!!)

    Consider Ragnaros. He's top tier, almost contesting Dr. Boom and Sylvanas. Personally I would hold onto the dust for now, since new expansion is coming out soon, but Rag, Ysera, or Alexstrasza if you plan on playing Control Warrior, any of the control Mage variants, or some type of burst deck. I wouldn't go for Malygos as one of the first though.

    If you play a lot of Shaman, I would also consider Bloodmage Thalnos. Great card.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Frost Giant

    I know a lot of people are saying that Frost Giant will be a staple, if not an auto-include, in handlock. I strongly disagree. Here's why:

    In competitive Hearthstone, the top tier decks all have something in common. They all have some sort of mechanism that makes them "unfair" and is unique for each class/deck. Handlock's "unfairness" comes from the ability to directly connect their hero powers to putting out 8/8 giants in a very fast time like no other deck can. A turn 4 Mountain Giant into a turn 5 Tap + Mountain Giant is extremely hard to deal with as some classes. Drawing cards while making your Moltens cost cheaper turns the "drawback" of your hero power into a benefit. 

    However, if you take a closer look at Frost Giant and how handlock actually works (and I think most people are thinking of the number of cards in hand by turn 4-5 vs the number of times the handlock player had tapped by that time), handlocks usually hero power once or twice before turn 4, and on turn 4 they usually put out a strong minion: the power play. Frost Giants, by turn 4, will cost 8 mana at best. As the game drags on - let's say turn 7 - and you've tapped four or five times (which is actually higher than average), you have a 5-6 mana Frost Giant. You also have the option of playing your Dr. Boom, though, and sometimes, playing a Dr. Boom for 7 can be better than playing a Mountain Giant for 3 and doing other things. 

    In reality, Frost Giants can only come out efficiently for their mana costs around turns 5-6, and only if the handlock has tapped more than average. Of course, this doesn't take into account potential future cards that may interact with the hero power that may allow more frequent tapping (and no, I'm not counting maiden of the lake). Handlocks won't be able to benefit from the ability because it won't allow the deck to become more "unfair" like Mountains and Moltens will. 

    All in all, I don't think this card should be deemed unplayable in handlock, but I don't see a clear reason for including it in the first place.

    Posted in: Frost Giant
  • 11

    posted a message on King's Defender

    Actually, from the latest Blizzard Facebook post, this card's actual effect is Battlecry: If you have a minion with Taunt, gain +1 Durability, meaning, this card sucks even more than expected.

    Posted in: King's Defender
  • 2

    posted a message on FREEZE MAGE LEGEND *UPDATED*

    Emperor Thaurissan is a staple in Freeze mage, probably even more than Bloodmage Thalnos. You need to get him or not play this deck at all imo.

  • 0

    posted a message on [S14 Top 100 Legend] Majordomo Grinder Mage

    Grim patron is pretty easy to beat once you get your duplicates and molten giants going and they don't even run brawl.

    Posted in: [S14 Top 100 Legend] Majordomo Grinder Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on (TGT) Combo Druid

    Maybe nourish but Ancient of Lore is such a key card in this deck that this deck won't work the same at all without it.

    Posted in: (TGT) Combo Druid
  • 0

    posted a message on Best class in the game currently
    Quote from PeeTrain jump
    Quote from HolySmite jump

    I would disagree with some of your picks. Not only is paladin top or close to top tier, as it counters both variants of Warlock quite well as well as being able to handle most other decks, control warrior is also very high in the ladder,  if not one of the highest decks right now. 

    I disagree on the Paladin point, and sort of agree on Warrior:

    Paladin has been dropping by the wayside for some time now, and whether or not this actually means the class is weak is open to debate, and as I don't play the game at the highest level, I only follow those that do - this is as far as I can go in speculation.

    As far as control Warrior, there is no question it is below Patron right now - I ranked the classes as a whole so Warrior was #2 and even though this was largely due to Patron's dominance, you are right that Control is still very good.  That really goes to show just how strong Patron is - as you could go control in a big event and still be bringing a top tier deck.

     Midrange paladin is having a resurgence back into the meta hugely because of the fact that patron warrior is being countered by a lot of decks teching in Harrison Jones and a lot of people playing handlock or ramp druid. I'm not saying that patron warrior is weak atm, it sure is strong still. However, with so many people playing handlock and zoo and others playing control warrior to counter such decks, paladin is supposedly strong in the meta. Some people have been climbing to legend with it, myself included.

    I do agree that control warrior is pretty close to patron and that patron might be higher than control. However, with so many people teching in the 2nd brawl against patron warrior as well as the dreaded Harrison Jones, control warrior has had a resurgence too. At least that's what I've observed.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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