This move may very well push F2Ps away instead of making them play more. Do they understand that there are many other card games with more generous F2P models that don't force you to play an absurd amount?
Oh and also completing battleground\arena\brawl quest. LOL. 15 battlegrounds top 4 is like 10 hours of gameplay.
There are not enough common control tools (note that discover cards will discover commons, too), I expect zoo or face type decks in this kind of twist.
Hello P2W. I was fine with a masked subscription fee for a static competetive advantage but this shit is strictly pay to win.
This move may very well push F2Ps away instead of making them play more. Do they understand that there are many other card games with more generous F2P models that don't force you to play an absurd amount?
Oh and also completing battleground\arena\brawl quest. LOL. 15 battlegrounds top 4 is like 10 hours of gameplay.
Can we add this once per game thing to Shudderwock? PLEASE.
There are not enough common control tools (note that discover cards will discover commons, too), I expect zoo or face type decks in this kind of twist.
7 mana 5/6 + let's say 4/4 + a card... I am not impressed. Maybe in the next 4-set standard as 30ish card in singleton decks.
Whatever. Hearthstone remains the card game with the worst limited.
So, DKs theme is naga tribal. It looks way more interesting than draw gazillion cards and get some payoff
has a dragon tag and 1 mana cheaper = slightly better. Yeah, it is what slightly means
Cactus construct looks really strong in go wide decks. And great, great 1 drop for arena
Yep. It is summoned.
It needs manacheat, because if an aggro deck lets you play a 9 drop to heal... it is a bad aggro deck
this minion should mean the former, it is how it works with rogue's unearthed raptors when they get such deathrattles
3 mana 4/5 rush is a good incentive to have 2 mana elementals in your deck and there are 4 decent 2 mana elementals already in standard
Resurrect ogre and creating an ogre tribe just for one card would be so much better, it would make so many cards interesting
What? Even various iterations of shuddershamans will be fine and even shaman couldn't care less.