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Rank 1 Legend Legend Kobolds Prince Tempo Rogue

  • Last updated Jan 19, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Prince Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/10/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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Hey, here's the list I piloted to rank 1 legend. 

For proof check my twitter - twitter.com/BoarControl

For gameplay check my twitch channel - twitch.tv/BoarControlHS and youtube channel -


Card Replacements

Prince and Edwin are non replaceable. Borderline cards are tar creeper and vicious fledgling so try subbing in those cards as replacements.

Rough Mulligan Guide


VS rogue you keep vilespine on and off the coin

VS Aggro (aggro druid, rogue, shaman, zoolock, murloc paladin)

FireFly, swashburglar, backstab, corridor creeper. With edwin and prince shadowsteps become good. Deckhand is good vs aggro druid since you can avoid having a pirate for golakka. Keep captain with firely.

Same but also si 7 agent and edwin

can mulligan away swash if you already have firefly or southsea vs golakka decks

VS Control

So you need Scalebane and just in general big guys vs these, such as corridor and bonemare. I would only keep firefly with 3/5 drop already. Swash is a keep with southsea captain and going 1st. 

Elven minstrel can be kept if you know your opponent is a slow deck. Try to play elven into boards where you would otherwise be over commited.


VS  Mid Hunter (Favoured)

Hunter's power plays come from crackling razormor and houndmaster so it's imperative to deny these. You should be able to grasp hold of the board through patches and backstab, then, since the hunter runs no aoe you can spread wide. Watch out for lethal set ups with 1/2 kill commands.

VS Spell/secret hunter (50/50)

This is a new match up for Kobolds and Catacombs. They often play only barnes and Y'shaarj so cards like backstab can be stranded (apart for on animal companion and spellstone). It's important to keep coin/0 mana spell for vilespine to kill the Y'shaarj summoned from barnes. 

Regarding playing around secrets. You need at least 3 damage before attacking face into a wandering monster. If the opponent has a bow up I will not hit face until I can get bonemare down and set up a lethal push. Try to avoid playing spells to proc the cat trick.

VS ROGUE (50/50)

With the addition of creeper things get a little more complicated. You can hold this card to activate combos or just play with bonemare. Be wary when denying bonemare from the opponent since he may be able to activate it with creeper. Creeper is, much like prince, a very swing card in the match up - one player playing a 0 mana 5/5 will give them a huge edge. If you suspect your opponent to be holding corridor while you are not try to SMOrc them down.

In general, try and maximise value from patches, don't let it die to opponents dagger, try to get it to trade as a 2/2. Also try and spread wide, often you can leave up the opponents scalebane and spread wide, since rogue has no aoe.


Need to try and deny them from spreading wide. Watch out for golakka crawler, try and use deckhand to summon patches and trade with it. Set up your taunts as late as possible since they will trade away most of your board for you. It's important to keep track or corridor creeper, sometimes you need to hold golakka for this. Also try and set up lethal so that they must trade with their living mana, if they get to face with it you will lose.

VS JADE/BIG DRUID (favoured)

They will try and ramp up into spreading plague and UI. Try to keep your board narrow by trading off small guys into mire keeper. Corridor Creeper really swings this match up in your favour so hard mulligan for this.


Due to the addition of psychic scream this match up is now very difficult. They simply have too many aoe's. If there is no anduin + raza combo you can go for a value gameplan with elven minstrel. Try to hold shadowstep for leeroy for huge burst comboes.

VS BIG PRIEST (favoured)

First off - screw BIG priest. This is the most infuriating match up in hearthstone. You may think you can clear their threats with vilespine and shadowstep but they just keep on coming. With the addition of the spellstone and psychic scream they will remove your board and then re-summon their own huge board. You just have to hope they don't get multiple minions and aoe's. Play the aggro, they wont always have the answer.

VS Dragon PRIEST (favoured)

With Kobolds this match up has grown in difficulty. The priest can swing back the board with duskbreaker and dragonfire potion, however you can play around these and you should be able to keep them off board. They still rely on the divine spirit inner fire combo to win and vilespine slayer is the tempo swing you need on turn 5.

VS MAGE (favoured)

Quest is a very basic to play, keep vilespine for doomsayer go face pop as early as possible. Try to make large taunts to avoid a 3 sorcerer combo (27 damage).

Jaina ctrl - You need to make sure you have a way to deal with doomsayer (vilespine or leeroy) and try and pressure as early as possible. if they get the jaina off then you will almost always lose.

Tempo Mage - Tempo mage has the new addition of explosive runes. Its important to be wary of your life total, so sometimes you can proc it with a firefly for tempo but other times you will need to conserve life. With cards like backstab and patches you should be able to claim early game board, tempo mage has no aoe so take advantage of this and try to spread wide.

VS ZOOLOCK (favoured)

With the addition of bloodfury potion its vital to kill off demons going into the warlock's turn 3. Plan for bonemare on 7 and doomgaurd/dreadlord on 5 to deny as much value as possible. Try to make a read on corridor creeper and guldan and make plays around these if possible.

VS PALADIN (50/50)

This match up has not really changed since the expansion so I'll post what I wrote last time. KILL THE MURLOCS. pretty much this. Avoid them getting value from rockpool and megasuar. The swing point in this match up comes on turn 6 with the spikeridged steed. If the paladin can play this then they will almost always win, make sure you clear the board going into this turn 

VS Evolve SHAMAN (50/50)

Most shamans tech in golakka crawler so watch out for this, try to hold back captain if they have a kept card they have not played. Try to hold back patches and deckhand and use them to kill off totems. Shaman has better early game tools and the potential dopple evolve on 6. try not to over invest the board into maelstrom portal and try to avoid backstabbing totems if possible, you want to trade minions into them.

VS Warrior

Press F to pay respects to Fiery War Axe.

VS control lock (35%)

Hard mulligan for edwin, prince and corridor creeper. You need minions to survive defile and hellfire since you will lose to the nether into 10 drop every time. Try and hold big guys fro dirty rats. Spellbreaker can be a key tech if you face  lots of these.

VS Cubelock (50/50)

Without twisting nether this match ups is much better for you, Cubelock has dead cards like mountain giant and sometimes lacky will pull doomguard. If you have vilespine you want to pop lackeys and vilespine the outcome to avoid cubes on the minion. try and prevent good cube turns and exploit week plays from turn 6/7/8 with your bonemare. try and win before turn 10 since guldan. Watch out for faceless on a large taunt or The Lich King