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    posted a message on How to beat every cancer face deck.
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from JosarHearth >>
    Quote from WhiteChapel216 >>
    Quote from jainaishot >>

    Seriously though,if you face so many face decks(faceseption) then play a deck that counters them.Pirates now can be countered hard so easily.If you are talking about casual then...they deserve it.

     That's exactly it though, I play casual 90% of the time trying to experiment with new stuff and have some fun.  I come across a super competitive deck like pirates that is literally copied card for card, I choose to make their experience as boring as possible.
     People still have to complete quests, and casual is the perfect place to do that as you don't have to worry about losing stars. Naturally people will play the most efficient decks to do this, in paticular if they don't like the class.Don't bully people for playing something you think is unfun.


    "Don't bully people for playing something you think is unfun"? Are you serious? People playing cancer decks are the bullies dude, wake up. 

    I'm sorry? Calling them stuff like "the cancer of the game" and "no-lifers" isn't bullying? and meanwhile you think them just playing against you with a decent deck and winning is bullying you?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How to beat every cancer face deck.
    Quote from WhiteChapel216 >>
    Quote from DiamondDM13 >>
    Quote from WhiteChapel216 >>
     Maybe that's the problem all together.  Silence all opposition and pretend a problem isn't one.  
     I'm not sure the problem is what you think it is. In Ranked Mode people can and should play the deck that they feel they want, need or makes them comfortable to rank up. Do most people play easy decks that don't punish mistakes? Yes, but that is a problem with how tempo works in this game and how snowbally the game is. It is still the correct thing to do for people, to use the deck that best suits them to rank up. Basically, I don't see why anyone would ever rope in Ranked Mode.
    Then there is Casual, which also applies the same rules as Ranked, but on a personal perspective, I don't like to see those decks be played, because the way I see Casual, it is a place to go and play decks whose sole purpose is to achieve a certain card Combo or Interaction that I can't do in Ranked, it's not a place to play to win. Unfortunately, a lot of players use Casual to farm Gold using decks like Pirate Warrior, and taking advantage of people that just want to play fun stuff. I don't like this kind of behaviour, they are simply doing it because they know it is easy wins, free wins, that they don't need to work for, and I'm the kind of person that can't understand why these "people" believe they should be granted free wins. And even worse, they are making a miserable experience for those players that just want to have fun.
    The issue is, there is nothing to enforce the Casual = Fun mindset, people are allowed to farm Casual for Gold within the rules, so using Roping, which is also within the rules of the game, as a way to make the experience of those players miserable aswell, is perfectly fine in my opinion. I can't say I do it a lot, because the fact is I extremely rarely do it, I need to have a lot of free time and a specific mood to actually consider doing it, usually I just concede because I don't feel like wasting time.
    The thing is, I don't think these are the problems you are talking about.


     I stated earlier in this thread that I play casual 90% of the time and am there just trying different things and experimenting.  When I come across a card for card deck I see on ladder that is just hyper aggressive, I rope them every turn.  They want to end the match fast so they can do the same thing to the next 10 people, I'm doing a service to those other people because 1.) If they don't concede, they're stuck getting roped by me and thus not cancering someone else and 2.) I'm making this deck, at least against me, terribly boring to play.
     Most of those aggro players are probably like watching a movie or something while playing you. You roping them isn't going to change anything for them.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How to beat every cancer face deck.




    Pretty much the same exact message as your thread, both threads got locked. Seems to me that it's a reasonable assumption that this thread will also get locked.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How to Clear the Upper Reaches Effectively - Frozen Throne Adventure

    wait really? that's awesome

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on How to Clear the Upper Reaches Effectively - Frozen Throne Adventure

    I think he has a really good point, although I still appreciate the free packs from the adventure.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on I'll never understand the control moral high-ground.
    Quote from MewYawn >>
    The truth is only in Hearthstone some people think that control doesn't require more thought process. The game was made for individuals with average intellect since they are a majority. If the average deck becomes too difficult to pilot than the game wouldn't become as famous and played.
    So after the average folk got to play their first card game, they started having opinions. HS is one of the least skill requiring card games. If it was made to require more, the majority wouldn't bother. If you haven't noticed Blizzard makes games that are very consumer friendly as in not too difficult, as in the more people play them, the bigger the profit.
    Now those people that wouldn't otherwise play a card game if it were not for HS, gather and spread this stupidity as fact - Never understand the Control moral high ground. Ha, ha, ha. I've seen this kind of threads and questions only here on HS forums. For other games there is no such question. I am guessing the people from there don't feel oppressed by the truth. Because it's not valid for them.
    The fact that people are complaining about matches lasting as long as 15 minutes tells me they wouldn't like any other card game that is slightly more skill intensive. The trashiest of opinions has been brought to the surface thanks to the people who otherwise wouldn't be playing a card game if not for HS.
    As for people saying "it's faster with aggro to climb" I'll tell you my experience from this month. 9th of August was at rank 2 with value shadow priest. One day before priest got his tools from the expansion. I decided to derank to 5, because I wanted to experience more diverse decks once it comes out. 14th of august I was at top 100 legend... with a new priest deck while playing 2 hours a day. Keep telling yourself you are doing it because it's faster. For slow minds it's faster. Because if you want to be legend fast, this means you really are slow or struggle to get there, with your fast aggro decks. Funny.
     lul this guys thinks he's smarter than the majority of hearthstone players because he got to rank 100 legend lul. Some of us can't spend 6 hours a day on video games you know. Even the "slowest mind" can get better at something he or she does a lot. Effort beats natural skill (or intellect) when you're trying to rank up. Keep talking like you're superior to the "average folk" who play this game. I'm sure with an attitude like that, you'll get sooo many friends.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on I'll never understand the control moral high-ground.
     I used to play aggro because I didn't have all the cards for the super expensive control decks. I remember whenever someone friended me after a match I would say "sorry for playing cancer" just because I had gotten so many friend requests from people who just wanted to flame me for playing aggro. I never bmed either, it was just people who were mad about losing. Yeah sure, it's fun to play control decks with interesting cards and all that, but the truth is, I didnt have a lot of those interesting cards so I could either make a homebrew deck that gets like a 25% win rate or play aggro, rank up, get that free epic from the end of season reward, and get closer to being able to make a viable control deck to try out. Nowadays though I just play my homebrew decks. If I lose, it's whatever, I can't stand grinding up the ladder every month anymore

     and by the way?

    Quote from jainaishot >>
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>
    Quote from jainaishot >>

    You can play whatever you like as long as you behave like a decent human being,That's why aggro players deserve all the hate they get.I play the game since vanilla and my friends play since beta,we all agree that douchebags tend to choose aggro.Not that there aren't control or combo douchebags but come on,almost 1 in every three games against aggressive decks the opponent is mental.Spamming like an imbecile,roping before lethal,roping on when he has one card and somethimes adding to flame.I have seen control players do the same but it is sooo much rarer.And the reason for that is that there are three categories of aggro players:

    a)The tryhards(the biggest category).They want to win no matter what,play the game all day long to farm ranks but since they are just an average joe,they are getting pissed when they lose and become toxic.They become even more toxic when other toxic players do the same to them.

    b)The fun policie.There dipshits out there that have fun,ruining others people fun.Playing against face decks is no fun for the majority of players so they choose aggro.

    c)There are also the new players but they are few and you dont see them below rank 15


     There's also people who adapt to the meta and play a deck that is strong in local meta, got to legend first time cause I noticed everyone is playing midrange (karazhan) but nobody is playing anti aggro tools so took a big win streak with aggro, was playing midrange before that.
    not everyone is toxic, I hate losing but I never add people to insult them


     I already mention your category.You belong to the tryhards.You claim to be a non toxic tryhard and good for you but you are tryhard non the less.:P
     The "aggro player" here is the one politely trying to explain why he plays aggro 
    The "control player" is calling the aggro player a "toxic tryhard."
    am I missing something here?
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on How to Clear the Upper Reaches Effectively - Frozen Throne Adventure

    I think sindragosa discovered druid dk from drakonid op

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Get Free Frozen Throne Card Packs - Choose Your Champion Returns for the Global Games

    lol that sounds familiar, was it from like a commercial or something?

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on Fixing the broken cancer meta: quitting HS Play Mode.
    Quote from DragonConsort >>

    This thread is retarded, anyone who thinks anything from an expansion that has been out one week needs to be nerfed is retarded.  The only cancer is low rank/low skill players looking for a scapegoat for their own suckitude at the game.  The forum would be much better if it only allowed players who have reached legend to make threads, non legend players could post in threads and read them but not start new ones.  The threads would be much smarter, nerf threads would be rare but when they were there it would be from someone who actually has perspective and the right to suggest balance changes.


     I can already see OP's reply
    "I don't have a counterargument for this so I'm just going to insult you and your proposal, say how you don't understand my argument, and say you aren't 'worthy' of my time and just ignore you"
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fixing the broken cancer meta: quitting HS Play Mode.
    Quote from aleathas >>
    Quote from zafkodlod >>
    Quote from aleathas>>

    Hey guys. First, let me mention that this is not a whining post.

    Yes, it is.

      You are not even close to be funny by doing that. Sorry if that was severe on you.
     It honestly is a whine thread though :/
    and the 8 people who liked his reply seem to think so, too. Also, why do you keep complaining about other people supposedly "insulting" you when you're so blatantly and harshly criticising both Blizzard and the people who don't agree with you?
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pantry spide
    Quote from stormcry0 >>
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from stormcry0 >>
    Please man, a 2/6 minion for 3 mana would be obviously a strong card in Hearthstone, while two 1/3 for the same amount are really not that good. You talk about them being very good with a card like Evolve, but that has nothing to do with them being 1/3 minions, only with the fact that Blizzard decided to give the Cellar Spider (the token created by the Pantry Spider) also a 3 mana cost.
     So, why nobody plays wobbling runts since it's suppose to be that great? ... Oh right,  because it isn't, you have to stop looking at cards in a vacuum if you really want to elaborate some sense when comparing cards. Pantry spider is good with evolve, period, between woobling and pantry, pantry is a better card for constructed for the single fact that pantry actually have sigernies with ANYTHING in the game.

    EDIT: And the opponent has to used 2 removal spells instead of just 1. And only a bad player would drop a pantry spider without already knowing what he's going to do with it. 

    I'm not saying pantry spider is the next tunnel trogg, just saying that it has it's uses, and with the proper support can be a good filler card.
     So why exactly is pantry spider better than wobbling runts? You make all these assertions but no proof or facts to back them up. You say that pantry spider synergizes with "ANYTHING in the game". What synergies does it have beside with knife juggler, brann, and evolve? Nerubian prophet is good with evolve but you don't really see it in constructed, do you?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Yogg is the reason this game can't be taken seriously
    Quote from COlesk >>

    Dude. Be angry at Worgen combo, then. Be angry at freeze mage. Yogg can do things, other cards can do things. There are a lot of other cards that consolidate a board turn better than yogg unless in very specific and unlikely situations. Just sit down and think for 5 sec.

     Is there really a need to insult the OP in every comment you make? I'm not saying that I don't agree with you but seriously, I've been reading this thread and you've called him a noob or some other in almost every comment you made. At least the OP isn't substituting good arguments with personal insults...
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Fork

    you can probably replace it with Loot Hoarder and i think the Shadowstep is so you can play N'Zoth, the Corruptor multiple times

    Posted in: Fork
  • 2

    posted a message on Heroic Magic Mirror Pacifier

    his hero power is different on heroic

    Posted in: Heroic Magic Mirror Pacifier
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