Some super fun games. The question still remains though. Is Bronzebeard worth it? 1) Eating Mech Mages for breakfast. 2) Countering Druid aggression. 3) No Ice Block = goodbye :-) 4) Outlasting Midrange Paldin. 5) Tense finish with Midrange Paladin. 6) No Deathwing? = I win. 7) Deadlyshot on Doomsayer = WIN.
5/12/15 Update: 'Amaz Can Rap Rogue' - Doomsayer, Double Reno, Angry Chicken, Double Ragnaros (all in ONE game)
This is a quick game featuring the original 'Amaz Can Rap' deck. This Rogue deck uses the Unearthed Raptor, focusing on minions rather than lots of Rogue spells. I apologise for the quality - my OBS settings messed up. This game was super intense! You had Doomsayer, DOUBLE Reno Jackson AND double Ragnaros. One of my favourite games ever!
7/12/15: Tol Barad Tavern Brawl - King Krush VALUE through Reincarnate, Blessed Champion AND Ram Wrangler! How many Krushes do we want?!
This is a showcase of the Tol Barad Tavern Brawl from a couple of weeks back. This game is worth watching to see the insane King Krush value I get from Reincarnate (double charge), Blessed Champion and Ram Wrangler! Amazing!
Having fun with Reno Hunter. Is it viable? Let's see! and yes... I know I missed lethal at 16:18 :-) That's the problem with playing when you are exhausted!
1) Flamewaker value against the Priest. 2) More Flamewaker VALUE against the Mage :-) 3) Fantastic Patron fun at the end. 4) Duelling Raiders AND the Black Knight!!
19th December update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #4: Cairne / Sword of Justice value vs Malygos / Antonidas
I continue the video series showcasing my recent arena highlights. This time it's all about the legendaries! Game 1) Cairne value vs Malygos and the Flame Canon! Game 2) Overcoming double Holy Champion! Game 3) Ghoul value with Consecration is insane. Game 4) Jeweled Scarab + Sword of Justice = VALUE vs Antonidas from Unstable Portal
Another go with Tempo Mage - this time using P4wnyhof's deck. What do I like about it? Toshley :-) I see Toshley as being such an underrated card. After seeing P4wnyhof using this deck on his stream, I had to try it. These games are a lot of fun. Game 1: Look out for the Toshley VALUE. Game 2: Antonidas helps me outlast the Paladin AFTER we experience DOUBLE Doomsayers! Game 3: Lorewalker Cho turns the game on it's head! Who will use spells first?! Game 4: Controlling a face hunter with Mana Wyrms.
23rd December update: Ranking up to 5 with the Cokine Secrets Paladin (commentary AND musical editions)
Here, I showcase my journey going from rank 11 to 5, using a slightly different version of Secrets Paladin. Zombie Chow and Keeper of Uldaman are used. There are no Secret Keepers. Also, Repentance isn't used. This deck runs Equality and double Consecration. Finally, look out for the dream two turn combo - Challenger into Boom!
There are TWO videos to look at:
Video 1: This video has no commentary. Instead, I have sped up the video and included some background music. Sit back, relax and enjoy :-) Video 2: The same video but with commentary, see:
25th December update: Rank 4 hype: Secrets Paladin vs Aggro Paladin
Merry Christmas everyone :-) I usually stop at Rank 5 because it is efficient for end of season rewards. However, why not have a little taste of rank 4? Secrets vs Aggro Paladin! (well at least I think it is Aggro Paladin).
30th December update: Zoo/Warlock Arena Analysis: Summoning Portal VALUE with the Shield Bearer who stops Sylvanas: "You shall not pass!"
You wake up in the morning and go to work. Your job is simple. You are a taunt - they call you a Shieldbearer. You absorb damage. Your stats are terrible though. You have zero attack power. You can't do any damage. However, you do have 4 health. That gets you through the day. You go home, covered in bruises, only to repeat it all over again tomorrow. Of course, the poor Shieldbearer did not know that today was going to be an interesting day. Today is the day he faced Sylvanas........
This Warlock arena run is certainly unique. You have Summoning Portal value, Floating Watcher value and finally Shieldbearer value. Yes, you heard correct. Shieldbearer value. Check out game 11 against the Rogue which got me the 9th win. One of my closest games ever!
Game 1 vs Priest (WIN) - Summoning Portal lets me flood the board to the point where the Priest can't come back. In the late game, even Lightbomb would not have helped (the benefits of drafting minions with more health than attack power).
Game 2 vs Mage (WIN) - An all out war with a Mage - going card for card. My opening hand is good. However, Flamestrike is a huge threat. Playing zoo type minions with low health means the board gets wiped easily. What if he has a second Flamestrike? Taunts save the day though. Defender of Argus - a must-pick in any draft!! In the end I am able to play Doomguard - fantastic burst damage.
Game 3 vs Priest (WIN) - More Portal value! The Priest casts Mind Vision when my hand is empty! Why?!
Game 4 vs Paladin (WIN) - who actually had a Big Game Hunter to kill my Floating Watcher!! No matter... flooding the board wins the day!!
Game 5 vs Paladin (WIN) - My Floating Watcher grows and grows... and grows. I use it for trading... not sure if that was the right decision???
Game 6 vs Priest (WIN) - Dread Infernal to clear 1 health minions - nobody expects it! Antique Healbot doesn't save the Priest. That's the problem with Healbot - it lets you survive for another turn, but against a full board, it does nothing.
Game 7 vs Mage (LOSS) - The Mage has answers to everything. By turn 7 I am in serious trouble. Argent Commander gets him the board. No matter what I play, he is able to keep control with utility cards.
Game 8 vs Paladin (LOSS) - Muster for Battle is such a great card - swings the early game. You also feel compelled to trade into his Silverhand Recruits. When the Paladin follows that up with Consecration, there isn't much you can do.
Game 9 vs Mage (WIN) - No Flamestrike = loss for the Mage.
Game 10 vs Paladin (WIN) - A hilarious game - a good chunk of his damage from Avenging Wrath went to my face - great result!
***** Game 11 vs Rogue (WIN) - An incredibly close game - perhaps my closest ever! The Rogue uses the Big Game Hunter smartly. However, I make a comeback and at 7 health, decide to tap to buff my Floating Watcher. I think I have won. Oh no. Wilfred Fizzlebang and Raid Leader come down to ruin my day. At 2 health, I can't tap to buff my Floating Watcher anymore! I can clear the board, but my Watcher would be left at 1 health, and would die to the Rogue's DRUID hero power next turn. So... Dark Peddler gets top decked... and gives me the Shield Bearer! The Rogue plays Sylvanas! But it isn't enough! Strangely, the Rogue top decks a card that would have buffed his weapon! If only he hadn't used Sir Finley!!!*****
4th January update: Mysterious Challenger Paladin Arena Highlights (with the SUPER Raging Worgen)
Well this turned out to be quite fascinating! Mysterious Challenger Paladin in Arena?! Yes indeed. A quick highlight from the series. This game also featured a super Raging Worgen!
11th January update: Arena with Onyxia vs Major Domo and Tinkmaster Overspark!
In this video, we have some fun with Onyxia in arena. My aim as always is to be an 'infinite arena' player. In this case, Onyxia really helped out. It's not often that I get to draft a legendary minion. I showcase three (full) games with Onyxia in Rogue Arena: 1) Onyxia vs Major Domo 2) Onyxia vs Tinkmaster 3) Paladin conceding on 30 health after Onyxia hits the board.
23rd Jan update: Hearthstone Mirror Entity and Burgle Arena highlights: Demolisher lethal and Paletress mayhem!
This video showcases two arena highlights. The first being some Mirror Entity fun with a Demolisher that leads to lethal. The second game showcases Burgle giving me Confessor Paletress - and yes I know I had lethal at the end with the Kraken - but playing Paletress was just too much fun. :-)
30th Jan update: How good is Obsidian Destroyer in Warrior Arena? Playing it to win AND facing FOUR of them!
In this video we look at Obsidian Destroyer in Hearthstone Warrior arena. I showcase one game where it was able to get me an easy win - especially when combined with Stormwind Champion. I showcase another game where my opponent plays FOUR Obsidian Destroyers one after another.
4th Feb Update: Trying the Forsen Mech Mage: Portal value = "You face Jaraxxus!!"
I decided to try out Forsen's Mech Mage. The problem with Mech Mage is that it can run out of steam against control decks that have AOE board clears. Well, Unstable Portal came to my rescue, and Lord Jaraxxus joined the party!
13th Feb update: Windfury Shaman Arena shenanigans make me feel guilty: Whirling Zaps and Windspeaker = Windfury Raider!
A couple of interesting highlights from my recent 8 win Shaman arena - featuring the power of windfury! Tremendous fun! 1) Whirling Zaps 2) Windspeaker on a Raider! 3) One Whirling Zap dies? Play another!
The draft: No Fiery Winaxe - however, there are some significant taunts - including Obsidian and double Belcher. Sideshow Spelleater has amazing potential - removing the Warrior's hero power that doesn't really impact the board. How about a Hunter's Steady Shot or a Mage's ping? The question is, will Alexstrasza make a difference?
VIDEO 1: 12 Win Warrior Arena Part 1 - He who taunts first wins?
5: Druid - WIN - Starfire on a Cobra? Sure. I'll take that. Sideshow Spelleater lets me pretend to be a Druid. Playing a big tree won't save you! Obsidian goes to work here in a major way, backed up by Sludge Belcher.
6: Paladin - WIN - Cultmaster and Obsidian value takes us to 6 wins.
7: Paladin - WIN - Sword of Justice for the Paladin causes a slight panic. A 3-2 charging horse with a divine shield?! Coghammer? Kings? Another Kings? Keeper of Uldaman? Not enough!
8: Rogue - WIN - Double Slime from the Sludge Belchers wins the day.
9: Paladin - WIN - Secrets everywhere! Some interesting decisions get made. The Paladin makes a huge push at the end with Mind Control Tech, Keeper of Uldaman and Murloc Knight. The Paladin actually drafted NAT PAGLE! Alex gives me significant board presence at the end, allowing me to go face, face, face!
10: Paladin - LOSS - Perhaps some of my plays were questionable. Although, the Paladin has answers to everything (Consecration, Keeper of Uldaman, Mind Control Tech, Hammer of Wrath, Aldor, Murloc Knight, etc). One turn you are in control, the next, you are screwed. I dream about what would have happened if my Frothing Berserker could not be answered in the early game... Alex does nothing at the end for me. His board was too strong.
11: Rogue - WIN - Double Belcher says hello.
12: Warrior - LOSS - My opponent had Fiery win axe :-( I get punished by an Ooze for not using my weapon... I get punished for freezing the wrong minion. Even Tinkmaster Overspark can't save me. The Warrior plays VARIAN WRYNN just to add insult to injury.
13: Paladin - WIN - The Paladin actually gets Lil'Exorcist actually gets DOUBLE value from my deathrattle minions :( Despite the Paladin having a huge board, I make the decision to go face at the end, which ends up winning me the game. I stealth my Venture Co - which he was not able to answer. The gamble paid off!
14: Mage - WIN - The final boss. Nervous. Scary. I wasn't keen on drafting Inner Rage, but it actually has helped me in this series. Spectral Knight is such a great card in Arena. Can't be targeted by spells. It can be healed up too by another minion. That 6 health is fantastic. Even when at 1 health, it can't be pinged by the Mage's hero power. Oh - but wait - an Elven Archer can kill it! Good plays from the Mage. On an interesting note, Spellslinger gives me BLOODLUST (which I didn't get a chance to play).
Let's have some fun with the Golden Monkey. In this video, I try out Kibler's Monkey Business Control Warrior. This deck plays Elise, who gives you a map, which gives you a Golden Monkey. In general, I find Elise to be inconsistent across games. However, when you play her early, and you play the monkey mid-game, well...... let the FUN begin!
30th November update: Battlecry Hunter using Bronzebeard: Deadlyshot on Doomsayer? = WIN
This is a showcase of Battlecry Midrange Hunter using Bronzebeard.
Some super fun games. The question still remains though. Is Bronzebeard worth it?
1) Eating Mech Mages for breakfast.
2) Countering Druid aggression.
3) No Ice Block = goodbye :-)
4) Outlasting Midrange Paldin.
5) Tense finish with Midrange Paladin.
6) No Deathwing? = I win.
7) Deadlyshot on Doomsayer = WIN.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
5/12/15 Update: 'Amaz Can Rap Rogue' - Doomsayer, Double Reno, Angry Chicken, Double Ragnaros (all in ONE game)
This is a quick game featuring the original 'Amaz Can Rap' deck. This Rogue deck uses the Unearthed Raptor, focusing on minions rather than lots of Rogue spells. I apologise for the quality - my OBS settings messed up. This game was super intense! You had Doomsayer, DOUBLE Reno Jackson AND double Ragnaros. One of my favourite games ever!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
7/12/15: Tol Barad Tavern Brawl - King Krush VALUE through Reincarnate, Blessed Champion AND Ram Wrangler! How many Krushes do we want?!
This is a showcase of the Tol Barad Tavern Brawl from a couple of weeks back. This game is worth watching to see the insane King Krush value I get from Reincarnate (double charge), Blessed Champion and Ram Wrangler! Amazing!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
12/12/15: Reno Hunter Experiment - Tinkmaster VALUE!
Having fun with Reno Hunter. Is it viable? Let's see!
and yes... I know I missed lethal at 16:18 :-) That's the problem with playing when you are exhausted!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
14th December update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #3: Flamewaker wrecking in Arena, Patrons and duelling Raiders!
I continue the video series showcasing my recent arena highlights:
1) Flamewaker value against the Priest.
2) More Flamewaker VALUE against the Mage :-)
3) Fantastic Patron fun at the end.
4) Duelling Raiders AND the Black Knight!!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
19th December update: Darkseeker Arena highlights Video #4: Cairne / Sword of Justice value vs Malygos / Antonidas
I continue the video series showcasing my recent arena highlights. This time it's all about the legendaries!
Game 1) Cairne value vs Malygos and the Flame Canon!
Game 2) Overcoming double Holy Champion!
Game 3) Ghoul value with Consecration is insane.
Game 4) Jeweled Scarab + Sword of Justice = VALUE vs Antonidas from Unstable Portal
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
20th December update: Trying the Toshley Tempo Mage - Lorewalker Cho and Double Doomsayer mayhem!
Another go with Tempo Mage - this time using P4wnyhof's deck. What do I like about it? Toshley :-) I see Toshley as being such an underrated card. After seeing P4wnyhof using this deck on his stream, I had to try it. These games are a lot of fun.
Game 1: Look out for the Toshley VALUE.
Game 2: Antonidas helps me outlast the Paladin AFTER we experience DOUBLE Doomsayers!
Game 3: Lorewalker Cho turns the game on it's head! Who will use spells first?!
Game 4: Controlling a face hunter with Mana Wyrms.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
23rd December update: Ranking up to 5 with the Cokine Secrets Paladin (commentary AND musical editions)
Here, I showcase my journey going from rank 11 to 5, using a slightly different version of Secrets Paladin. Zombie Chow and Keeper of Uldaman are used. There are no Secret Keepers. Also, Repentance isn't used. This deck runs Equality and double Consecration. Finally, look out for the dream two turn combo - Challenger into Boom!
There are TWO videos to look at:
Video 1: This video has no commentary. Instead, I have sped up the video and included some background music. Sit back, relax and enjoy :-)
Video 2: The same video but with commentary, see:
All credit to CokineHS for the deck.
?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Video 1 with music
Video 2: commentary
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
25th December update: Rank 4 hype: Secrets Paladin vs Aggro Paladin
Merry Christmas everyone :-)
I usually stop at Rank 5 because it is efficient for end of season rewards. However, why not have a little taste of rank 4? Secrets vs Aggro Paladin! (well at least I think it is Aggro Paladin).
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
30th December update: Zoo/Warlock Arena Analysis: Summoning Portal VALUE with the Shield Bearer who stops Sylvanas: "You shall not pass!"
You wake up in the morning and go to work. Your job is simple. You are a taunt - they call you a Shieldbearer. You absorb damage. Your stats are terrible though. You have zero attack power. You can't do any damage. However, you do have 4 health. That gets you through the day. You go home, covered in bruises, only to repeat it all over again tomorrow. Of course, the poor Shieldbearer did not know that today was going to be an interesting day. Today is the day he faced Sylvanas........
This Warlock arena run is certainly unique. You have Summoning Portal value, Floating Watcher value and finally Shieldbearer value. Yes, you heard correct. Shieldbearer value. Check out game 11 against the Rogue which got me the 9th win. One of my closest games ever!
Game 1 vs Priest (WIN) - Summoning Portal lets me flood the board to the point where the Priest can't come back. In the late game, even Lightbomb would not have helped (the benefits of drafting minions with more health than attack power).
Game 2 vs Mage (WIN) - An all out war with a Mage - going card for card. My opening hand is good. However, Flamestrike is a huge threat. Playing zoo type minions with low health means the board gets wiped easily. What if he has a second Flamestrike? Taunts save the day though. Defender of Argus - a must-pick in any draft!! In the end I am able to play Doomguard - fantastic burst damage.
Game 3 vs Priest (WIN) - More Portal value! The Priest casts Mind Vision when my hand is empty! Why?!
Game 4 vs Paladin (WIN) - who actually had a Big Game Hunter to kill my Floating Watcher!! No matter... flooding the board wins the day!!
Game 5 vs Paladin (WIN) - My Floating Watcher grows and grows... and grows. I use it for trading... not sure if that was the right decision???
Game 6 vs Priest (WIN) - Dread Infernal to clear 1 health minions - nobody expects it! Antique Healbot doesn't save the Priest. That's the problem with Healbot - it lets you survive for another turn, but against a full board, it does nothing.
Game 7 vs Mage (LOSS) - The Mage has answers to everything. By turn 7 I am in serious trouble. Argent Commander gets him the board. No matter what I play, he is able to keep control with utility cards.
Game 8 vs Paladin (LOSS) - Muster for Battle is such a great card - swings the early game. You also feel compelled to trade into his Silverhand Recruits. When the Paladin follows that up with Consecration, there isn't much you can do.
Game 9 vs Mage (WIN) - No Flamestrike = loss for the Mage.
Game 10 vs Paladin (WIN) - A hilarious game - a good chunk of his damage from Avenging Wrath went to my face - great result!
***** Game 11 vs Rogue (WIN) - An incredibly close game - perhaps my closest ever! The Rogue uses the Big Game Hunter smartly. However, I make a comeback and at 7 health, decide to tap to buff my Floating Watcher. I think I have won. Oh no. Wilfred Fizzlebang and Raid Leader come down to ruin my day. At 2 health, I can't tap to buff my Floating Watcher anymore! I can clear the board, but my Watcher would be left at 1 health, and would die to the Rogue's DRUID hero power next turn. So... Dark Peddler gets top decked... and gives me the Shield Bearer! The Rogue plays Sylvanas! But it isn't enough! Strangely, the Rogue top decks a card that would have buffed his weapon! If only he hadn't used Sir Finley!!! *****
Game 12 vs Mage (LOSS) - Sad times...
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
4th January update: Mysterious Challenger Paladin Arena Highlights (with the SUPER Raging Worgen)
Well this turned out to be quite fascinating! Mysterious Challenger Paladin in Arena?! Yes indeed. A quick highlight from the series. This game also featured a super Raging Worgen!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
10th January update: Rogue Arena: Curses are bad for your health :-) (Sap triggers two Ancient Curses)
Fun times with Rogue Arena - Casting Sap on an Ancient Shade has its benefits! My opponent faces a double Ancient Curse - the last one ends the game!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
11th January update: Arena with Onyxia vs Major Domo and Tinkmaster Overspark!
In this video, we have some fun with Onyxia in arena. My aim as always is to be an 'infinite arena' player. In this case, Onyxia really helped out. It's not often that I get to draft a legendary minion. I showcase three (full) games with Onyxia in Rogue Arena:
1) Onyxia vs Major Domo
2) Onyxia vs Tinkmaster
3) Paladin conceding on 30 health after Onyxia hits the board.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
17th Jan update: Auctioneer Rogue Arena Highlights
A selection of games from my recent 10 win Gadgetzan Auctioneer Rogue Arena - sped up with some chillout music in the background :-) Enjoy!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
23rd Jan update: Hearthstone Mirror Entity and Burgle Arena highlights: Demolisher lethal and Paletress mayhem!
This video showcases two arena highlights.
?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
The first being some Mirror Entity fun with a Demolisher that leads to lethal.
The second game showcases Burgle giving me Confessor Paletress - and yes I know I had lethal at the end with the Kraken - but playing Paletress was just too much fun. :-)
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
30th Jan update: How good is Obsidian Destroyer in Warrior Arena? Playing it to win AND facing FOUR of them!
In this video we look at Obsidian Destroyer in Hearthstone Warrior arena. I showcase one game where it was able to get me an easy win - especially when combined with Stormwind Champion. I showcase another game where my opponent plays FOUR Obsidian Destroyers one after another.
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
4th Feb Update: Trying the Forsen Mech Mage: Portal value = "You face Jaraxxus!!"
I decided to try out Forsen's Mech Mage. The problem with Mech Mage is that it can run out of steam against control decks that have AOE board clears. Well, Unstable Portal came to my rescue, and Lord Jaraxxus joined the party!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
13th Feb update: Windfury Shaman Arena shenanigans make me feel guilty: Whirling Zaps and Windspeaker = Windfury Raider!
A couple of interesting highlights from my recent 8 win Shaman arena - featuring the power of windfury! Tremendous fun!
1) Whirling Zaps
2) Windspeaker on a Raider!
3) One Whirling Zap dies? Play another!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
14th Feb update: 12 Win Warrior Arena - Alexstrasza, Obsidian, Belcher, Spelleater!
The draft:
No Fiery Winaxe - however, there are some significant taunts - including Obsidian and double Belcher.
Sideshow Spelleater has amazing potential - removing the Warrior's hero power that doesn't really impact the board. How about a Hunter's Steady Shot or a Mage's ping?
The question is, will Alexstrasza make a difference?
VIDEO 1: 12 Win Warrior Arena Part 1 - He who taunts first wins?
1: Hunter - WIN - A straightforward game. The Hunter never was able to put a dent in my health.
2: Rogue - WIN - I thought I had a taunt heavy deck. The Rogue goes crazy with taunt after taunt! Sideshow Spelleater lets me win the game.
3: Hunter - WIN - After a few dodgy trades on my part, I taunt up. Deadly Shot kills my Obsidian - but Alex arrives to give me lethal!
4: Warrior - WIN - He who taunts up first wins?
VIDEO 2: 12 Win Warrior Arena Part 2 - Spelleater, Belcher, Obsidian value.
5: Druid - WIN - Starfire on a Cobra? Sure. I'll take that. Sideshow Spelleater lets me pretend to be a Druid. Playing a big tree won't save you! Obsidian goes to work here in a major way, backed up by Sludge Belcher.
6: Paladin - WIN - Cultmaster and Obsidian value takes us to 6 wins.
7: Paladin - WIN - Sword of Justice for the Paladin causes a slight panic. A 3-2 charging horse with a divine shield?! Coghammer? Kings? Another Kings? Keeper of Uldaman? Not enough!
8: Rogue - WIN - Double Slime from the Sludge Belchers wins the day.
9: Paladin - WIN - Secrets everywhere! Some interesting decisions get made. The Paladin makes a huge push at the end with Mind Control Tech, Keeper of Uldaman and Murloc Knight. The Paladin actually drafted NAT PAGLE! Alex gives me significant board presence at the end, allowing me to go face, face, face!
VIDEO 3: 12 Win Warrior Arena Part 3 - The Venture Co who wanted to be a Ravenholdt Assassin...
10: Paladin - LOSS - Perhaps some of my plays were questionable. Although, the Paladin has answers to everything (Consecration, Keeper of Uldaman, Mind Control Tech, Hammer of Wrath, Aldor, Murloc Knight, etc). One turn you are in control, the next, you are screwed. I dream about what would have happened if my Frothing Berserker could not be answered in the early game... Alex does nothing at the end for me. His board was too strong.
11: Rogue - WIN - Double Belcher says hello.
12: Warrior - LOSS - My opponent had Fiery win axe :-( I get punished by an Ooze for not using my weapon... I get punished for freezing the wrong minion. Even Tinkmaster Overspark can't save me. The Warrior plays VARIAN WRYNN just to add insult to injury.
13: Paladin - WIN - The Paladin actually gets Lil'Exorcist actually gets DOUBLE value from my deathrattle minions :( Despite the Paladin having a huge board, I make the decision to go face at the end, which ends up winning me the game. I stealth my Venture Co - which he was not able to answer. The gamble paid off!
14: Mage - WIN - The final boss. Nervous. Scary. I wasn't keen on drafting Inner Rage, but it actually has helped me in this series. Spectral Knight is such a great card in Arena. Can't be targeted by spells. It can be healed up too by another minion. That 6 health is fantastic. Even when at 1 health, it can't be pinged by the Mage's hero power. Oh - but wait - an Elven Archer can kill it! Good plays from the Mage. On an interesting note, Spellslinger gives me BLOODLUST (which I didn't get a chance to play).
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!
20th Feb update: Trying out Kibler's Monkey Business Warrior: The parade of legendaries!
Let's have some fun with the Golden Monkey. In this video, I try out Kibler's Monkey Business Control Warrior. This deck plays Elise, who gives you a map, which gives you a Golden Monkey. In general, I find Elise to be inconsistent across games. However, when you play her early, and you play the monkey mid-game, well...... let the FUN begin!
My Hearthstone Ladder / Tavern Brawl / Arena Adventures - my wins, losses and fun times!