E.T.C. made tech cards far more relevant but many playstyles just don't have good counters.
My personal wishlist:
1) Anti freeze. Wild has one, but it is a minion which makes it useless when your opponent boardlocks you. I'd love to have a spell one so at least one class will be able to deal with menaces like freeze DK or Shudderwork Shaman.
2) Anti hero power. Wild also has those. But those are really weak. I want something like "give an opponent a hero power that summons 0/1 frogs"
3) Actual, good, an anti Big Priest tech card. A battlecry minion that shuffles 3 random 1 mana minions in each deck or something similar
Would be an interesting card if they had a 8-9 cost legendary card that reverted the enemy hero back to their normal character.
ex. Druid uses guff to transform do his hero power to gain mana like 2-3 times. Then player plays this 8 cost legendary and the Druid reverts back to his normal state and his hero power goes back to the normal Druid one.
think it would resolve some of those annoy legendary hero cards people have to deal with such as guff.
Anti freeze, discover denial, end of turn denial, battlecry denial. All these effects should only be on a legendary with a battlecry effect that lasts for 1-2 turns to not make it useless nor op or a medium-high health minion that can't be discovered through normal means. A cool idea of the top of my mind a 2/4 3mana battlecry: your enemy can only play 1 minion next turn, would be good against aggro and combo decks. Another one for warrior: 4/6 taunt 5 mana battlecry: gain armor for the next 2 turns for the amount of mana your opponent spends.
Maybe more niche tech cards too, very situational print lots of them so you have one for every situation in weird dekcs.
E.T.C. made tech cards far more relevant but many playstyles just don't have good counters.
My personal wishlist:
1) Anti freeze. Wild has one, but it is a minion which makes it useless when your opponent boardlocks you. I'd love to have a spell one so at least one class will be able to deal with menaces like freeze DK or Shudderwork Shaman.
2) Anti hero power. Wild also has those. But those are really weak. I want something like "give an opponent a hero power that summons 0/1 frogs"
3) Actual, good, an anti Big Priest tech card. A battlecry minion that shuffles 3 random 1 mana minions in each deck or something similar
Would be an interesting card if they had a 8-9 cost legendary card that reverted the enemy hero back to their normal character.
ex. Druid uses guff to transform do his hero power to gain mana like 2-3 times. Then player plays this 8 cost legendary and the Druid reverts back to his normal state and his hero power goes back to the normal Druid one.
think it would resolve some of those annoy legendary hero cards people have to deal with such as guff.
Taking the 'Silence the enemy hero' meme into affect works now
Anti freeze, discover denial, end of turn denial, battlecry denial. All these effects should only be on a legendary with a battlecry effect that lasts for 1-2 turns to not make it useless nor op or a medium-high health minion that can't be discovered through normal means. A cool idea of the top of my mind a 2/4 3mana battlecry: your enemy can only play 1 minion next turn, would be good against aggro and combo decks. Another one for warrior: 4/6 taunt 5 mana battlecry: gain armor for the next 2 turns for the amount of mana your opponent spends.
Maybe more niche tech cards too, very situational print lots of them so you have one for every situation in weird dekcs.