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[TGT][S18]CheckMyDoubles Oil Rogue

  • Last updated Sep 4, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2020
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/4/2015 (TGT Launch)
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This is a standard Oil Rogue deck with a few additions of TGT cards.  I don't want to take full credit for this deck as it borrows heavily from existing Oil Rogues with a few changes, this is just the version that I'm currently playing with.  With the release of TGT I was excited to see how those cards could improve current decks.  Unfortunately, I don't think many Rogue cards really shined in comparison to other classes.  But there are a few gems which I think make a fantastic addition to any Oil Rogue deck.

Card Explanations:


Replacing Bloodmage Thalnos with Cutpurse.  The reason behind this is that I've found he doesn't always add a lot of value to the deck.  He is too easy to remove early game and ends up only being a combo trigger or card cycle later on.  Sure, his +1 Spell Damage is nice when you need to get extra damage cheaply from an Eviscerate or Fan of Knives, but in the end I found his potential to be wasted most matches.

I find Cutpurse to be a fantastic card and give a ton more value.  First, he's the same cost as Thalnos but a much more solid 2/2.  This means you can actually use him early game as a threat.  But his real value comes from filling your hand with some extra coins.  Playing this card early creates a huge tempo swing for you even if you only get one or two coins from him.  You can use it to throw out an early Shredder or Teacher on turn three, or use the coins to activate your SI:7, Eviscerates, etc.  If you can protect him and get an extra coin per turn early on, you'll have a huge advantage over your opponent.

If you coin out your Cutpurse on turn one, you can actually gain a nice advantage if your opponent doesn't have an answer to it, as you'll gain another coin on turn two.  You can use this to activate your SI:7 Agent on turn two and potentially gain another coin using his two damage removal to keep the board clear.


Replacing Earthen Ring Farseer with Saboteur.  Again, I found that Farseer is used more as a solid 3 drop and his Battlecry is wasted or given minimal effect.  It can be nice to get an extra heal from using your dagger for early removals, but I find Saboteur to be far superior.  He is a 4/3 which makes him a considerable early game threat to most minions and his Battlecry is almost never wasted early.  You completely lock up your opponent against Mage pings, Priests using their heal to draw more cards, Inspire cards, etc.

Assassin's Blade:

Why use Assassin's Blade?  Because this card creates a tremendous late game threat for removals and building up towards lethal.  The trick with this card is to try to play it smart and bait out an Ooze with your Deadly Poison.  Because it's so cheap, most people will play an Ooze early to remove your regular dagger, especially if it has poison on it.  Harrison can become a threat later on, but honestly I don't run into him very often, and being afraid of a Harrison is not a reason to ignore the potential value of this card.  Say it with me, "I play Assassin's Blade because I am not afraid."

Also, his card draw can actually risk some control decks with burning cards depending on how full their hand is because of it being a 3/4.  It's best to save this card until late game and throw an Oil or two on it for a huge finisher.  You don't want to waste its value and have to Blade Flurry early and waste charges. 

Piloted Shredder & Violet Teacher:

I like to run a Piloted Shredder and Violet Teacher as it gives you the option as to what is better for the situation, as opposed to running two of the same card.  Do you need more minions on the board to deal with Aggro decks, or something sticky to deal with larger minions.

I only have one Fan of Knives as it's great against Paladin's and other Aggro decks, but it's expensive and only useful as a card cycle later in the game.  I've considered replacing this with Beneath the Grounds but I don't like the random aspect of it.

Antique Healbot:

One Antique Healbot is enough as 5 mana for a 3/3 isn't that great and is only used to keep yourself sustained until you can build up lethal.

Goblin Auto-Barber:

One Goblin Auto-Barber is nice for an early game minion and dagger buff.  This way you can remove some of the cheap minions on the board.  Or you can use it to stack with a Deadly Poison for some heavy removal, or setup an early Blade Flurry.

Southsea Deckhand:

Southsea Deckhand should only be used to activate your Oil and as a finisher.  Never play him as a regular minion unless you're absolutely desperate to remove a threat from the board.  This card should guarantee your finisher in case your board is cleared and you have nothing to use Oil with.


Look for Preparation and Sprint for turn four.  Or just regular removals such as Deadly PoisonBackstab, and an SI:7 Agent or Cutpurse.  Remember you want cards to remove early game threats and control the board until you can build up lethal.  Usually, you only need one minion on the board and your Oils to be able to finish an opponent.  Don't over commit and risk having all your minions destroyed early as they're crucial to use with your Oil as a win condition.


Nothing special here.  You need to use your removal spells early to control the board and try to keep at least one minion on the board.  Work your opponent down until you can use your Tinker's Sharpsword Oil combo to unleash your finisher.  Remember to use one Blade Flurry early to control the board and save the other for your finisher.  It's important to keep the second Flurry so that you can attack face with your buffed dagger and then cast Flurry to hit for double damage.  Throw in an Eviscerate or buffed minion to finish them off. 

You need to always be aware of how much potential damage you have in your hand so you can time your lethal correctly.  Don't unleash a flurry of attacks unless it will defeat your opponent.  You don't want them to have a chance to respond to having low health.  They may not expect to be bursted down from 15-20 health.  Just work them down with your minions until you have them in lethal range and unleash your combo.  It helps to save a Sap in case you need to get rid of a taunt which is blocking your lethal.

Remember, always plan a turn ahead with your Oil Rogue.  You need to be considering what you're going to play on your next turn and how you'll respond.  If you focus only on what your answer is going to be in the current situation, you're setting yourself up to fail.  You need to be constantly thinking about how much damage you have in your hand and how you're going to get your opponent low enough to use it.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Anyway, that's it.  Nothing revolutionary, just my version of the already successful Oil Rogue that I wanted to share.  Please leave your comments and thoughts below if you can think of any changes or improvements.  Also, if you enjoy this deck please take the time to upvote it.
