This is an interesting version of a TGT Priest - with Flash Heal, which combos very well with the Aucheni Soulpriest. Holy Champion is also an excellent TGT card that gets showcased in this video. This deck was too much for some of my opponents! They decided that conceding was a safer option!!
Trying a Thijs Handlock deck - lots of fun to play, and this is my first experience playing proper Handlock. Early concedes are nice too! I missed lethal in one of my games (even though I won the game) - can you spot it? Hint - Loatheb was involved. This deck does well against a range of deck types - Rogues, Patron Warriors, DRAGON Mages, etc!
In this video, I try out Jab's midrange Hunter deck. Jab is one of the best Hunter players in the world. How does this deck fare on ladder? Will Ram Wrangler give me value? How does this deck compare to the Orange Hunter that I tried before? Finally, can a Zoolock deal with a charging Highmane triggered by Tundra Rhino? So many questions!!
18th October update: Revisiting the Thijs Totem Shaman
TGT has been out for a few weeks now. I thought it was time to revisit the Thijs Totem Shaman. Shaman may still not be a tier 1 class. However, it is so much fun. Look out for Lorewalker Cho in the last game! Tremendous! Stay tuned for my next video - a 12 win Hunter arena!
- Watch out for the Warlock game featuring Nefarian and a FEL REAVER (game 6). My strategy paid off. I milled him and tanked 8 damage to the face from the Fel Reaver. The use of taunts to protect the Fel Reaver was theoretically genius. Victory was in sight and then I saw Nefarian. I dropped Malorne and a Freezing Trap to win. I almost lost hope - but managed to still win.
- Game 9 vs a Mage features a fantastic Flamestrike bluff. He even says thanks when I start filling my board. I took the risk and there was no Flamestrike. Tremendous.
- The last game against the Rogue was filled with tension. I may have misplayed a couple of times when considering a Worgen was on board for the Rogue and may interact with the Slime that comes out of my Sludge Belcher. However, the Rogue didn't take advantage of that!
- I was ill when playing these games - so at times, I may have said strange things on commentary (calling cards by the wrong name, etc...) - please forgive me :-)
Other points of interest:
- Scavenging Hyena beast synergy is insane. it wins games. It reminds me of my 12 win Hunter run from August!!
- Glaivezooka gives you such a strong start. Linked to that, Bloodsail Raider Glaivezooka synergy is so strong.
- Webspinner giving you Malorne is hilarious. A Hunter playing a Druid card? I call it justice (consider how often Druid beats me on ladder).
- There are no Highmanes or Animal Companions in this deck! How did we get 12 wins?
- Steamwheedle Sniper can pick off big minions who are low on health. Incredible value.
- In an ideal world, Argent Horserider would have 3 attack.
- Multi-Shot wins games when used in the correct circumstances. A 5 attack charging horse with 3 health? Sure. I'll just use Multi-Shot.
- Sometimes, this deck feels confused - as if it were suffering an identity crisis. Do I go face? Do I trade? Do I want to draw cards or focus on flooding the board? Oh well, it all worked out in the end.
- A Mage with Forcetank and Mirror Image is hard to beat. You know that tank is going face at least twice.
- We actually manage to pull off Mechwarper - Metaltooth Leaper synergy at least once. That's all I hoped for.
- Using a Cultmaster do draw one card is fine. It still got value. That's fine. More than one card is preferred. But one card is still fine.
- Ball of Spiders vs Madder Bomber. We all know how that ends. Oh and in general, Ball of Spiders did nothing for me. Nothing.
(Update- 22nd October: the video link in my 12 win hunter run above wasn't quite right - the ending wouldn't load and the video appeared as 3 hours rather than 2 hours. That's all been fixed now and updated. Apologies if that hurt your viewing experience)
28th October update: Trying the iambr + Hotform Tempo Mage decks (w/commentary): Saraad VS Priest's Antonidas (game 1)
In this video, I compare Hotform's Tempo Mage (featuring Nexus Champion Saraad) and iambr's Tempo Mage (featuring Spellslingers). Checkout game 1 for an insane battle against a Priest. My Saraad vs the Priest's Antonidas!! Absolutely insane.
30th October update: Trying the Coradin Secrets Paladin deck: Flares, Brawls & Christmas Trees (with commentary)
I decided to try out the Coradin Secrets Paladin - a slightly slower version of secrets Paladin compared to what I played before, but very effective. Thanks to Cora for this deck list - you can read the deck guide here: A great deck for laddering.
31st October update: Trying the Strifecro BASH Warrior
Trying out a version of Strifecro's Bash Control Warrior. Bash is great against aggressive decks. It can also combo very well with Shield Slam. In this video, I face down: an oil Rogue, secrets Paladin and I take great pride in confusing a face Hunter! :-) As the video progresses, I compare this deck to the Varian Wrynn Warrior deck which I showcased a few weeks ago.
There are several different midrange Paladin lists being used. At the end of last season, I tried the StrifeCro version which took me to rank 5. As the games progressed, I ended up changing a couple of cards. A really powerful deck that can steam roll in the mid to late game! I present a few highlights across the different ranks. Very much a game of chess when facing Priests and other midrange / control classes.
Bringing you another Midrange Hunter video - probably my last one for a while. I like comparing different Hunter decks. We have already looked at the Orange Hunter and Jab Hunter - and the subtle differences between them. This time, I focus on the SteveFrench hunter - running double Bear Trap and flare. More information on the deck can be found here: The deck has changed slightly since I last played it.
7th November update: 11 Win Paladin Arena: Multiple Consecrations, weapons, concedes, constructed druids and more!
A really fun Paladin arena run featuring multiple weapons and three consecrations!! Some very intense games - including a Druid at the end who thought it was a constructed game and had an answer to everything!
8th November update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #1: Ragnaros, SILENCED Ragnaros, Saraad & Turn 2 Ancient of LORE!?
This is the start of a new video series - showcasing my arena highlights over the last month. These games haven't been showcased on any of my previous videos. These games feature legendaries, overcoming impossible odds, strange situations and game winning (or losing) plays.
Game 1: My opponent gets frustrated and constantly emotes: 'Justice Demands Retribution'. Hilarious.
Game 2: We join this game in progress, and head into a LONG war of top decking!
Game 3: I chose Ragnaros over Sylvanas. Against an aggressive Hunter, it paid off! Ragnaros on an empty board = game over!
Game 4: My opponent silenced my Ragnaros. WHY? Now I have an 8-8 minion which can target the face!
Game 5: This game showcases an impossible comeback. My opponent played a TURN 2 Ancient of Lore AND Nexus-Champion Saraad. I thought all was lost.
9th November update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #2: Onyxia, Troggzor & Dragonhawk Rider to the face!
I continue the video series showcasing my recent arena highlights. These games haven't been showcased on any of my previous videos. These games feature legendaries, overcoming impossible odds, strange situations and game winning (or losing) plays.
Game 1: My Mage faces Onyxia - but Blizzard was the perfect anaswer! Game 2: A Rogue played Troggzor! I couldn't win :-( Game 3: No legendary minions here, but we focus on a Dragonhawk Rider that went to town on my opponent's face! Game 4: I get beaten down and make a comeback of the century! Game 5: Murloc Knight Heaven! Game 6: Does Mech Paladin get played on ladder? My opponent went crazy here playing one mech after another. Impossible to win - but fascinating to watch!
11th November update: Tempo Mage Fireworks: 1) Amaz Double Trouble Mage, 2) Fanorootbeer Grand Tempo Mage
This video considers the 'slow' Tempo Mage. I evaluate two different decks: 1) Amaz's Double Trouble deck 2) Fanorootbeer's Grand Tempo Mage These decks run slower cards (such as Rhonin, Sludge Belcher, etc). Let' see how effective they are!
Game 1 - A Paladin with Harrison Jones?! Game 2 - Frustrating a Hunter! Game 3 - Maintaining absolute board control against Druid Game 4 - End game Consecrations are not fun :-( Game 5 - A close shave against a Rogue! Game 6 - Flamestrike was not enough! Game 7 - Shaman - Mirror matches involve a lot of thought! Game 8 - Eadric the Pure??!!! What?!! Game 9 - This Shaman had all of the cards that I wanted :-( Game 10 - A Shaman with Cairne??!! - I still won? Game 11 - Paladin - An epic game where taunt totems saved me on the last 4 turns!!! Game 12 - Recombobulator value!!! Game 13 - It had to end against a Mage :-(
19th November update: November Secrets Paladin Journey: Ranking from 17 to 6: No Secret Keeper, win streaks and fun times!
This is a quick video showcasing my November ladder journey. The deck I am using is Secrets Paladin. You must be thinking... "what's different about this secrets Paladin deck"?.... Well.... It doesn't use Secret Keeper. I feel Secret Keeper can be a dead card later in the game. Also, this deck gave me my biggest win streak I have ever had in Hearthstone. I recorded approximately 50 games, going from Rank 17 to 6 (using different decks). This video showcases a selection of my Paladin games:
1) Double Noble Sacrifice can be very effective against Warrior weapons! 2) Zoolocks can gain board presence very quickly. However, a buffed up Tirion is hard to deal with! 3) Racing Druids is fun (actually it isn't, it is quite stressful). 4) Mech Warrior is rather unique, in that we don't see much of it! 5) When facing a Shaman (or any class), it's a great feeling when they play Big Game Hunter before you play your own Dr Boom! 6) Hybrid Hunters play aggressive aggro cards as a well as more high value midrange cards. The result? A very very close game! 7) Priests can survive and clear boards with ease. However, Competitive Spirit was a game winning card here! 8) When facing another Secrets Paladin, how often do you expect to see Aldor Peacekeeper? 9) Another Control priest? Too slow!
23rd Nov update: Having fun with Reno Paladin - Regent and Garrison Commander VALUE! (with commentary)
This series of games looks at the Reno Paladin. What a fascinating deck and play style. The inclusion of Garrison Commander and Silverhand Reagant gets insane value!
A quick summary of the games: 1) Silverhand Recruit power - Regent and Commander combo 2) Surviving a Double Flamewaker fiesta - fireworks everywhere 3) Early concede from Shaman 4) Coping with Divine Spirit and super Death Lords 5) Reno against Face Hunter feels so good 6) Murloc Knight value against Mech Mage 7) Spawning an army of Silverhand Recruits against a Druid.
28th November update: The Control Warrior that wouldn't die - despite Azure Drake, Triple Missiles, Flamewaker Combo
This game got me to rank 5 - so a lot at stake. Rank 5 is the most efficient rank for end of season rewards. In this game, the Control Warrior just wouldn't give up. I thought that an Azure Drake (+spell damage), Flamewaker & triple Arcane Missiles would win the game. Nope. The game went on... and on.... and on. A testament to Control Warrior and his ability to survive.
29th November update: Trying the Reno Warrior: Deathwing, Ysera and friends!
This deck uses one of each good control Warrior card - and then fills in the gaps with other nice cards, such as Bouncing Blade. I have always wanted to use that card!
Lots and lots of fun: Game 1: Fel Reavers aren't a problem. Game 2: Annoying the Tempo Mage by resetting with Reno! Game 3: Outlasting the DRAGON Druid! Game 4: Outlasting the secrets.
10th October update: The 'Concede Priest'
This is an interesting version of a TGT Priest - with Flash Heal, which combos very well with the Aucheni Soulpriest. Holy Champion is also an excellent TGT card that gets showcased in this video.
This deck was too much for some of my opponents! They decided that conceding was a safer option!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
13th October update: The Thijs Handlock
Trying a Thijs Handlock deck - lots of fun to play, and this is my first experience playing proper Handlock. Early concedes are nice too! I missed lethal in one of my games (even though I won the game) - can you spot it? Hint - Loatheb was involved. This deck does well against a range of deck types - Rogues, Patron Warriors, DRAGON Mages, etc!
?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
17th October update: Trying the Jab Midrange Hunter
In this video, I try out Jab's midrange Hunter deck. Jab is one of the best Hunter players in the world. How does this deck fare on ladder? Will Ram Wrangler give me value? How does this deck compare to the Orange Hunter that I tried before? Finally, can a Zoolock deal with a charging Highmane triggered by Tundra Rhino? So many questions!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
18th October update: Revisiting the Thijs Totem Shaman
TGT has been out for a few weeks now. I thought it was time to revisit the Thijs Totem Shaman. Shaman may still not be a tier 1 class. However, it is so much fun. Look out for Lorewalker Cho in the last game! Tremendous!
Stay tuned for my next video - a 12 win Hunter arena!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
21st October update: 12 Win Hunter TGT Arena - featuring Hyena value, Fel Reaver milling, Malorne vs Nefarian, Ball of Spiders & Flamestrike bluffs!!
This is my 12 Win Hunter arena run, a tremendous amount of fun.
Points of interest and analysis:
- Watch out for the Warlock game featuring Nefarian and a FEL REAVER (game 6). My strategy paid off. I milled him and tanked 8 damage to the face from the Fel Reaver. The use of taunts to protect the Fel Reaver was theoretically genius. Victory was in sight and then I saw Nefarian. I dropped Malorne and a Freezing Trap to win. I almost lost hope - but managed to still win.
- Game 9 vs a Mage features a fantastic Flamestrike bluff. He even says thanks when I start filling my board. I took the risk and there was no Flamestrike. Tremendous.
- The last game against the Rogue was filled with tension. I may have misplayed a couple of times when considering a Worgen was on board for the Rogue and may interact with the Slime that comes out of my Sludge Belcher. However, the Rogue didn't take advantage of that!
- I was ill when playing these games - so at times, I may have said strange things on commentary (calling cards by the wrong name, etc...) - please forgive me :-)
Other points of interest:
- Scavenging Hyena beast synergy is insane. it wins games. It reminds me of my 12 win Hunter run from August!!
- Glaivezooka gives you such a strong start. Linked to that, Bloodsail Raider Glaivezooka synergy is so strong.
- Webspinner giving you Malorne is hilarious. A Hunter playing a Druid card? I call it justice (consider how often Druid beats me on ladder).
- There are no Highmanes or Animal Companions in this deck! How did we get 12 wins?
- Steamwheedle Sniper can pick off big minions who are low on health. Incredible value.
- In an ideal world, Argent Horserider would have 3 attack.
- Multi-Shot wins games when used in the correct circumstances. A 5 attack charging horse with 3 health? Sure. I'll just use Multi-Shot.
- Sometimes, this deck feels confused - as if it were suffering an identity crisis. Do I go face? Do I trade? Do I want to draw cards or focus on flooding the board? Oh well, it all worked out in the end.
- A Mage with Forcetank and Mirror Image is hard to beat. You know that tank is going face at least twice.
- We actually manage to pull off Mechwarper - Metaltooth Leaper synergy at least once. That's all I hoped for.
- Using a Cultmaster do draw one card is fine. It still got value. That's fine. More than one card is preferred. But one card is still fine.
- Ball of Spiders vs Madder Bomber. We all know how that ends. Oh and in general, Ball of Spiders did nothing for me. Nothing.
- Why can't I win jousts?
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
(Update- 22nd October: the video link in my 12 win hunter run above wasn't quite right - the ending wouldn't load and the video appeared as 3 hours rather than 2 hours. That's all been fixed now and updated. Apologies if that hurt your viewing experience)
?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
28th October update:
Trying the iambr + Hotform Tempo Mage decks (w/commentary): Saraad VS Priest's Antonidas (game 1)
In this video, I compare Hotform's Tempo Mage (featuring Nexus Champion Saraad) and iambr's Tempo Mage (featuring Spellslingers).
Checkout game 1 for an insane battle against a Priest. My Saraad vs the Priest's Antonidas!! Absolutely insane.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
30th October update:
Trying the Coradin Secrets Paladin deck: Flares, Brawls & Christmas Trees (with commentary)
I decided to try out the Coradin Secrets Paladin - a slightly slower version of secrets Paladin compared to what I played before, but very effective. Thanks to Cora for this deck list - you can read the deck guide here:
A great deck for laddering.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
31st October update:
Trying the Strifecro BASH Warrior
Trying out a version of Strifecro's Bash Control Warrior. Bash is great against aggressive decks. It can also combo very well with Shield Slam. In this video, I face down: an oil Rogue, secrets Paladin and I take great pride in confusing a face Hunter! :-)
As the video progresses, I compare this deck to the Varian Wrynn Warrior deck which I showcased a few weeks ago.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
1st November update: The StrifeCro Midrange Paladin and the SteveFrench hunter
1st November update: Journey to Rank 5 with StrifeCro's Midrange Paladin: Quartermaster and Justicar value!
There are several different midrange Paladin lists being used. At the end of last season, I tried the StrifeCro version which took me to rank 5. As the games progressed, I ended up changing a couple of cards. A really powerful deck that can steam roll in the mid to late game! I present a few highlights across the different ranks. Very much a game of chess when facing Priests and other midrange / control classes.
1st November update: The SteveFrench hunter - featuring Ghazrilla, King Krush and more!
Bringing you another Midrange Hunter video - probably my last one for a while. I like comparing different Hunter decks. We have already looked at the Orange Hunter and Jab Hunter - and the subtle differences between them. This time, I focus on the SteveFrench hunter - running double Bear Trap and flare.
More information on the deck can be found here:
The deck has changed slightly since I last played it.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
7th November update: 11 Win Paladin Arena: Multiple Consecrations, weapons, concedes, constructed druids and more!
A really fun Paladin arena run featuring multiple weapons and three consecrations!!
Some very intense games - including a Druid at the end who thought it was a constructed game and had an answer to everything!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
8th November update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #1:
Ragnaros, SILENCED Ragnaros, Saraad & Turn 2 Ancient of LORE!?
This is the start of a new video series - showcasing my arena highlights over the last month. These games haven't been showcased on any of my previous videos. These games feature legendaries, overcoming impossible odds, strange situations and game winning (or losing) plays.
Game 1: My opponent gets frustrated and constantly emotes: 'Justice Demands Retribution'. Hilarious.
Game 2: We join this game in progress, and head into a LONG war of top decking!
Game 3: I chose Ragnaros over Sylvanas. Against an aggressive Hunter, it paid off! Ragnaros on an empty board = game over!
Game 4: My opponent silenced my Ragnaros. WHY? Now I have an 8-8 minion which can target the face!
Game 5: This game showcases an impossible comeback. My opponent played a TURN 2 Ancient of Lore AND Nexus-Champion Saraad. I thought all was lost.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
9th November update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #2:
Onyxia, Troggzor & Dragonhawk Rider to the face!
I continue the video series showcasing my recent arena highlights. These games haven't been showcased on any of my previous videos. These games feature legendaries, overcoming impossible odds, strange situations and game winning (or losing) plays.
Game 1: My Mage faces Onyxia - but Blizzard was the perfect anaswer!
Game 2: A Rogue played Troggzor! I couldn't win :-(
Game 3: No legendary minions here, but we focus on a Dragonhawk Rider that went to town on my opponent's face!
Game 4: I get beaten down and make a comeback of the century!
Game 5: Murloc Knight Heaven!
Game 6: Does Mech Paladin get played on ladder? My opponent went crazy here playing one mech after another. Impossible to win - but fascinating to watch!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
11th November update:
Tempo Mage Fireworks: 1) Amaz Double Trouble Mage, 2) Fanorootbeer Grand Tempo Mage
This video considers the 'slow' Tempo Mage. I evaluate two different decks:
1) Amaz's Double Trouble deck
2) Fanorootbeer's Grand Tempo Mage
These decks run slower cards (such as Rhonin, Sludge Belcher, etc). Let' see how effective they are!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
15th November update: 10 win Shaman arena with Eadric the Pure, Harrison Jones, Cairne and Recombobulator value!
Welcome to my 10 Win Shaman Arena run. Lots of fun and interesting situations:
Game 1 - A Paladin with Harrison Jones?!
Game 2 - Frustrating a Hunter!
Game 3 - Maintaining absolute board control against Druid
Game 4 - End game Consecrations are not fun :-(
Game 5 - A close shave against a Rogue!
Game 6 - Flamestrike was not enough!
Game 7 - Shaman - Mirror matches involve a lot of thought!
Game 8 - Eadric the Pure??!!! What?!!
Game 9 - This Shaman had all of the cards that I wanted :-(
Game 10 - A Shaman with Cairne??!! - I still won?
Game 11 - Paladin - An epic game where taunt totems saved me on the last 4 turns!!!
Game 12 - Recombobulator value!!!
Game 13 - It had to end against a Mage :-(
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
19th November update: November Secrets Paladin Journey: Ranking from 17 to 6: No Secret Keeper, win streaks and fun times!
This is a quick video showcasing my November ladder journey. The deck I am using is Secrets Paladin. You must be thinking... "what's different about this secrets Paladin deck"?....
Well.... It doesn't use Secret Keeper. I feel Secret Keeper can be a dead card later in the game.
Also, this deck gave me my biggest win streak I have ever had in Hearthstone.
I recorded approximately 50 games, going from Rank 17 to 6 (using different decks).
This video showcases a selection of my Paladin games:
1) Double Noble Sacrifice can be very effective against Warrior weapons!
2) Zoolocks can gain board presence very quickly. However, a buffed up Tirion is hard to deal with!
3) Racing Druids is fun (actually it isn't, it is quite stressful).
4) Mech Warrior is rather unique, in that we don't see much of it!
5) When facing a Shaman (or any class), it's a great feeling when they play Big Game Hunter before you play your own Dr Boom!
6) Hybrid Hunters play aggressive aggro cards as a well as more high value midrange cards. The result? A very very close game!
7) Priests can survive and clear boards with ease. However, Competitive Spirit was a game winning card here!
8) When facing another Secrets Paladin, how often do you expect to see Aldor Peacekeeper?
9) Another Control priest? Too slow!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
23rd Nov update: Having fun with Reno Paladin - Regent and Garrison Commander VALUE! (with commentary)
This series of games looks at the Reno Paladin. What a fascinating deck and play style. The inclusion of Garrison Commander and Silverhand Reagant gets insane value!
A quick summary of the games:
1) Silverhand Recruit power - Regent and Commander combo
2) Surviving a Double Flamewaker fiesta - fireworks everywhere
3) Early concede from Shaman
4) Coping with Divine Spirit and super Death Lords
5) Reno against Face Hunter feels so good
6) Murloc Knight value against Mech Mage
7) Spawning an army of Silverhand Recruits against a Druid.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
28th November update: The Control Warrior that wouldn't die - despite Azure Drake, Triple Missiles, Flamewaker Combo
This game got me to rank 5 - so a lot at stake. Rank 5 is the most efficient rank for end of season rewards. In this game, the Control Warrior just wouldn't give up. I thought that an Azure Drake (+spell damage), Flamewaker & triple Arcane Missiles would win the game. Nope. The game went on... and on.... and on. A testament to Control Warrior and his ability to survive.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
29th November update: Trying the Reno Warrior: Deathwing, Ysera and friends!
This deck uses one of each good control Warrior card - and then fills in the gaps with other nice cards, such as Bouncing Blade. I have always wanted to use that card!
Lots and lots of fun:
Game 1: Fel Reavers aren't a problem.
Game 2: Annoying the Tempo Mage by resetting with Reno!
Game 3: Outlasting the DRAGON Druid!
Game 4: Outlasting the secrets.
The deck is courtesy of LOKShadow:
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!