- Last updated Aug 30, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 13 Minions
- 13 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 9480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/30/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- Titan_Hs
- Registered User
- 11
- 23
- 70
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Total Deck Rating
Ahoy mateys! It took me some time to make a great control warrior list but now that I found out how great this one worked, I decided to make a guide for it!
I used this list to climb from so-called "dumpster ranks" back to the high ranks and I'm writing this with enthusiasm because I'm really happy that control warrior is more than viable right now!
Proof - You can see the climb with it on my stream VODS and make sure to follow the stream so we can be competitive with awesome decks like this one - twitch.tv/urkoth
Beside the regular control warrior I played other control warrior lists with N'zoth/Dragon/C'thun and you can find them on my twitter - https://twitter.com/Titan_HS2
About this deck - It performs great against most of the meta decks. It can also punish greedier decks if played smart. You can substitute some things if you feel like it but I do think it's in the perfect form as it is. Cards like Dirty Rats and Skulking Geist are pretty mandatory for this meta since we often rely on disrupting combos.
Mulligans and Game Plans
I want to mention that keeping Stonehill Defender is fine in every match-up. And using Dirty Rats on turn 2 is correct in many match-ups except for the quest mage one.
Aggro Druid - Remove their stuff or set up big removal. Reaaaally good match-up for us and there's so many of them because they don't have counters. But here we are, and we made one! Even though you want to remove their minions, evaluate whether it's worth saving brawls sometimes since we will need it for living mana or single target removals for Hydras. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghouls, Blood Razor.
Jadetard Druid - Contest and remove their board, play Skulking Geist as soon as possible. Even though I have a fine winrate against them, it's really frustrating to play that game but oh well. Try to draw as many cards as possible. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain. Keep: Skulking Geist, Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghoul.
Hunter: There aren't many of them but I started seeing them more often. Remove their board as much as possible, make them run out of resources. Pretty easy match-up unless we dirty rat their Highmane or they play Deathstalker Rexxar on turn 6, if they run it. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghouls, Blood Razor.
Quest Mage: Pretty easy match-up. Even though control decks lose to it most of the time, we'll thank Dirty Rats for carrying us. BUT we have to be smart about them if we want to win. Draw as many cards as possible so we can get to rats and go face a lot! This will pressure them into using minions. And once they use all/most of them use Dirty Rats to pull out Antonidas, though pulling out 2 Sorcerer's Apprentices is fine as well. Dirty Rats shouldn't be used before they have ~10 cards left in the deck. Try to play around coldlight oracles by not having more than 7 cards in hand if possible. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rats, Acolyte of Pains, Shield Block.
Control Mage: It's fine to draw cards in this match-up and outvalue them but fatigue plan is probably the best. We are favored but this is a skill intensive match-up, good luck! Keep the same cards that you keep for the quest mage match-up because the opponent will be playing quest mage most of the time.
Murloc Paladin: Remove their minions, use whirlwinds and weapons and fishes, don't let them have a minion to steed if possible. The match-up has been easy and you'll end up seeing them playing Tarim on an empty board l0l. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghouls, Blood Razor.
Highlander Priest: I have a positive winrate against them, try to gain life and disrupt them with Dirty Rats. Play around potion of madness until you play the Geist, if possible. The game will stall until the fatigue often, but don't be passive. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghoul, Shield Block, Stonehill.
Big Priest: This isn't how the priest is supposed to be, I'm quite sad about it. We have an ok chance though. It's a tough game and we have to hope they don't have Barnes on turn 4 along with eternal servitudes with him. Be aggressive and smart. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Acolyte of Pain, Execute, Shield Slam.
Evolve Shaman: Remove the priority targets: Flametongue, Mana Tide and Primalfin Totem in the early stages. Try to set up big removals. Find a spot where you use the brawls but try to save them. We have enough removals and we'll end up with them having no resources. Pretty easy match-up Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghouls, Blood Razor.
Pirate Warrior: Survive and remove their stuff. Hope you don't get high-rolled. Consider saving removals for hydras but don't be greedy in this match-up. Keep: Fiery War Axe, Slam, Dirty Rat, Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghouls, Blood Razor.
Thanks for reading, I will be updating the guide if needed and feel free to ask questions and post opinions! -Titan
I created a better control warrior and im having solid wins against preety anything
weakness = aggro
lol sux deck, priests rape you
agree this deck is so crap i have not had one win vs priest
so control warrior is dead now with the last nerf to Fiery War Axe
nice control warrior deck :) like it
-1 bring it on +1 alley armorsmith
here my intense game vs DK Warlock, thanks to his medivh + twisting combo I won XD enjoy :) (repost)
Cool deck! I'm recently back into hearthstone after a 6 month hiatus, missing the old warrior days - as I make my way to crafting all the new legendaries, would you recommend crafting Garrosh or Elise first? I'm also missing a dirty rat
With the upcoming nerfs coming, I'm not sure if you should invest so much dust into crafting control warrior, Gutsnagga. I will try to make it work after the waraxe nerf, but can't predict how it will work out. Also Dirty Rats are a must in my opinion in this deck.
Thanks for the response. Yeah I'm really hoping the archetype survives in one way or another, it is a really big hit to my favourite deck. Best of luck!
I think maybe another taunt, then swapping War Axe for Kings Defender should hopefully make it workable? A 3 mana 3/3 weapon if you have the taunt is pretty solid.
Is there a replacement for Elise the Trailblazer?
Probably Ysera, ClassicNguyern. Or the second Stonehill defender.
Guess this deck needs a change now since Fiery War Axe is nerfed.
May the god help all control warrior players after that happens.
This deck is really great...I've only tested it out at ranks 15-20 since I haven't had a chance to ladder this season, but its been stellar. Also, and more importantly, its a lot of fun. I made two voluntary adjustments: a second Stonehill Defender instead of a Grimstreet Informant, and took out a ravaging ghoul since there are enough activators/removal already and put in Grommash since there aren't enough win conditions IMO. These are just minor preferences though...thanks for a great deck!!
Thanks for the kind words granite 543, having fun while laddering well is a goal I strive for! Glad you like it!
Just beat a Jadetard with this - haha your 5 draw card is no good when you are in fatigue is it?
Geist grants them fatigue, BruceSaidit. They can rest now.
Refreshing to be able to beat jade druids, have a positive winrate against them. CW comeback! Still havent met priests though 14 games in.
I have a positive winrate against them as well, even though it's the most broken thing now, AngryJQrgen! Highlander priest is fine for us as well.