• 0

    posted a message on Rank 5 - Legend Advice

    So I climbed up to rank 4 easily enough (70% WR) with Spiteful Priest, but 30-40 games into rank 4/3 I've dropped down to 60% and still dropping (now I'm back to rank 4). It's getting really frustrating because I thought I'd be able to hit legend with Spiteful Priest. All I've been seeing around ranks 3/4 is Highlander, Cubelock, Tempo Rogue, and Aggro Warlock/Pally/Druid. Any good suggestions for a deck to hit legend with relatively quickly? This is the highest rank I've reached and would really like to hit legend this season! Thanks

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on it was meant to be fun..

    The devs always manage to ruin every expansion with at least 1 or 2 dumb decisions, that's why these types of posts always exist. Seriously, Highlander Priest should have never existed, there is nothing fun about getting machine gunned down without any interaction. Great job you dumb pieces of garbage at blizz

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 2018 Expansion Predictions?

    I know it's a little early, but I'm curious about what you all think - any expansion predictions after Kobolds? Anything in particular you'd like to see?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on We need to talk about the Hearthstone client....

    Before all the neckbeards pour in saying, "I've been running it on Windows 98 just fine since beta bro", "upgrade your system to a 1200 GX Megafuckbook Pro 3000 for a children's card game bro", and "check your internet bro" (because I didn't think of that), my internet and system work great for literally everything else I do. I also play the game in full-screen and shut down the client while playing.

    But when I open up that Blizz client and Hearthstone, holy hell. I have a $1000 gaming laptop (2015) that runs way more spec-heavy titles than a card game, but most of the time Hearthstone is choppy, slow, and sifting through my collection would take literally as long as it takes Blizz to nerf anything. Long story short, why is the client for a multi-million dollar card game so bulky and sad? Any tips/fixes?



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Painfully Boring Meta

    Lol just found someone who's prob exactly what I'm talking about. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Painfully Boring Meta

    I don't understand people in this thread with the mindset "I'll keep dropping $100-$200 per expansion (to get only 75% of the set) and then accept literally ANYTHING the devs make." I swear the meta could go from the current 4 decks to only 1 deck and  most Hearthpwn users would sing songs of praise for such an innovative and "blasty blast" expansion. My guess is many of the people defending the current meta in the thread 1) love to SMORC, 2) have invested over $200 into the expansion, or 3) just started playing. I've been investing about $100 per expansion since Naxx and I can't even afford to keep up anymore, so having a crappy meta is even more frustrating. The NUMBER ONE complaint of almost every expansion has been aggro and meta-cheat cards ----- then Blizz releases Corridor Creeper? They're out of touch with their fanbase in a big way.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Painfully Boring Meta

    Unfortunately nerfing Corridor Creeper and a couple other cards won't change the fact that this was a really underwhelming expansion. There are almost no new strategies to play around with. Devs really dropped the ball with K&C, so far my second least favorite expansion (only because TGT can't be beat in awfulness)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Painfully Boring Meta

    Really, aside from 1 or 2 decks, is there really anything on the ladder we haven't seen before? Kinda just seems like this expansion is the same BS on the ladder with different names. Aggro, aggro, aggro, token control priest deck, aggro, cubelock, cubelock. Really, anybody else already tired of this expansion? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on What's your biggest complaint?

    Pretend you could magically change one thing about Hearthstone, what would it be?

    First off, I should say I absolutely love this game and have been playing since Naxx. The devs do a great job in my opinion offering in-game gold/pack/dust rewards via Tavern Brawl, Daily Quests, Ranked Rewards, 10g/3wins, and some events. It's one of the few games where you can get about $50-$100 in free in-game rewards per expansion. However, there are some things I think could be improved.

    I know this is thrown around a lot, but for me it's the increasing cost of Hearthstone yet the lack of development/content. Below are some things I feel Blizz should have added a long time ago, considering the fat profits they're making from this game:

    1. Where are in-game stats? Why has this only been introduced in China?

    2. Why not add a little more aesthetic customization for players? It'd be nice to earn via reward or even buy borders for your gamertag or hero. For example, bronze/silver/gold/platinum depending on total ranked wins or something to show off a bit. 

    2. Why not add more achievements? They don't have to reward gold, maybe just cards, card backs, or even dust. 

    3. What about monthly special in-market offers when you can buy specific cards with gold and money? The sets could change monthly and give F2P and low-budget players the ability to focus their funds on cards they need once a month.

    4. More events. I know Blizz has been trying lately, but they are really far and in between, and usually a part of a marketing program for an upcoming expansion. What about community events that provide one-time rewards for participating in them, like card backs?

    I could go on, but the point is, I feel like the game has changed VERY little since Naxx, and could use a lot of improvement - especially when looking at games like GWENT, which offers some of these things with a much lower budget. What do you guys think?


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on SO tired of aggro/braindead decks/players

    Seriously, I get that the meta hasn't settled, but this is one of the worst post-expansion metas I've ever seen. Most decks barely feature new archetypes/cards, it's just the same old same old. I feel like this expansion doesn't feature cool new mechanics like Death Knights, Quests, etc. The weapons and recruit features are both busts and rarely see play in major decks. All that exists now is braindead aggro noobs ruining the game trying to zerg up the ladder at any cost.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [KaC] Elemental Jade Shaman Is Back

    Lol, people upvoting this deck obviously aren't playing ladder, this gets crushed by just about every major deck right now 

    Posted in: [KaC] Elemental Jade Shaman Is Back
  • 0

    posted a message on Valeera's Bag of Burgled Spells - Tavern Brawl #131

    Seriously, what were the devs thinking with this brawl? Might as well just play dice

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 1

    posted a message on POLL: Do you like KaC?

    I know the meta hasn't settled, but what are your thoughts so far? Personally I think it's somewhere in the middle compared to other expansions: not great, but not bad either.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Aggro Domination in KaC



    Just like in every other expansion. When will this game ever change? Why in f***s name is Patches still so powerful, yet other cards got nerfs (like Fiery War Axe??). Mindless aggro/face decks have been one of the biggest complaints from players since Naxx, so why don't the developers just LISTEN and actually think about the cards they're creating. Every expansion is dominated by the same strategy on the ladder - build a mindless, no brained face/aggro deck and roll the dice. And since most of them are cheap, anybody can build them. In my last 10 games, every. single. opponent. played an aggro/face deck. I get that I can tech in some taunts, etc but most archetypes are way too slow against aggro, so you either have to join them or just avoid the ladder altogether. Great job devs, and all the trash players who can't win without SMORCing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 50% of my cards were duplicates

    I agree, and I'm surprised there aren't more discussions about this. I feel that unfortunately the HS fan base has grown to the point where most are new and don't care, because they never experienced how HS used to be. And likewise, the devs know they can skew drop rates and most people will buy packs anyway

    Posted in: General Discussion
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