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    posted a message on Gluth Heroic Stomper

    Gluttonous Ooze would be a fantastic option with the new expansion! Thanks for the recommendation!

    Posted in: Gluth Heroic Stomper
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    posted a message on Aspect of saltiness / BM

    I always accept.  In the beginning it was people being douchey and just all around jerks. However, as the game has gotten older, I think people have become more acclimated to the kind of shenanigans that can occur. I'd say the majority of the time these days, someone is adding me to laugh about a situation. Sometimes you'll get the guy that's, "Oh man, I had you dead next turn. This was in hand and I was going to do this which would've won the game."  I can related with those people too since I've had the same scenario occur 1 million times. 

    If I get that guy that's going on and on about how bad I am or how I shouldn't have won, or how zoo lock isn't even a thing anymore, how could I beat his face in? I just remove and move on.  I'm too old and could care less about that person's negativity. 

    If I send a friend request, it's because they pulled off something cool and I want to be like, "GG, that such and such you did was great." I think I've added someone due to tilt once near the beginning of the game. I had every intention of being a douchenozzle. Instead I said, "That sucked."  His response? "Hah, I hear ya man" That guy and I still talk to this day about kids, life, etc.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ranked Distribution Percentages - Are They Updated?

    I'm guilty of hitting 20 and going casual unless I have a quest with a deck I like to play ranked with. I used to grind out the lower levels, but I find I enjoy the game more when I'm not trying to push win streaks. So, now I just make sure I get the card back, and I'm typically content with a common or rare gold out of a chest.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard should remove classic set from standard
    Quote from Balthier21 >>
    Quote from Magico07 >>

    Reworking the classic set by adding some cards rather sounds reasonable instead of letting classic cards rotate out of standard. I even would support this idea like adding certain cards into classic to help certain classes but again...this would make balancing even more complicated and would confuse new players which Blizzard doesn't want at all. 

    The current balance state would actually be great if aggro wouldn't be that strong right now. Blizzard have two choices there. Nerf aggro directly (certain unhealthy cards) or give us more tools to deal with them (cheaper removals,Healbot recycle , big early taunts like Deathlord) .

    I would prefer the first option since some cards are broken (no reason for Lava Burst to be able to target face ; Rockbiter only should target minions or shouldn't stack with weapons ; Call of the Wild basically gets you a board out of nowhere and some burst etc.)

     my point is and i will stop commenting as i said anything i wanted to say so if anyone want to see my whole view on the subject can read the thread 
    hearthstone took the step to introduce formats same as MTG all good so far but they chose classic set to be an evergreen not changing core set for a player to invest for his collection. 
    but the classic set helps some classes more than others and creates some combos that they shouldnt exist in this game forever. this cause some classes (see priest) seem weaker than others (see warrior).
    they tried to balance the classic set with nerfs and making whispers of the old gods a very good expansion from which the majority of the cards have seen play. but yeah its obvious now that this was not enough.
    if hearthstone took the formats from MTG it should take their approach in the core set also. which is a yearly core set for example year of the kraken set which will contain 80% of the classic set but with some cards added from the wild expansions so it can be a BALANCED core set for all the classes.
     This is a terrible idea. I've played Magic from it's release and one of the biggest issues with it is that it is extremely expensive to keep up with if you want to play it competitively. One of the things I love about Hearthstone is the lack of monetary requirement. You definitely have an advantage if you spend money, but isn't required for enjoyment or remaining competitive. If HS becomes another MTG, then I would quit playing it and just stick with MTG because I definitely wouldn't be able to afford both.
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on !whole new meta deck-worgen combo warrior after karazhan whole new best ver!

    That moment when you don't get the complete combo until your last couple cards, you're down to 7 life (including armor) and you're facing a mage with ice block up.

    Posted in: !whole new meta deck-worgen combo warrior after karazhan whole new best ver!
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    posted a message on Gluth Heroic Stomper

    Excellent! When N'Zoth was mentioned I figured he'd probably be an amazing addition. Glad to hear he worked well for you!

    Posted in: Gluth Heroic Stomper
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