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    posted a message on The new control meta
    Quote from Nickfuryusn >>

    Any game going past turn 5 is just too much.  We should all just play demon hunter so it will go as quick as possible and you wont get bored

    DH mirror as well as DH vs. Rogue and DH vs. Hunter can be very fun.  DH also enjoys a pretty fun and balanced matchup against a lot of druid decks.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Alexstraza to Hall of Fame please?

    Personally.  Neither version of Alex seems terribly oppressive to me.  They are both legendary 9 mana minions so, while they are both powerful and potentially game winning cards, the decks that run them have to not only survive until turn 9 but also create a board state where they can safely be played.  Sometimes you just can't afford to play either Alex because you'll likely die if you do.  If a control/highlander deck manages to survive until the late game with enough health and a sufficiently equal board state such that they can offensively Alex you then they DESERVE to win the game.  It's just that simple.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Not the Priestess of Fury nerf that we need but the priestess of fury nef we deserve

    Honestly, this card would be playable at 4 mana.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Legend doesn't feel that Legendary
    Quote from Jonesy978 >>

    I think it's fine. It is easier to hit legend and it seems like many more people are making it into legend. I believe it's almost 100,000 people on NA at this point.

    BUT - that also encourages deck diversity... I hope. If your only goal is making legend then you might be willing to mess around in legend with new ideas.

    If you want high legend (top 1000? top 5000?) you can play the standard nonsense to get there.

    I'd rather feel like the grind to legend is less brutal each month. 

     I intentionally tanked my MMR to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes and I ended up ranked 27910 among legends in the Americas region.  I actually lost 3 games in a row and saw no change to my rank.  I'm also being matched up against Bronze 8 players at this point.  I'm saying all this to explain to you that there are definitely nowhere near 100k legends NA.  I would know, I'm at the very bottom of the heap.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legend doesn't feel that Legendary

    Here's the thing.  For a long time it was borderline impossible for anybody who plays casually to hit legend.  Before the days of rank floors, you had to maintain a positive win rate across hundreds and hundreds of games to hit legend.  That was a time investment that most people just didn't have the ability to make.  Each change that Blizzard has made over the years has made it easier and easier to hit legend but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  It still takes a lot of time and effort to hit legend.  By my math, with a good win rate, you would probably JUST BARELY hit legend if you play for an hour a day every day for the whole month.  Under normal circumstances, not that many people would be willing to commit 25-30 hours to this game every month so the number of legends would stay pretty reasonable (maybe under 10k).  But with people in quarantine who have nothing better to do than to play HS, that's why you're seeing like 28k legends in the Americas.

    It will die down and, when the dust settles, I think only something like 1% of players will earn the title of legend each month.  Besides, if you feel like your "legend" title is cheapened by there being 28k legends then just get into the top 1000 and then you can brag about being in a more exclusive club of legends.  From there, you can set your sights on the leaderboard.  Then, you can entertain the idea of trying to compete for Rank1 legend.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most high Rollie hero?

    Well, any hero that has random discovers as a result of their hero power...like Alexstrasza or AFKay is kinda highrollie by definition because if you nail those discovers you just wreck, but if you don't you lose.  Additionally, Reno is pretty highrollie because he basically relies on getting a triple on tier 4, getting Brann/Baron/Lightfang, and hero powering it.  If he doesn't successfully hit one of those 3 minions then his run is probably going to be over pretty soon.  But if he does he's very likey to take first place.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Diamond 1 - What beats Aggro DH and Hunter the best?
    Quote from Nefine1337 >>

    I dont have the patience to learn bomb warrior/egg warrior it takes too much practice and on D2-1 I do not want to play around. WL/Priest would be my only option (have all cards) I havent faced any Warlocks though.

    The last 7 games were 6 DH (2 wins) and 1 Hunter (1win)

    You: "Hey guys, what beats DH and Face hunter."

    Also you:  "I don't want to learn to play that."


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on The whole demon hunter class need a rework

    I think the issue with DH is that outcast isn't as restrictive as Blizzard thought it would be.  If you play a slower and more controlling type of deck with big heavy hitter cards that can often clog your hand then it becomes considerably harder to reliably outcast your key cards the turn you need to.  But this doesn't balance those effects like Blizzard intended, instead, it's an issue that DH players solve in the deck building process.  They build around a bunch of low cost stuff that allows them to easily empty their hand and gain the early game tempo advantage, which then in turn allows them to abuse the outcast effects on spectral sight and skull of gul'dan to cost effectively reload or dig for burn to end the game.  This has lead to the cancerous Tempo DH archetype that people hate so much.

    Trust me when I say this.  Highlander DH is way more fun to play and I'm sure it's more fun to play against too.  But it doesn't have the super high win rate of tempo DH so it doesn't get played nearly as often.  It's just a shame.


    Posted in: Demon Hunter
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    posted a message on Can someone tell me why people play albatross priest?

    Some people just want to watch the world burn.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on What to do with golden Whizbang?

    Crafting golden Whizbang was the first thing I did when he came out.  I'm in the same boat and not sure what to do.  I'm holding onto him for now just because you can't unclick the disenchant button.  But I think I might dust him soon.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Illidan's 1000th Win Portrait
    Quote from Bee >>
    Quote from Rayzorhail >>
    Quote from Geoff >>
    Quote from Bonzi3615 >>

    Well it's quarantine so wouldn't be surprised if someone got it


     Assuming 50% win-rate (I think it is fair as no everyone is able to achieve the same wr%, which the deck has according to the stats) and 10 minutes per game = 333,33 hours of constant playing.  Almost 2 weeks of not leaving your computer, not sleeping, pissing or anything.

    Let's give them 60% wr and it's still 278 hours.

    I know, the lockdown. But many of us still work (I do), either remotely or because their job is "essential". We still have other hobbies, like reading, watching films and shows. We still have our close ones. 

    To spend your entire life, even in a lockdown, in an online game is something I can't comprehend. Simple as that.

     Its 400 hours or 16 days and 16 hours since AoO launced. Assuming they played only DH and with a 60% WR - 278 hours. 278 hours over 16 days is 17 hours (rounded down) of playtime every day. 

    No, not even the most hardcore can play that much. I would say it wont be achieved for another month.

     You're very wrong.

     Also FYI it's possible for a good player to abuse the system and farm noobs in the lower ranks. That makes it a lot easier.

     Not without completely tanking your MMR it isn't.  100% of your games on ranked ladder are now against people with roughly equivalent MMR to you.  The quality of opponent that you will face when you are at Bronze 10 is the same as when you've laddered up into Platinum and Diamond.  That's why the bonus star system was introduced.  In order 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Priest is exhausting and RIGGED.

    Bye Felicia.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Is OG Alex worth the craft?

    OG Alex is one of those cards that always finds her way into the meta somehow and, for that reason, she's definitely worth a craft.  I would say she's right there with Malygos, not a "must own" card but definitely handy to have.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 1 mana cost hero powers

    Most of these are pretty straightforward and just halve the effect of the 2-cost hero power.  For those that aren't quite that simple, you see the issue immediately.  Mage deal 1 for 1 is just way too powerful and Warlock would have a GOD TIER hero power if it cost 1.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The most Broken/Powerful cards for each class in Standard

    I think Dark Skies is the best Warlock card.  It's just a completely overpowered and entirely too flexible removal card.  I talked about it this in the "most hated cards in standard" thread but there is simply no reason why a card should have the capability of removing a wide board and yet also be able to clear large minions too, but that's exactly what this card does.  What's this?  You have a 3/2, 1/1, 1/1 and 4/4?  Ok, I'll play Dark Skies.  What's this?  You've got an 8/8 Edwin?  Ok, I'll play Dark Skies.  Completely brainless card.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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