14th May: Revisiting Loyan's Old Gods Shaman: AKO adds in Windfury!! - reshaping the meta? (HD 1080p)
A few weeks back, I published a video showcasing my rank 18 to 12 undefeated streak with Loyan's Shaman deck (you can find it on page 4 of this thread). This time, a friend of mine adds in one copy of Windfury. How does the deck perform? Lets look at AKO's attempt at shaping the meta!
19th May update: C'thun N'Zoth Reno Rogue deck: Unlimited Anub'araks, Skulker value & facing down Yogg Saron (1080p)
Trying out a C'thun N'Zoth Reno Rogue deck. Fun times! Lots of threats + ultra healing. Watch the first 20 seconds to get an idea of how powerful this deck can be! Unlimited Anub'araks (thanks to Journey Below)!
22nd May update: JohnnyQuest Control Warrior: Squirrels, Ysera value, outlasting Reno, overcoming Varian! (1080p)
This season, I have used Loyan's Shaman to successfully rank up. Now I give Johnny Quest's Warrior a try. The result? Fun times. Insane value. Streaking into rank 10. Oh... and a deck that let me play a 11-11 squirrel? Yes please :-)
I have grown to really like Doom in arena. Clear a board? INSANE card draw? May not be as good as Twisting Nether (which lets you play a card on the same turn), but it's still awesome!
28th May update: Streaking into Rank 7: Loyan's Totem Shaman & Zoolock: Concedes, Super totems & Brann value! (1080p)
Heading to the end of the season and I was happy to streak into rank 7. I used Loyan's Totem Shaman and JdDragon's Zoolock. Quick deck analysis and commentary on games. Long may the streak continue!
30th May update: Trying the Guukboii Yogg Mage: Ignoring lethal until Yogg gets value! (1080p)
In the second game, I keep ignoring lethal until Yogg gets value for me. I refuse to end the game until my Yogg comes down :-) Will my Yogg get me lethal? - OR will my opponent play his Yogg first and win?!
This is my first go at ranking up on wild mode. I used Zalae's Dragon Priest - such an AWESOME deck allowing for streaks and great survivability due to the dragon based taunts. If you are looking for a good wild deck, give this a try!
4th June update: Wild Mode Adventure #2: Ranks 11-7 - Secrets N'Zoth Paladin: He who plays Challenger first...(1080p)
In a previous video, I used Zalae's Dragon Priest to streak from rank 18 to 11 on Wild mode (https://youtu.be/WLze5LwsyaA). Now I go from 11 to 7 using Secrets N'Zoth Paladin. The deck doesn't really need an introduction. It is very very strong. When you have used up all of your threats... you play N'Zoth and bring them back. A massive swing! This video features some great moments: - saying hi to Lorewalker Cho, - surviving double Call of the Wild, - surviving double Brawl, - racing another Paladin to play Challenger first If you want a strong deck for Wild mode, this can go far!!
Hearthstone Mage Arena: Seers, Summoners and Archers - thoughts and highlights (1080p)
I have spent most of time experimenting on the ladder since the Old Gods expansion. But now... it's time for some arena! 8 wins wasn't too bad - however - I was really pleased with how some of my cards performed: - Faceless Summoner - Corrupted Seer - Elven Archer This video features a quick analysis and thoughts on the arena meta - with a focus on how this Mage deck performed.
12th June update: Loyan Totem Shaman Revisited: Using Harrison on Doomhammer TWICE (Standard)(1080p)
Loyan's totem shaman worked well for me last season. Let's revisit it. However, this video has a theme. Harrison Jones. That belongs in a museum! Harrison on Doomhammer = insane card advantage.
This is my Heart of the Sunwell Tavern Brawl highlight video with 60+ wins - featuring Dragon Priest! Some crazy combos and plays. - Priest class cards help to control the board: Shadow Word Pain, Lightbomb, Mind Control, Entomb etc. - Reserrect and Mind games represent serious value too. Powerword shield on Chrommagaus draws an extra card. - Y'Shaarj on turn 1 = disgusting. - Onyxia on turn 1 = insane. - Alex on turn 1 = game over. - Confessor Paletress on turn 1 = another legendary on board. - Rend Blackhand for a surprise kill on a legendary minion if you have dragon in hand.
Some really interesting games showcasing my journey to rank 6 in a new season - overcoming Patrons, C'thun Warriors and surviving at 2 health against a Shaman!!!
26th June: Making a comeback with Midrange Hunter (Standard) (1080p)
Midrange Hunter is finally viable again! Here we look at two different decks, one with N'Zoth and one without. The question is... do we really need N'Zoth?
2nd July update: 12 Win Warrior Arena: Playing Tirion & overcoming Rhonin and Tinkmaster (1080p)
My third 12 win Warrior run of the year. This arena run started in the gym, on the treadmill!! I drafted on the treadmill, played on the treadmill, played whilst walking home from the gym, and finished the last few games at home. Some interesting games, facing legendaries - Tinkmaster, Rhonin, etc. I used Grand Crusader to get Tirion to secure my 12th win :-) That last game was insane. The irony of my opponent getting Reno but not benefiting from the battlecry :-) I recorded the last few games:
15th July update: My Hearthstone road to Legend (for the first time) - using Snaker571's Wild Hunter - Beating Priests and Warriors!
Last season, I got legend for the first time. It was my proudest and most emotional moment in Hearthstone. I used Snaker571's midrange hunter (wild mode). This video showcases a few of the games through rank 1, until I hit legend. I faced the same Priest and Warrior twice and won!
29th July update: Trying Thijs' Control Shaman: 'I am the Darkest Night' (1080p)
At ranks 4/5, I have been seeing more control Shamans on the ladder. I decided to take a look at the Thijs control Shaman deck. Not sure how I feel about it yet...
14th May: Revisiting Loyan's Old Gods Shaman: AKO adds in Windfury!! - reshaping the meta? (HD 1080p)
A few weeks back, I published a video showcasing my rank 18 to 12 undefeated streak with Loyan's Shaman deck (you can find it on page 4 of this thread).
This time, a friend of mine adds in one copy of Windfury. How does the deck perform? Lets look at AKO's attempt at shaping the meta!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
19th May update: C'thun N'Zoth Reno Rogue deck: Unlimited Anub'araks, Skulker value & facing down Yogg Saron (1080p)
Trying out a C'thun N'Zoth Reno Rogue deck. Fun times! Lots of threats + ultra healing. Watch the first 20 seconds to get an idea of how powerful this deck can be! Unlimited Anub'araks (thanks to Journey Below)!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
21st May Update: Evolution in Shaman Arena: Evolve into Mogor and friends vs Hogger and friends (1080p)
How good is Evolve in Arena? Fun times and RNG with Mogor and friends!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
22nd May update: JohnnyQuest Control Warrior: Squirrels, Ysera value, outlasting Reno, overcoming Varian! (1080p)
This season, I have used Loyan's Shaman to successfully rank up. Now I give Johnny Quest's Warrior a try. The result? Fun times. Insane value. Streaking into rank 10. Oh... and a deck that let me play a 11-11 squirrel? Yes please :-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
23rd May update: Hearthstone Old Gods Dragon Priest: 'Mage, you should be more careful' - double Pyroblast dream! (1080p)
Dragon Priest? - with DOUBLE Pyroblast? Yep. Thanks Nefarian! Check out 14:34 ;-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
26th May update: Doom in Warlock Arena? (1080p)
I have grown to really like Doom in arena. Clear a board? INSANE card draw? May not be as good as Twisting Nether (which lets you play a card on the same turn), but it's still awesome!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
28th May update: Streaking into Rank 7: Loyan's Totem Shaman & Zoolock: Concedes, Super totems & Brann value! (1080p)
Heading to the end of the season and I was happy to streak into rank 7. I used Loyan's Totem Shaman and JdDragon's Zoolock. Quick deck analysis and commentary on games. Long may the streak continue!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
30th May update: Trying the Guukboii Yogg Mage: Ignoring lethal until Yogg gets value! (1080p)
In the second game, I keep ignoring lethal until Yogg gets value for me. I refuse to end the game until my Yogg comes down :-) Will my Yogg get me lethal? - OR will my opponent play his Yogg first and win?!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
2nd June update: Trying Zalae's N'Zoth WILD Dragon Priest: Streaking, stealing, deathrattles & strange meta! (1080p)
This is my first go at ranking up on wild mode. I used Zalae's Dragon Priest - such an AWESOME deck allowing for streaks and great survivability due to the dragon based taunts. If you are looking for a good wild deck, give this a try!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
4th June update: Wild Mode Adventure #2: Ranks 11-7 - Secrets N'Zoth Paladin: He who plays Challenger first...(1080p)
In a previous video, I used Zalae's Dragon Priest to streak from rank 18 to 11 on Wild mode (https://youtu.be/WLze5LwsyaA). Now I go from 11 to 7 using Secrets N'Zoth Paladin. The deck doesn't really need an introduction. It is very very strong. When you have used up all of your threats... you play N'Zoth and bring them back. A massive swing! This video features some great moments:
- saying hi to Lorewalker Cho,
- surviving double Call of the Wild,
- surviving double Brawl,
- racing another Paladin to play Challenger first
If you want a strong deck for Wild mode, this can go far!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
Hearthstone Mage Arena: Seers, Summoners and Archers - thoughts and highlights (1080p)
I have spent most of time experimenting on the ladder since the Old Gods expansion. But now... it's time for some arena! 8 wins wasn't too bad - however - I was really pleased with how some of my cards performed:
- Faceless Summoner
- Corrupted Seer
- Elven Archer
This video features a quick analysis and thoughts on the arena meta - with a focus on how this Mage deck performed.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
12th June update: Loyan Totem Shaman Revisited: Using Harrison on Doomhammer TWICE (Standard)(1080p)
Loyan's totem shaman worked well for me last season. Let's revisit it. However, this video has a theme. Harrison Jones. That belongs in a museum! Harrison on Doomhammer = insane card advantage.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
16th June update: Trying Zalae's Dragon Warrior - 'I dream and the world trembles' (Standard) (1080p)
Trying out Zalae's Dragon Warrior on the ladder (standard). Ysera value and N'zoth value! Fun times with a fun deck.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
19th June update: Heart of the Sunwell Tavern Brawl: Dragon Priest 60+ wins with Y'Shaarj & friends (1080p)
This is my Heart of the Sunwell Tavern Brawl highlight video with 60+ wins - featuring Dragon Priest! Some crazy combos and plays.
- Priest class cards help to control the board: Shadow Word Pain, Lightbomb, Mind Control, Entomb etc.
- Reserrect and Mind games represent serious value too. Powerword shield on Chrommagaus draws an extra card.
- Y'Shaarj on turn 1 = disgusting.
- Onyxia on turn 1 = insane.
- Alex on turn 1 = game over.
- Confessor Paletress on turn 1 = another legendary on board.
- Rend Blackhand for a surprise kill on a legendary minion if you have dragon in hand.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
25th June update: Wild Mode Adventure #3: Rank 6 Secrets N'Zoth Paladin: Surviving at 2 health! (1080p)
Another Wild Mode Adventure - this time revisiting Einselftausend's Paladin deck (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/549259-legend-eu-wild-s26-nzoth-secret-paladin).
Some really interesting games showcasing my journey to rank 6 in a new season - overcoming Patrons, C'thun Warriors and surviving at 2 health against a Shaman!!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
26th June: Making a comeback with Midrange Hunter (Standard) (1080p)
Midrange Hunter is finally viable again! Here we look at two different decks, one with N'Zoth and one without. The question is... do we really need N'Zoth?
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
2nd July update: 12 Win Warrior Arena: Playing Tirion & overcoming Rhonin and Tinkmaster (1080p)
My third 12 win Warrior run of the year. This arena run started in the gym, on the treadmill!! I drafted on the treadmill, played on the treadmill, played whilst walking home from the gym, and finished the last few games at home. Some interesting games, facing legendaries - Tinkmaster, Rhonin, etc. I used Grand Crusader to get Tirion to secure my 12th win :-) That last game was insane. The irony of my opponent getting Reno but not benefiting from the battlecry :-) I recorded the last few games:
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
15th July update: My Hearthstone road to Legend (for the first time) - using Snaker571's Wild Hunter - Beating Priests and Warriors!
Last season, I got legend for the first time. It was my proudest and most emotional moment in Hearthstone. I used Snaker571's midrange hunter (wild mode). This video showcases a few of the games through rank 1, until I hit legend. I faced the same Priest and Warrior twice and won!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
26th July update: CardinalXC's N'Zoth Priest on Wild Mode: Pirates, Concedes and bloody face Hunters! (1080p)
You asked for more Wild Mode content? Here it is! N'Zoth Priest on Wild Mode. Two warriors. Two concedes. The face hunter was a little more tricky.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
29th July update: Trying Thijs' Control Shaman: 'I am the Darkest Night' (1080p)
At ranks 4/5, I have been seeing more control Shamans on the ladder. I decided to take a look at the Thijs control Shaman deck. Not sure how I feel about it yet...
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!