• 6

    posted a message on Kripp's Lich King Murloc - Budget version.

    This deck is outdated, the AI bug was fixed so the whole "go face he won't trade" is gone, plus Murloc Warleader nerf really weakened the deck. Still one of the better options, but will take a LOT of luck and restarts 

    Posted in: Kripp's Lich King Murloc - Budget version.
  • 0

    posted a message on [Lich King]

    Not really sure if I'm just unlucky or what, on the 10th try, you need RIDICULOUS RNG to get anywhere with this deck, and even if you do it's still a tough matchup. If he gets to turn 7 just restart, f you don't draw the perfect hand restart, if he plays blizzard restart, if you don't make perfect trades restart....so basically just keep restarting until the RNG gods bless you

    Posted in: [Lich King]
  • 0

    posted a message on Horrible Post Nerf Meta
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from FrodoBagginYa >>
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from FrodoBagginYa >>

    Anybody else feel that the nerfs didn't really shake up the meta? Before the army of bros roll in saying it hasn't been enough time for the new meta to settle - there were only a few cards nerfed, this isn't a whole new expansion, the meta is moving at about the same pace now as it would have anyway. The nerfs took the 5 or 6 netdeck meta from before and just annihilated Tempo Rogue, Highlander Priest, and left us with 90% of my ranked games from ranks 8-5 as Murloc Pally, Secret Mage, and Cubelock - all of which existed in the old meta. I'm enjoying climbing with Dude Pally at a 70% at rank 5 now, but seeing the same matches over, and over, and over, and over, is getting out of hand. I get that one should expect a grind on the ladder in HS, but the current meta is just stale. I'm already looking forward to the next expansion which is......2 months away

     Here is a clue in case you have missed it somehow. There will always be top decks. When Blizzard nerfs one deck another takes its place.
     You missed the point of the post - I'm not complaining about top decks, I'm pointing out that there are less decks than ever being played on the Standard ladder right now which has created a stale experience. And it surprised me because I thought the meta would shake up a bit more after the nerf. And no, I'm not a new player - even if I were, your argument doesn't invalidate new players' experiences with the game. I've found tons of veteran players are just as ignorant about the game as many new players.
     You missed the point. Lets start with Ungoro, Quest Rouge was all over the place and the meta got boring and people cried for a nerf and Blizzard gave them one. Then came Jade Druid after Quest rouge was nerfed and Jade Druid was everywhere and the meta got boring and people cried for a nerf and Blizzard gave them one. Then Jade druid was nerfed and Highlander took over and it got boring .and people cried for a nerf and Blizzard gave them one. Now we have a few top decks and people are starting to get bored and soon there will be calls for a nerf. When those decks are nerfed something else will takes its place etc, etc, etc.
    That you have been playing a long time and have not seen this pattern is simply amazing.
     Um, wut. "Now we have a few top decks and people are starting to get bored and soon there will be calls for a nerf." WE JUST GOT ONE which means there won't be another soon. How are you such a "veteran" HS player and don't realize that? and the meta is already boring, it hasn't really changed. I'm glad Highlander has largely disappeared from the ladder, but other than that and Tempo Rogue we're not really seeing a more diverse meta. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Horrible Post Nerf Meta
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from FrodoBagginYa >>

    Anybody else feel that the nerfs didn't really shake up the meta? Before the army of bros roll in saying it hasn't been enough time for the new meta to settle - there were only a few cards nerfed, this isn't a whole new expansion, the meta is moving at about the same pace now as it would have anyway. The nerfs took the 5 or 6 netdeck meta from before and just annihilated Tempo Rogue, Highlander Priest, and left us with 90% of my ranked games from ranks 8-5 as Murloc Pally, Secret Mage, and Cubelock - all of which existed in the old meta. I'm enjoying climbing with Dude Pally at a 70% at rank 5 now, but seeing the same matches over, and over, and over, and over, is getting out of hand. I get that one should expect a grind on the ladder in HS, but the current meta is just stale. I'm already looking forward to the next expansion which is......2 months away

     Here is a clue in case you have missed it somehow. There will always be top decks. When Blizzard nerfs one deck another takes its place.
     You missed the point of the post - I'm not complaining about top decks, I'm pointing out that there are less decks than ever being played on the Standard ladder right now which has created a stale experience. And it surprised me because I thought the meta would shake up a bit more after the nerf. And no, I'm not a new player - even if I were, your argument doesn't invalidate new players' experiences with the game. I've found tons of veteran players are just as ignorant about the game as many new players.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Horrible Post Nerf Meta

    Anybody else feel that the nerfs didn't really shake up the meta? Before the army of bros roll in saying it hasn't been enough time for the new meta to settle - there were only a few cards nerfed, this isn't a whole new expansion, the meta is moving at about the same pace now as it would have anyway. The nerfs took the 5 or 6 netdeck meta from before and just annihilated Tempo Rogue, Highlander Priest, and left us with 90% of my ranked games from ranks 8-5 as Murloc Pally, Secret Mage, and Cubelock - all of which existed in the old meta. I'm enjoying climbing with Dude Pally at a 70% at rank 5 now, but seeing the same matches over, and over, and over, and over, is getting out of hand. I get that one should expect a grind on the ladder in HS, but the current meta is just stale. I'm already looking forward to the next expansion which is......2 months away

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Muzzy's Legend Dudeadin [38-14] [73% WR]

    As a Pally main I love this deck - so refreshing to be able to play Pally on the ladder again without selling out to Murloc or Aggro Pally. 8-0 so far at ranks 10, 9, and 8

    Posted in: Muzzy's Legend Dudeadin [38-14] [73% WR]
  • 1

    posted a message on Why I cannot climb the ladder?

    I'm facing the same problem - been stuck around ranks 8 and 9 for literally a week now. OVER A HUNDRED GAMES and I'm playing Big Priest, Spiteful Priest, Secret Mage, and Murloc Pally. Even tried no-minion Hunter for a bit. I always reach rank 5 pretty easily, so this is pretty annoying :/ 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is the HSReplay. net meta tier accurate?

    I've been skeptical of how the site ranks different archetypes/decks, but after the nerfs I feel that it can't be very accurate. According to their tier right now, Murloc Pally is at like 57% for most ranks with Secret Mage not too far behind - while Zoo/Cube Lock are only around 51-53%. That seems discrepant based on what I'm facing from ranks 12-8. How do they determine what decks are Tier 1? Based on winrates? Which tier ranking do you guys think is the most accurate? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Hoard gold now or buy packs?

    Not enough info brotha


    Depends on what your current collection looks like, how much you plan on spending in real money on the next expansion, what the new expansion will even be, how much gold you usually grind, etc

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Should I DE Corridor Creeper?

    I dusted Corridor b/c I don't play aggro that often. But even if I did, I'd still dust it. You get 800 dust so you could craft them again if you change your mind. And honestly 2/5 is a pretty huge nerf, even if the card may cost 0 mana when you plunk it out. All in all, I'd dust

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Now can we finally agree that..

    this is arguably one of the worst metas in HS history? I remember seeing predictions about it after K&C was released, but the army of neckbeards came storming in saying "nah bro best meta bro", "nah bro try a different deck bro", "get gud bro", etc. But honestly, this is the absolute least diverse meta we've ever had. Aside from Cubelock and (kind of) Spiteful decks, there really isn't a single unique archetype. Highlander got stronger. Aggro got stronger. Murloc Pally is still a T1. Cool. After 40 games of ranked play ranks 13-10 this morning, I literally did not see a single deck aside from Highlander, Cube/Zoo Lock, Aggro Pally, and Tempo Rogue ---- and over 50% of those games were almost the exact 2 Highlander and Zoolock decks.

    Seriously, I'm feeling at an all time low with the devs. The game has just become rock paper scissors with the top netdecks. Hopefully the nerfs will change that, but I doubt it

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Budget Beat the Lich King with priest

    Ummmm. no? This deck is horrible

    Posted in: Budget Beat the Lich King with priest
  • 0

    posted a message on Win Streaks Followed by Lose Streaks in Ranked?

    Has anyone else noticed how prevalent this is? It's to point of clockwork for me. I get 5 wins, followed by 5 losses. Then 8 wins, followed by 8 losses. I was able to tolerate it above rank 5 because of win streaks, but from rank 5 to legend it makes me feel like i'll have to play literally 500 games before i reach legend. To be honest, that's just not fun. Why did the devs omit win streaks from rank 5-legend? And does their matchmaking have anything to do with the weird win/loss streaks?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on When we receive K&C packs from world championship?

    Not to be that guy, but does anyone know when we'll receive packs from the HCT Championship? Anybody receives theirs yet?



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rank 5 - Legend Advice

    I'm feeling pretty disappointed with the devs after witnessing over 60% of my games above rank 5 are LITERALLY the same highlander deck

    Posted in: General Discussion
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