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Miraqle Swag

  • Last updated Apr 12, 2014 (Live Patch 5170)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/4/2014 (Live Patch 4973)
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CURRENTLY RANK (11) with this Deck and still climbing strong! &  got Golden Rogue!

http://grab.by/vZvw Golden Rogue Woot!!

Intro: Fairly new to the Hearthstone scene but I'm enjoying this game more then I did playing League. Early 20's gamer in the military, I have a passion for strategy and burst thats why I main Rogue and Rogue only. This deck will take a lot of practice, patience and strategy. A lot of things can be going on at the same time such as GA, counting cards while "Milling" with Oracle and Cho, counting board slots with VT spawnlings, and managing mana for combos. 

Purpose: The purpose of this deck is to survive rushes and save cards for mid-game combos with typical rogue combos and establishing board threat with my MVP card "Violet Teacher" when you don't get a OHP card start that would consist of at least a "Gadgetzan Auctioneer". The main purpose is to get the card draw going and milling your opponents with aggression and bursting them to the face with insane amounts of damage, like other miraqle decks do, but with my latest addition of "Violet Teacher" I've notice a huge increase of wins when I don't draw a "Gadgetzan Auctioneer". 

Kick off!: Starting hand can really make or break you. I like to keep cards that offer me removal early game such as Backstab, Sap when facing classes with early taunts but most of the time you want to mulligan them, Eviscerate, Always keep Deadly Poison, Try and mulligan for at least one minion in your starting hand especially when starting second, Always keep "Gadgetzan Auctioneer". If you get 2 or more minions in your hand always prioritize "Gadgetzan Auctioneer" then VT then "Van Cleef" or Leeroy then Mana Addict. The best starting hand would consists of Backstab, Preperation, GA or VT, Blade Fury, Eviscerate, and Deadly Poison any of these cards will help you survive till round 4/5, especially starting second. Mulligan any cards I didn't mention above. Also keep Conceal if you get a VC or GA and Prep.

Play Style/Strategy: Sit back charge up your hero power and try to keep the board clear without using too many charges of your hero power especially when you have a Deadly Poison waiting to be used. Count cards so when you get Cho and Oracle you can try to burn some of their new cards, also sap works really well with this strategy. Use spells only when you absolutely have to, You can delay the tempo by using a early Sap on any big creature with high mana cost if they play something with a ring. Don't use Deadly Poison attack unless its to wave clear, pretty much assess each situation carefully and figure out what you can do that takes minimum spells because the more backstabs you have or 0 spell cost cards when playing a early VC, MA, VT, or GA will help  you snowball to victory. Don't be afraid to ping (auto attack) any minions early game to keep the board clear. The more you play with this deck the more you will gain knowledge on how to play each type of class with what cards you are given, this deck offers a lot of survivability from rushes as the game progresses it gets a lot easier to take control of the game. I forgot to mention Eviscerate can be used to wave clear if needed.

Qombos: There are too many qombos that can be used when playing a rogue, so I'll touch up on my favorites: (1) Leeroy, Coldblood, Shadow step, repeat to finish game if not throw up a Prep/Bladefury or Prep/Fan Of Knives. (2) On turn (2) Ring, into VC Preperation Shiv/Eviscerate/Fan Of Knives/Sap then Backstab play the card resulting in a 10/10 VC which is really good but a gamble. Try doing this at turn (3) and throwing up a Conceal afterwards. (4) The usual Shadow Step combos on GA if you are hungry for cards, he turns into a (3) mana minion next round. (5) Playing Bloodmage then Backstabing or whatever spell for the (+1) damage burst. (6) One of my top qombos is round (4/5) Ring, GA, Prep, Spell, Prep, and hopefully a Conceal, If not It's worth Shadow Stepping unless you have another one. (7) Throwing down a Mana Addict then Shadow Stepping so you can GA+mana Mana Addict +Prep+Conceal on turn (5).

Match-ups: Going to start from easiest opponent to most difficult. (1) PRIESTPriest is by far the easiest match up Imo, because most of them react to whatever you play and use spells to take your cards. Mulligan AOE cards such as Blade Fury and Fan Of Knives. Keep pretty much anything else you are comfortable with I prefer Backstabs, Preps, (1) Evisecrate, GA or any Legendary, and Conceal. If they open with a Cleric be patient and wait till you have enough burst to burst it in one session, after clearing his first few cards on the board get your draw mechanics going. Make sure that Holy Nova is at (5) mana and GA can only take 2 of those. Mainly focus on bursting the Priest down slowly and removing his taunts most of his minions can be ignored, If you are aggressive enough they will spend the entire time healing and playing defensive rather then trying to play defensive/offensive type cards on the board. I like to let my GA live (1) turn then sacrifice him with a Coldblood and shot to the face forcing him to Shadow Word it from having over (4) attack most of the time he is pretty safe unless they double smite it or holy nova then smite. Try to end the game by round (10) because Mind Control is a pain.

(2) DRUID: Druids can be pretty annoying due to silences and really good removal and heavy minion set that are stacked with taunts but luckily we have a lot of tempo/delays with this deck, Sap is MVP for this match up. Reason being is when they Intervate, Mana crystal, you can sap delaying everything they just used, especially when they do that plus add Mark Of The Wild. Most Druids will just hero power first few rounds or Ring, Intervate, a huge minion, Sap it on turn two, then trade autos to keep him from stacking up his armor. Be careful of his Silence, Starfall, and Swipe. If you really want to you can bait it by playing a early VC since GA and Leeroy are the two cards that will win you this match up. Save Assainate for his (5/10) taunt, (8/8) taunt, or Any greater stationary card. Delaying his rush to mana (9/10) is the way to win this match up, keep cleaning up the board and Saping early will do just that.

(3) Mages: are really easy for me, the only time they are a pain is when they are equipped with a lot of secrets. The mind games are really annoying in this match-up. Try and keep the board clear as you can by removing their apprentice,wrym, and mirror image. Get as much damage as you can by playing minions with early Cold Bloods to get them in lethal before mana 7 because flame strike will kill almost everything. Burn their cards by shadow stepping oracle and playing Cho together. If you do give them spells with Cho try and give them the useless ones that don't benefit them much first then when their hand is full use the strong spells to keep the board clear. Just be smart about having minions on the board because they usually won't live through anything unless concealed and thats before turn 7. When secrets are being played be smart and tactful when reacting to the secret because they are very tricky and hard to play around. If the Mage uses "Fatal" try and get the mage really low first before you hit her with the final blow making it easier to finish off after the secret is revealed. MVP card for this match up is Bloodmage the extra damage burst when playing it with another card helps removal.

(4) Hunter: Hunters may seem like they have an advantage because they probably will get you to 15/20 hp before you generate much damage, dont lose hope because once you conceal a minion and claim the board with a solid one or two minions the game is pretty much yours. VT is a very sketchy card in this match up but still my favorite to use because it baits a early UTH use and you'll end up winning the trade if he does take that route instead of using a trap. My favorite card in this match up is Cho, having a rogue with secrets is just funny and extremely hard to deal with especially for a hunter with small minion set. Just beware of minion placement and play around misdirections by using hero power and play safe early until you get a conceal combo, once you get board control, outplay their traps and win the game. MVP card will go to Cho + Oracle, feeding them too many cards really messes up their UTH qombos.

(5) Shaman: Its really hard to get board control against Shaman, because when you mill them they just get so much removal from it, getting past their overload minions by sapping or clearing the board then setting up for damage to the face when they are lacking mana is key to winning this game. Only ignore totems if you think they are not totem/minion based Shaman. If they are control with a lot of spells, make sure you clear them out. MVP card goes to Bloodmage helps to break through their feral spirit taunts with extra spell damage backstabs and other spells.

(6) Warqoqs: Okay.... Warqoqs are really difficult we have the slight advantage against handloqs, keep sap always if you think its a handlock and the game should be really easy. Shadowstep, Coldlight, and Mukla will help you feed them cards to get burnt. Play very aggressive and just ColdBlood early to win the game, making plays early is risky but is the only way to win against them. Don't be afraid to conceal early, keep eviscerate and sap for minions. Okay just edited my deq because of this match up, I'm currently rank (9) and been having trouble against zoo/murqoq Warqoqs, so I added Shieldbearer and Hogger to help which has increased the odds but only way to win against those decks is having really good RNG and a good mulligan which should be removal/Van Cleef. MVP card is Mukla for handloqs and VC for zoo/murqoq. 

(6) Rogue:  I'm not going to explain this one, just say a few things. Figure out if they are tempo or miracle then play accordingly. Pretty much whoever gets Leeroy first wins l0l, just kidding if you play Rogue often as much as I do you should know mirror match ups are very exciting and a chance to show off your skills :D. 

(7) Paladin:   My nigga EriQ mains Paladin so we do head to head games frequently so I know this match up pretty well. End the game as early as possible and save sap for early taunts and the (1) assassinate for their end game finisher, also keeping sap for Tridon rather then killing him and procing his death rattle can be extremely powerful. Keep the board clear and play aggressively, don't clutter too many minions at the same time against them because of their equality + consecration. If you get a early advantage and their only removal is True strike, throw a Cold Blood on whatever minion you have out, forcing them to take extra damage when removing your minion. Most Paladins will try to play safe and react to your plays so, give him a false sense of security by baiting his spells then bursting him when he wasting his vital spells. Play as aggressive as you can because when late game comes their damage increases and you start to fatigue. Keep their hand full as much as possible. MVP card for this match up is VT she claims so much of the board forcing them to Either Consecration and or Equality. If he doesn't wipe the board either her spawnlings or her is still alive giving you chance to burst with cold blood. Remember to play overly aggressive and to bait them.

(8) Warrior: I almost thought their was no way to beat a control warrior but ive finally mastered it. To win this game you have to play smart and slowly chip away at them until they are lethal and surprising them with a big play to end the game. Against control warriors you have to play a little passive/aggressive early then turn it up twenty notches as the game progresses but do it slowly and be sneaky about it. If they are not control and just aggressive most of the time you will lose because having a lot of weapons equipped with Upgrade or Weaponsmith really hurts you too much before you can really make a move with this deck, but don't give up because thats what miraqle rogues do! We endure the shit and either die from fatigue or take fatigue for style points. MVP card Conceal helps against shield slams and their massive removal.

Replacements: Vc can be replaced with questing adventurer. Mana Addict can also be replaced with questing adventurer, I prefer Mana Addict. Bloodmage can be replaced with kobold geomancer. Leeroy can be replaced with Arcane golem or any other charge really. These are just replacements for low budget people. Comment if you have questions for other slots.

Extras: My account name is Swagreaper1779 holla at cho boy if you have any questions or concerns. Really eager to hear some feed back on this deck, so either comment or hit me up. 70 more wins for my golden Rogue, I only play Rogue nothing else ever. Always down to head to head if I'm not grinding ya dig. You're probably wondering why I spelled Miracle with a QQQQQ and Combo with a Q, just a inside joke me and my friend created while playing League. Needed to add it to my Deqqqq and guide for swag. 

SHOUTOUTS: Shout out to EriQQQQQQQQQQ and Freegold learned a lot from both.

I will keep this as updated as possible, so excited to hear feedback, and shout out to all my other Rogue users. 

UPDATE: 4/8/2014. I took out (2) Shivs: Just had way too many (2) mana cost spells was really ruining my early game. Took out Deadly Poison: made me too reliant on comboing with it and always trying to charge my hero power. Took out Assassinate because I kept getting it the first 3/5 cards and It was killing my early game, unless I had a prep and still then not worth it. Added another Violet Teacher, King Mukla for milling and great early game threat, and (2) Argent Squires, they make up for Deadly Poison and helps sticking to board + a early Cold Blood on them really creates presence. Thanks everyone for viewing my guide will keep updating it, would love to hear some feedback! 

Update: 4/10/2014 Took out two argents squires for a ShieldBearer and Hogger to help against Warqoq rushes because they are OHP! Don't forget to upvote or add me thanks again!