25th Feb Update: Arena with Drs. 6, 7 & 8: Challenger, Boom and Foe Reaper!
Arena with Dr Boom - but Mysterious Challenger and Foe Reaper also join the party! Some of my plays are slightly over-cautious - but still, Dr Boom coming down on turn 7 was always a huge swing.
A fun series of highlights looking at Varian Wrynn in Warrior arena. Often he can be a massive swing card when top decking, giving you board control and lethal the following turn!
1: WIN vs Mage: I get greedy waiting till very late into the game to play my Deathwing. Polymorph says hello to Deathwing. Despite misplaying initially, some tense weapon plays win me the game along with a super LUCKY Fen Creeper. The Mage was not happy! 2: LOSS vs Priest: The Priest actually was able to hang on after Deathwing was played! He also managed to clear an Obsidian Destroyer. Priests and their spells! I essentially ran out of cards and lost. 3: WIN vs Paladin: I actually managed to get value from King's Defender :-) Thankfully the Paladin had a slow start. 4: WIN vs Hunter: An incredible game that finishes with Frothing Berserker hitting 20 to the FACE!
5: WIN vs Shaman: Weapons and the Stormwind Champion win the day. 6: WIN vs Druid: Sparring Partner is such a great card when comboed with Stormwind Champion. Gnomeregan Infantry finishes the game. 7: WIN vs Mage: Chow vs Amani starts us off. Arcanite Reaper into Death's Bite finishes it. 8: WIN vs Shaman: Battle Rage into Execute wins the game. 9: WIN vs Rogue: Board presence wins.
10: LOSS vs Rogue - A really close game. Deathwing comes down - but he has a Cobra :-( He ALSO had Tinker's Oil and Deadly Poison to finish me off. 11: WIN vs Paladin - An AMAZING game. The Paladin had great cards - Sunwalker, double Murloc Knight, Keeper of Uldaman, Aldor Peacekeeper, etc. However, my taunt wall won me the game - even after it got consecrated. A 5 card Battle Rage was icing on the cake which gave me lethal. 12: WIN vs Rogue - I misplay a couple of times. Regardless, Sparring Partner on a Spectral Knight causes a concede. 13: WIN vs Mage - By turn 5, I am top-decking, with Deathwing as a dead card in my hand. Coldlight Oracle draws an Execute which slays a giant :-) Deathwing comes down at the right time, but it wasn't enough. The Mage survives on 1 health until I finally end the game with a weapon. They call it a 'win axe' for a reason. 14: WIN vs Druid - I use Battle Rage for one draw at the start, in order to keep the pressure up. My taunt wall seals the game. He even casts 2 spells to buff up my Trogg - which strangely kills his taunt! In the end, his Murloc Tinyfin was no match for my Belcher and Obsidian!
An incredibly fun Warlock Arena, allowing me to take advantage of the Warlock's hero power in combination with Chrommagus. The result? DOUBLE Dr. Boom more than once!!
This is a series of highlights from a recent Warlock arena. We showcase the power of demons. Voidcaller into: Floating Watcher, Doomguard, double FEARSOME Doomguard, Dread Infernal and let's not forget the Imp Gang Boss! Chillout, enjoy the music and enjoy the demons!
This deck is all about having fun. It uses the inspire mechanic - in particular the Tournament Medic. Finally found a use for that card! Thanks to Zetalot for this deck. The last game is absolutely INSANE - with Confessor Paletress going unanswered for several turns. There are also other games where my opponents concede very quickly!
17th April update: Aggro Zoolock Analysis and Highlights: "Time's up! Let's do this"
This video showcases my use of Aggro Zoolock on the ladder. We go through the structure of the deck and some of the key synergies. We finish with some highlights. A really fun deck! Hopefully I can convince you to play it!
2nd May update: Trying out Loyan's Old Gods Aggro/ Midrange Shaman: Concedes, streaks, disconnects and BLOODLUST!
Trying out Loyan's Shaman deck - this deck has helped me streak from rank 18 to 12. Shaman has really benefited from the Old Gods expansion. I break the deck down, analyse the synergies and showcase some highlights! Concedes, streaks, disconnects and Bloodlust!
7th May update: My first Old Gods arena - Thoughts on Cabalist's Tome and Bog Creeper
This is my first arena under the Old Gods era. Managed 7 wins with this Mage - playing double Bog Creeper. A few thoughts on the arena meta, the deck and the value of Bog Creeper and Cabalist's Tome.
Prior to the Old Gods expansion, I played a lot of Zoolock and had great success on ladder. Let's look at some of the new Old Gods Zoolock decks - Modern Leper and Jddragon's decks (and yes I know I misplayed with a couple of trades towards the end) :-)
I take a look at two N'Zoth Paladin decks - Kolento and Prelude. It's a VERY long video - I apologise - but it really showcases the power of this deck. I was particularly pleased with my Tirion / Doomsayer combo - which I didn't explain very well in the video. By placing down the Doomsayer - presuming he couldn't kill it - it blocked the Warlock from playing taunts or other things that could save him the following turn. The Doomsayer guaranteed the Ashbringer, which gave me lethal :-)
25th Feb Update: Arena with Drs. 6, 7 & 8: Challenger, Boom and Foe Reaper!
Arena with Dr Boom - but Mysterious Challenger and Foe Reaper also join the party! Some of my plays are slightly over-cautious - but still, Dr Boom coming down on turn 7 was always a huge swing.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
28th Feb Update: Trying out the Malygos Freeze Mage
Having fun with the Malygos Freeze Mage - Fireball heaven! I don't play much Freeze Mage - so please excuse my misplays!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
5th March update: Varian Wrynn Warrior Arena highlights - concedes everywhere!
A fun series of highlights looking at Varian Wrynn in Warrior arena. Often he can be a massive swing card when top decking, giving you board control and lethal the following turn!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
12th March update: Opening 100 packs from arena
I have spent the last few weeks (or months) playing arena, winning packs and saving them for this one moment. Opening 100 packs!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
19th March update: My 2nd 12 win Warrior Run - Deathwing and friends!
My second 12 win warrior run of the year.
Draft: Some fantastic cards - Fiery Winaxe, Death's Bite * 2, Arcanite Reaper, Sludge Belcher, Obsidian Destroyer AND DEATHWING.
VIDEO 1: Frothing Berserker for 20 (to the FACE).
1: WIN vs Mage: I get greedy waiting till very late into the game to play my Deathwing. Polymorph says hello to Deathwing. Despite misplaying initially, some tense weapon plays win me the game along with a super LUCKY Fen Creeper. The Mage was not happy!
2: LOSS vs Priest: The Priest actually was able to hang on after Deathwing was played! He also managed to clear an Obsidian Destroyer. Priests and their spells! I essentially ran out of cards and lost.
3: WIN vs Paladin: I actually managed to get value from King's Defender :-) Thankfully the Paladin had a slow start.
4: WIN vs Hunter: An incredible game that finishes with Frothing Berserker hitting 20 to the FACE!
VIDEO 2: Weapons weapons everywhere!
5: WIN vs Shaman: Weapons and the Stormwind Champion win the day.
6: WIN vs Druid: Sparring Partner is such a great card when comboed with Stormwind Champion. Gnomeregan Infantry finishes the game.
7: WIN vs Mage: Chow vs Amani starts us off. Arcanite Reaper into Death's Bite finishes it.
8: WIN vs Shaman: Battle Rage into Execute wins the game.
9: WIN vs Rogue: Board presence wins.
VIDEO 3: Obsidian and Belcher vs Murloc Tinyfin?
10: LOSS vs Rogue - A really close game. Deathwing comes down - but he has a Cobra :-( He ALSO had Tinker's Oil and Deadly Poison to finish me off.
11: WIN vs Paladin - An AMAZING game. The Paladin had great cards - Sunwalker, double Murloc Knight, Keeper of Uldaman, Aldor Peacekeeper, etc. However, my taunt wall won me the game - even after it got consecrated. A 5 card Battle Rage was icing on the cake which gave me lethal.
12: WIN vs Rogue - I misplay a couple of times. Regardless, Sparring Partner on a Spectral Knight causes a concede.
13: WIN vs Mage - By turn 5, I am top-decking, with Deathwing as a dead card in my hand. Coldlight Oracle draws an Execute which slays a giant :-) Deathwing comes down at the right time, but it wasn't enough. The Mage survives on 1 health until I finally end the game with a weapon. They call it a 'win axe' for a reason.
14: WIN vs Druid - I use Battle Rage for one draw at the start, in order to keep the pressure up. My taunt wall seals the game. He even casts 2 spells to buff up my Trogg - which strangely kills his taunt! In the end, his Murloc Tinyfin was no match for my Belcher and Obsidian!
The Deck
Inner Rage
Execute * 2
Zombie Chow
Fiery War Axe
Battle Rage
Cruel Taskmaster
Haunted Creeper
Jeweled Scarab
Sparring Partner
Stonesplinter Trogg
Youthful Brewmaster
Fierce Monkey * 2
Harvet Golem
Razorfen Hunter
Spider Tank
Death's Bite * 2
Gnomish Inventor
Twighlight Drake
Arcanite Reaper
Fen Creeper
Sludge Belcher
Spectral Knight
Obsidian Destroyer
Stormwind Champion
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
26th March update: Warlock Arena with Chrommagus into double Dr Boom (more than once)!
An incredibly fun Warlock Arena, allowing me to take advantage of the Warlock's hero power in combination with Chrommagus. The result? DOUBLE Dr. Boom more than once!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
1st April: Warlock Arena: Demon Power: Doom for you! - chillout highlights
This is a series of highlights from a recent Warlock arena. We showcase the power of demons. Voidcaller into: Floating Watcher, Doomguard, double FEARSOME Doomguard, Dread Infernal and let's not forget the Imp Gang Boss! Chillout, enjoy the music and enjoy the demons!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
5th April update: Trying Zetalot's Inspire Priest: Lots of concedes + Confessor Paletress gives me endless legendaries!
This deck is all about having fun. It uses the inspire mechanic - in particular the Tournament Medic. Finally found a use for that card! Thanks to Zetalot for this deck. The last game is absolutely INSANE - with Confessor Paletress going unanswered for several turns. There are also other games where my opponents concede very quickly!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
9th April update: Mage Deathwing Arena: "I AM POWER INCARNATE!" (12/12 not enough - how about a 15/15 Deathwing?)
What can I say? This is Deathwing Mage Arena. Oh - and consider this. A 12/12 Deathwing is strong. How about a 15/15 Deathwing??? Deal with that!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
16th April update: Mage Arena Highlights and chillout: With 4 Water Elementals
Sit back. Put your feet up. Chillout and watch this Mage arena highlights video.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
17th April update: Aggro Zoolock Analysis and Highlights: "Time's up! Let's do this"
This video showcases my use of Aggro Zoolock on the ladder. We go through the structure of the deck and some of the key synergies. We finish with some highlights. A really fun deck! Hopefully I can convince you to play it!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
22nd April update: Rhonin Mage Arena highlights: "The might of Dalaran has arrived!"
Rhonin. Arena. Enough said.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
24th April update: Pyroblast Mage Arena highlights
Pyroblast. 10 damage to the face. Win. :-)
Sorry for the poor audio quality!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
25th April update: Quadruple Murloc Knight: Vengeance on the arena meta (last arena video before Old Gods expansion)
My last video before the Old Gods expansion. Here I finally receive justice for all of my bad luck in arena :-) Quadruple Murloc Knight? Yes please.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
27th April update: Hearthstone Old Gods pack opening! 113 packs: 5 legendaries :)
Opening a 113 packs.
1 Mukla - Tyrant of the Vale (12:50)
1 Deathwing Dragonlord (17:28)
1 Fandral Staghelm (21:04)
2 Princess Huhuran (18:03, 27:49)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
1st May update: C'thun Control Warrior: Deck Analysis and Highlights
Having fun experimenting with C'Thun Control Warrior - deck analysis and a couple of quick highlights.
Sorry if I sound sleepy - it was very late! :-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
2nd May update: Trying out Loyan's Old Gods Aggro/ Midrange Shaman: Concedes, streaks, disconnects and BLOODLUST!
Trying out Loyan's Shaman deck - this deck has helped me streak from rank 18 to 12. Shaman has really benefited from the Old Gods expansion. I break the deck down, analyse the synergies and showcase some highlights! Concedes, streaks, disconnects and Bloodlust!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
7th May update: My first Old Gods arena - Thoughts on Cabalist's Tome and Bog Creeper
This is my first arena under the Old Gods era. Managed 7 wins with this Mage - playing double Bog Creeper. A few thoughts on the arena meta, the deck and the value of Bog Creeper and Cabalist's Tome.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
9th May update: Old Gods Zoolock: Modern Leper vs Jddragon decks: Brann, Leeroy and Giants!
Prior to the Old Gods expansion, I played a lot of Zoolock and had great success on ladder. Let's look at some of the new Old Gods Zoolock decks - Modern Leper and Jddragon's decks (and yes I know I misplayed with a couple of trades towards the end) :-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
13th May: Hearthstone N'Zoth Paladin - Kolento vs Prelude: Tirion Doomsayer combo and fatigue warrior (HD 1080p)
I take a look at two N'Zoth Paladin decks - Kolento and Prelude. It's a VERY long video - I apologise - but it really showcases the power of this deck. I was particularly pleased with my Tirion / Doomsayer combo - which I didn't explain very well in the video. By placing down the Doomsayer - presuming he couldn't kill it - it blocked the Warlock from playing taunts or other things that could save him the following turn. The Doomsayer guaranteed the Ashbringer, which gave me lethal :-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!