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Tavern Brawl, win turn 7, cheap and fun wins

  • Last updated Oct 10, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Brawl: Clockwork Card Dealer
  • Crafting Cost: 4860
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/8/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Hey all! 

First time for me here, just came up with a deck for current brawl and I just think it's so awesome and fun so I wanted to share it with you all.

 Updated my winrate: 33 wins and 14 loses. Also the first 2-3 loses was before my changes. And would be even better in a more skilled players hand then me!

Some of my cards such as OnyxiaSea Giant ,Dr. Boom, is a combo at the end, if the main plan fails. I never get to use them tho because this is an instant win at 7 mana, or 8.

Here is the strat! 

Save anything at mulligan that can help you survive to mana 7, such as taunts, death bite + dread corsair or even a warsong commander to "scare" and sacrifice. Ive been mixing with Whirlwind and changed it to 2x Shieldbearer, because that made me survive easier to turn 7.

Sometimes I change out 1x Shieldbearer for 1x Worgen Infiltrator, just to clear a minion if needed.

If you start with coin that will really help you out at turn 3 to draw a 4 mana card for defense. Then at turn 4 you draw another 4 mana card you can play, etc. Keep playing 4 mana cards until you hit turn 6.

Its pretty simple and straight forward, stack up armor and play cards to scare or taunt (make them not go face, and kill your board instead) but never play the cards you draw after mulligan, you MUST save the cards to turn 6 and 7. Only play cards from mulligan and the 4 mana turn. Or if you get copys, like 1 warsong commander at mulligan (then you will get another one at turn 3)

When you hit turn 6, draw Emperor Thaurissan and let him bring your card mana down. At turn 7 play Warsong Commander, Commanding Shout and Grim Patron, and clear their board. *update* If your opponent don't have many, or any minions out by the time you reach mana 7, then wait to use this combo since I removed whirlwind. You want as many patrons as possible when you switch turn.

Also if your opponent only have 2 damage minions out at turn 7 then you can save Commanding Shout for when you think you need it

At turn 8, clear board and dont be afraid to lose your cards, because then you just drop Kel'Thuzad and.... baaam everything is back. You should usually have won now, but if not you will will have Dr. Boom and get Onyxia Sea Giant, and other 4 mana cards to wreck him out.

Updated some minor things, such as shieldbearer x2 instead of whirlwind (you get full board anyway). And I also went up against a lock who cleared me with 2x hellfires. That didn't matter though, because my late end draws was too strong for him.

*update* - 2x Spellbreaker - Mechanical Yeti - Cult Master, + 2x Mogu'shan Warden + 2x Kor'kron Elite.    I did this changes after some extreme aggro decks. Helps to reach turn 7.

Thanks for the comments, as one states you can change the more expensive cards above turn 8, like sea giant and onyxia if you have other strong cards. But most of the time you win before you get that far. Cheers!

This is really great fun! Hope you all enjoys it!



This is usually how it looks when winning :)


I rarely lose after turn 8, when I do it's a lucky draw like this Stealth Spare Part on Chillwind yeti, very nice move by him, but still lucky, hah..