Quick Wins Consistent Malyrogue
- Last updated Nov 2, 2017 (Triggered)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Malygos Rogue
- Brawl: Miniature Warfare
- Crafting Cost: 8240
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/2/2017 (Triggered)

- WhatAChamp
- Registered User
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This deck is designed so that you can draw through your deck as soon as possible and consistently hit your win condition of Malygos + spells. My most recent win was a T3 finisher, taking a priest from 30 to 0 in one turn. If you want stats, I'm so far 7-1 with the deck but I'm sure it could go much further based on some of my other matchups.
Go hard for Auctioneers. If you have them already, keep coins, keep any form of card draw, keep shadowstep. If you don't have them, ditch pretty much everything for them.
Draw like a madman until you have enough burn to drop 15 damage with Maly. Once you have this burn, play Hemet (if you have him already) and draw through the remainder of your deck, hopefully playing Emperor Thaurissan as well. Finish off your opponent with Alex + Maly + 15 damage worth of spells. Two SS is optimal but you may need to use other spells instead. Don't be afraid to blow some extra burn spells to keep drawing with Auctioneer, as long as you can still pull off 15 damage. Avoid the temptation of playing Alex early on as some people run healing which can put you out of range.
If you don't have Hemet, drop the runic eggs and acolytes for azure drakes and gnomish inventors. Immediate card draw it much more beneficial than delayed. Hemet is a beauty because he'll shred all the useless crap that you no longer need once you have your burn. Alex, Maly and Emp are all saved which is the remainder of your combo. If possible, play Hemet and THEN draw so you get all your combo pieces. Fatigue will almost never kill you while losing a turn not drawing everything you need very well might.
Alternative cards:
You don't want to go over 3 mana as it dilutes your post-Hemet pool. If you have a suggestion that is vital to the strategy then go for it and try it, but otherwise keep it under 4 mana. Coldlight is a good possibility but a bit risky IMO. Hallucination is not terribly necessary and backstab has potential for inclusion.
Is kinda dumb to use Loot hoarder when you can use gnomish inventor
Not at all. Gnomish Inventor doesn't get destroyed by Hemet while Loot Hoarder does. We want to get to Maly as fast as possible so having an extra card in the way isn't beneficial, especially when every mana crystal matters. As listed before, if Hemet isn't being used, of course you'll want to switch it out for that (and Azure Drake), but because of Hemet, Loot is the better choice.