• 1

    posted a message on Go ahead and balance DH's, but a couple of things...
    Quote from BrokenCycle >>

    Eye Beam is not a glaring issue and it never will be. The card states "outcast: this costs (1)". So obviously it should cost one when it is on the left or right. The druid legendary does the same thing. It makes Innervate cost 1. If you can't deal with a little anti synergy between two cards in the deck, then don't use them. It is still a full mana cheaper than Penance. So yeah you describing it as a glaring issue is kind of odd. I can only imagine you say that for the eye pun XD

    Being able to kill jarraxus with sac pact is just stupid and ruins a class legendary, so at least I agree with you on that.

     I'm sorry but the interaction between Skull of Gul'dan and Eye Beam is definitely an oversight by Blizzard.  I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that they did not intend for it to cost MORE.  Additionally, the interaction isn't "obvious" as you claim because, while you are correct that it does indeed say "Outcast: This costs 1" its cost has already been reduced to 0 and that should take priority.  In other words, the cost calculation should be as follows.  Base cost = 3, Outcast = Base cost -2, Skull of Gul'dan = Base cost -3.  Instead, Blizzard took a lazy coding route so that Outcast cast is always 1.  As has frequently been the case throughout the history of Hearthstone, we the players are required to suffer Blizzard's complete and utter lack of testing.  Seriously, if you ran a video game development company wouldn't you just play test your fix for 5 minutes before you make it live?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Who is actually enjoying playing/playing against DH?
    Quote from V_enom >>

    After climbing from Bronze 10 to Diamond 5 (i played Dragon and Resurrect Priest) and playing 80% of the time against DH the new class seems just way too broken and extremly straight forward... the Class seems to be a Aggro/Tempo and Control deck at the same time with all the removal/face damage and the by far strongest card draw ! most of the DH´s i played against died because of fatigue while i had 10-/+ cards left.

    i don´t understand how Blizzard thought printing so many broken cards for just one Class was fine...

    What are ur expieriences so far with the new Class? This is not a rant i´m just curious about different opinions

     So, let me get this straight.  You climbed from Bronze 10....to Diamond 5....in 2 days....with most of your matches ending in fatigue?

    Fatigue matches of HS usually take about 20 minutes.  Now, DH draws their deck insanely fast so let's say fatigue matches against DH only take 12 minutes.  Allowing for the fact that not all of your games will end in fatigue, I would say your average game length probably sits around 9 minutes.

    To get from Bronze 10 to Diamond 5 I'm guessing you had to win around 60 games.  Assuming a 75% win rate (which is insanely good) you would have to have played 80 games over the past 2 days.  80 games at 9 minutes a piece comes to 720 minutes which is 12 hours.

    Dear god man are you playing 6 hours of HS a day?  Go outside FFS.  I mean, I know you're probably sheltering in place but...exercise maybe?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Matchmaking no sense

    Matchmaking is based on MMR.  MMR is hidden and is based more off of win/loss rate than how high on the ladder somebody has climbed.  If somebody has enough time on their hands, they can reach legend with a 50% win rate so it's virtually meaningless.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on OTK 64% winrate Climb DH

    Zephrys in a deck with 12 duplicates?  I know you draw your deck very fast but still...a lot of times zephrys won't be active until you've drawn like 25 cards.

    Posted in: OTK 64% winrate Climb DH
  • 5

    posted a message on OTK Demon Hunter

    Step 1: Draw your entire deck.

    Step 2: Play Kael'thas.

    Step 3: Profit.

    Posted in: OTK Demon Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on Adding DH to game was mistake
    Quote from Imnotinchargenow >>

    Completely agree. There was no need for this

     Would you be saying that if DH was balanced?  The way I see it.  DH is a blast to play and has some really amazing and fun card interactions.  Their cards are just too damn powerful, that's all.  Nerf a few of the problematic offenders and DH will be off to a great start.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
  • 18

    posted a message on Demon Hunter Nerfs Coming Today - Blizzard Developers Tweet
    Quote from xskarma >>

    They redid a large section of their classic and basic cards and gave them a whole new base. There is a chance that those changes don;t work and Priest is still in a bad way or that they overshot and that Priest becomes a terror with OP cards.

    So we asked Dean if they were keeping an eye on Priest to make sure they'd be balanced okay even after the initial set of changes, and he said yes, but not just Priest, Demon Hunter too, since they are a completely new class and we have tried to get everything right, but there's always a chance that we missed things and will need to make adjustments.

    And they are, quite swiftly.

     I'm sorry, but that's total corporate bullshit talk.

    Here is the truth.  They intentionally made DH super OP so they could create hype and sell as many pre-orders as possible.  Now that they've sold those pre-orders they are immediately nerfing the cards to bring them back into balance.  Do the customers have any recourse, can they get their money back?  No, of course not, they get DUST.  This kind of thing could never fly back in the old days of collectible card gaming when you actually had to PRINT cards and put them in real life packs.  But now?  Blizzard can do whatever they want.

    In my opinion, this tactic is so excessively greedy that it's just shameful.  Just make a good game with flavorful classes and decent balance and people will play it.  

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Demon Hunter 73% Winrate....WTF

    I love all the people saying "just play this other deck or that deck, it farms DH."  Dude, no.  Tempo DH has a 63% blended winrate right now over 185,000 games and it's WORST MATCHUP is the mirror at 50% (obviously).   Tempo DH (the highest win rate DH deck) currently has a favorable matchup against every other class and archetype in the game.  I'm fairly certain that nothing like this has ever happened before.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on Demon Hunter 73% Winrate....WTF

    If there were no such thing as a mirror match, DH would have an 80% win rate right now.  That's absolutely bonkers OP.  DH has so many overtuned cards that there are like 4 viable archetypes of DH right now (Aggro/swarm, midrange, control and OTK).  People are putting together decks specifically to farm DH and I'm STILL beating rather frequently.  I am now 28-8 with DH (5-2 with Blizzard's stock DH deck and 23-6 with my custom DH deck).  Of those 8 losses, 6 have been to other DH players.  I've only lost 2 games against non DH classes.  One was to an agro paladin who drew perfectly (plus I had a poor mulligan because I didn't expect him to be full aggro) and one was to a control priest.  I hadn't played the game in months and I've rocketed to Plat 3 in 2 days.

    Here are the nerfs I think we need to see.

    Priestess of Fury.  The mana cost should be kept the same as it feels really satisfying to curve this card out on 5 after playing Raging Felscreamer on 4 and it really provides a great payoff to running that card.  I think this card warrants a simple stat nerf.  Because of the power level of the effect and the incredible snowball potential that the card provides if it is not removed, I feel that it should be made into a 6/4 body.  This would allow for classes that don't have insane removal tools to not instantly lose the game when this card is played.  Hunters, for example, could kill it with a huffer.  However, if that's not enough of a nerf, they could easily also reduce the number of random pings from 6 down to 5 or even 4.  I think these changes would bring the card down to a manageable yet still powerful level.

    Imprisoned Antaen.  I'm okay with a big bad imprisoned demon that lingers on the battlefield and then awakens 2 turns later dealing massive devastation.  The issue that I have is that this card basically provides no opportunity for counterplay.  If you load up a big board, you just end up losing your board because this thing just goes HAM.  But your only other option is to not play a big board...in which case you take 10 to the face when this bad boy gets rolling.  Not only that, but the 10 you take to the face is on the Demon hunter's turn so he can often find the tools to burst you down before you can heal back up.  This card needs to only deal minion damage or the effect damage needs to be decreased or altered somehow.

    Altruis the Outcast.  I like the design of this card and it's one of the few cards in the DH set that has a reasonable skillcap to use properly, but the card shouldn't hit face.  There's just no need for that.  The flexibility of this card to be both a powerful board clear and a possible combo finisher just makes it too good.

    Skull of Gul'dan.  It's a pre-nerf nourish that reduces the cost of the cards drawn...like....how stupid is that?  Needs to be 6 mana.  No question about that.  I wonder if the mana discount shouldn't also be reduced.

    Satyr Overseer.  This card is probably one of the ones that is the most problematic.  When a DH curves out Battlefiend, Umberwing and then this guy...it seems impossible to beat them.  3 mana does seem like the right place for this guy, for curve reasons; however, I would like to see him become a 3/2 that summons 2/1 tokens.  This would allow other weapon based classes to kill him a little easier without taking quite as much face damage.  Additionally, the tokens themselves could be pinged off or daggered down.  As early in the game as this guy usually hits the board, that's a really big deal.  If he was a 3/2 that summons 2/1 tokens I definitely think he would still see play.  Think about it, he'd be a Sharkfin Fan with 1 additional attack that summons tokens with 1 additional attack for just one more mana.  Plus, DH has an easier time activating the condition than other classes thanks to its 1 mana hero power and cards like Twin Slice.

    DH has a powerful early game...and that's okay.  The problem is that they have ridiculously powerful middle and late game options that allow them to continue to snowball that early advantage into victory after victory.  Overall, the curve of DH is really satisfying and fun to play.  I just think that some of the minions are egregiously over-statted and DH just has too many card effects that deal chip damage to the face.  That's where I would focus my changes if I was on the dev team.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
  • 2

    posted a message on DH your impressions

    I had a control priest curve out imprisoned humunculous into Apotheosis on turn 3 so he had a 4/8 taunt with lifesteal on turn 3.  He also managed to draw breath of the infinite and holy nova.

    I still beat him.

    Right now my record against DH with non DH classes is 0-7.  My record against non DH classes with the generic DH deck that Blizz put together is 5-2.  My record against non DH classes with my own custom DH deck is 8-1.

    Blizzard intentionally powercreeps with every expansion to make sure that people dump money on card packs.  They want to make sure that your old cards and old collection are worthless when an expansion drops.  Then, once as many people as possible have reached into their wallets, Blizzard will finally nerf the overpowered shit they just released.

    It's honestly disgusting.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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