Fun cards for Warlock! The location seems very strong actually, just 6 turns is ALOT! If the future set gets location support I could all see these cards being bangers. Consume, insane sustain
Actually. There have been quite a few lists with ice barrier relatively recently. Particularly mid range/tempo mage. Of course this depends heavily on how aggressive the meta is.
Mage loves armor and healing. Cheap armor with mana cheat is an auto include card in mage. I can see colossus being a late game stabilizing card, but the cost seems to be holding it back too much. Being reliant on mana cheat late in the game, I wonder how the card will find its place in the meta. Might work out in slower matchups.
Sure. I am all down for a nerf, after the 10 decks above it has been nerfed as well. Especially Shaman, Mage, DK and Paladin. Rogue got 40% winrate at the bottom of the barrel, yet it's the class most people complain about. Nerds and low IQ individuals hate skill ceiling decks that can win against their autopilot Paladin deck, if they play optimal.
Fck this game up more. I want it to go out with a bang. Take some of the prior years desensitization, and print rng explosion after rng explosion. Eventually we will have games that end on turn 1 in standard. Remember switcheroo? Good times
Requiring you to have 3 cards in total for 1 mediocre card to be playable. In today's meta that won't work. Let's see for the different cards, but I suspect they will be trash too with 0 synergy. Now if it made all cards cost 0 or 1, it would be worth it imo
I think it is fair. This set probably took more work than other mini sets. Some extra effort, despite more recent cut offs.
Fun cards for Warlock! The location seems very strong actually, just 6 turns is ALOT! If the future set gets location support I could all see these cards being bangers. Consume, insane sustain
Thor gonna enable insanely slow control decks that OTK you on turn 20.
Viper is insanely op. Infestor seems ok, baneling barrage is good but requires more setup, good synergy with Viper. Solid cards for DK
Actually. There have been quite a few lists with ice barrier relatively recently. Particularly mid range/tempo mage. Of course this depends heavily on how aggressive the meta is.
Mage loves armor and healing. Cheap armor with mana cheat is an auto include card in mage. I can see colossus being a late game stabilizing card, but the cost seems to be holding it back too much. Being reliant on mana cheat late in the game, I wonder how the card will find its place in the meta. Might work out in slower matchups.
Wake up little boy. Every sweaty paladin plays buff pally. That is the real problem. Insane tempo, insane sustain, insane cheating
No Paladin nerfs? Honestly, can't even be surprised anymore.
Sure. I am all down for a nerf, after the 10 decks above it has been nerfed as well. Especially Shaman, Mage, DK and Paladin. Rogue got 40% winrate at the bottom of the barrel, yet it's the class most people complain about. Nerds and low IQ individuals hate skill ceiling decks that can win against their autopilot Paladin deck, if they play optimal.
Fck this game up more. I want it to go out with a bang. Take some of the prior years desensitization, and print rng explosion after rng explosion. Eventually we will have games that end on turn 1 in standard. Remember switcheroo? Good times
This gotta be designed by AI
"Undamaged" because otherwise it would be too broken? Lol, who comes up with these cards
Requiring you to have 3 cards in total for 1 mediocre card to be playable. In today's meta that won't work. Let's see for the different cards, but I suspect they will be trash too with 0 synergy. Now if it made all cards cost 0 or 1, it would be worth it imo
We ain't living in 2015 anymore. Unplayable unfortunately.