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    posted a message on FACE is the ONLY ANSWER!!+ guide

    If you're running Leper Gnome and Kobold Sandtrooper then how can you not run Pack Tactics?

    Posted in: FACE is the ONLY ANSWER!!+ guide
  • 5

    posted a message on What are your most hated cards in standard?

    Dark Skies and it's not even close.  Go wide?  Dark skies deals with it.  Go tall?  Dark skies deals with it.  The effect is way too powerful and versatile for its mana cost.  It's not right that the same spell can clear either an 8/8 or an entire board of 1/1s for 3 mana.  In Warlock, this card has an equal power level to Rolling Fireball yet it costs 2 less.  That's just BROKEN.  This along with Plague of Flames are the main reasons Galakrond Warlock is just dominating right now.  Because they have cheap overpowered removal tools with no weaknesses.  The Sacrificial Pact nerf will change very little.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Nerfs Have Been Revealed
    Quote from sPacEtiMe19 >>
    Quote from Hawk_EM >>
    Quote from sPacEtiMe19 >>

    Heh heh heh heh. Ohh warlocks, you are truly not prepared.

    Vengeance Is Mine

     Finally priestess can see the play she so deserves again. 

     RIGHT!?  She's absolutely, without a doubt, the best card in DH and nobody could play her because they would get rekt by sac pact.  I'm so stoked to re-tool my DH deck to once again include her.

    As for the other nerfs...Altruis seems fine.  It doesn't change what the card can do on a surface level, it just makes it harder for those turns to come out quite as early.  Buffing his attack was basically pointless because I have played like 225 games with DH and I can remember only like 3 or 4 times that my Altruis actually attacked.

    Battlefiend is now pretty much unplayable.  Battlefiend pretty much never survives more than 2 turns anyway so they've basically made it worse than the neutral 2/2 1 drop like 90% of the time.

    Glaivebound Adept nerf is fine.  Honestly, the power of the card is in the 4 damage battlecry.  The damage the card does when attacking is largely moot because nobody ever lets it hit their face and, when it does, 6 damage is basically just as chunky as 7.  This is an almost negligible nerf.

    Frenzied Felwing nerf is a tough one to balance because if the mana cost was increased the card would just be unplayable.  Yet, making it die to board clears like immolation aura, holy nova, consecration, breath of the infinite, starfall and explosive trap might also make it unplayable.  If you draw one or two of these guys early then you have no choice but to empty your hand and flood the board.  Now, if you did that, you would get utterly rekt by any class that can do a 2 damage aoe (pretty much all of them).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!
    Quote from NIOIN >>

     German is the best.  I wish we had words like "Drachenmalspaherin" and "Cyberschrekenslord"

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your experience climbing to Legend
    Quote from Zangoosed >>

    I was Diamond 1 and have proceeded to lose 6 games in a row today. Question is...how does one deal with such adversity and bad luck?

    How can someone with such bad luck ever hit legend?

    Sad sad panda here. :(

     I got to final boss and proceeded to lose 5 in a row.  Battled all the way back to 2 stars away from legend before losing 8 out of 11 and going all the way back down to D3-2stars.  It has been a wild ride but I finally managed go on a nice little streak and make it to legend for the first time today and it feels epic.  Just don't let the losses tilt you.  If you can make it to Diamond 5, you can make it to legend.  I promise you.  The grind just gets super real because you can no longer benefit from win streaking and you're playing against other people who are also laser focused on hitting legend.  All told, it took me around 55 wins to go from D5 to Legend.  You can do it!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!
    Quote from EnderBSG >>

    Finally hit legend after 5 years of playing. Got very close half a year ago but could not handle the pressure. This month I shamefully jumped on the DH bandwagon and got to rank 1 in first few days. It was not deserved, so RNGesus rightfully stroked me all the way down to rank 5.

    Then I switched to Galakrond Warlock to redeem myself by killing all the Demon Hunters. It took quite a few losses until I got the in and outs of that deck and slowly I started climbing back up. Every day I played a few games until I lost. I took a week of being stuck at rank 3 but I did not lose hope and got to rank 2.

    Today I was going to take a shower and all of a sudden I felt this weird sensation in the back of my back and I knew today I will get to legend. I felt like a Neo in Matrix when he realizes he is the chosen one. I sat down to my laptop and started playing. Staying calm like a monk. It felt great. DH after DH dying like flies. Then I got to my last boss...Demon Hunter again. I lost by difference of 1 health.

    Following match was token druid which is pretty bad matchup. He did all his shenanigans with Kaelthas and it seemed desperate. I almost pressed the concede button, but in the last second I played plague of flames with only few minions on board. It killed Kaelthas and I stabilized.

    Final boss no. 2 again token druid. I was pretty nervous, but I got lucky in the end. He discarded his witch and allowed me to kill his Kaelthas cheaply. I won. Biggest adventure I experienced in month long quarantine!

     Awesome!  Congrats.  I also hit legend for the first time today.  My first final boss match was 2 nights ago and the guy managed to top deck 3 board clears in a row when I had him on the ropes.  After that, I hovered around Diamond 2 before falling all the way to Diamond 3.  But today I finally did it.  The best part was that I did it with DH, didn't jump off the wagon after the nerfs.  My last 4 games were against Warlocks and I crushed them all.  That made it all the more satisfying as I let out a triumphant "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!" while blasting my new final boss in the face with a metamorphosis blast.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Just hit Legend for the first time today!  Previous best was rank 2.  Got to my final boss 2 nights ago and promptly went on a losing streak.  Fought my way back to 2 stars away and got hit with another losing streak that took me down to Diamond 3.  But today I managed to win 7 of 8 and claim my spot in the legend ranks!  I am pumped.  The best part is that I took down 4 consecutive Warlocks with my DH, including the final boss.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Does Zephrys the Great prove rigged card draw/discover system?
    Quote from sigtrent >>

    Play a total agro smasher deck and you won't get quite so many agro opponents because that would make things very lopsided.

     There's gotta be something to this.  I remember way back when secret paladin was the top braindead deck on the ladder.  I faced off against like 5 secret paladins in a row with a 1-4 record.  I got so frustrated that I created a hunter deck with double Flare and double Eater of Secrets.  I queued up with that deck 10 times and didn't play against a single secret paladin.  So I figured, eh, maybe there aren't as many of them as I thought.  Switched back to my main ladder deck.  Boom 3 secret paladins in a row again and lost 2 out of 3.  So, all told, I played like 19 games that night.  10 with a secret paladin destroyer deck and 9 with my regular deck.  In 8 of the 9 matches I played with my normal deck, I played against secret paladin.  But when I switched to a deck with secret destroying tech, I played 0 secret paladins in 10 games.  That just CAN'T be random.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on DH is the biggest mistake of Blizzard.
    Quote from Nickfuryusn >>

    I shit on DH with no minion mage. Its hilarious actually 

     I've played 5 games against no minion mage with my DH list.  I'm 3-2.  I guarantee you're not "shitting on" any tempo DH that curves out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Who is actually enjoying playing/playing against DH?

    In spite of the fact that DH started off completely busted and is still just a bit overtuned even after the nerfs, it's still a fun class to play.  The curve and synergy of the main class staples feel really good.  I play midrange/tempo DH and if I curve Battlefiend, Umberwing, Satyr Overseer, Raging Felscreamer, Priestess of Fury (which happens like once every 5-6 games) it feels completely unstoppable.  Couple that with the flexibility of a card like Twin Slice and a 1 mana hero power that you can toss in any time your curve doesn't line up perfectly and the class just feels really smooth and polished.

    I'm definitely glad that Blizzard nerfed the class and it probably still needs a couple more tweaks, but I really like the flavor and play style.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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