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TGT Super Control Warrior

  • Last updated Aug 27, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/28/2015 (TGT Launch)
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My name is Limitless, and I've been a control player since early beta. Today I'm bringing a standard take on control warrior, which may seem quite a lot like other control warrior decks out, but I thought I would share a bit of information on my card choices, which make the deck slightly different than others.

The first notable change is the use of only one Fiery War Axe. Often with the high mana curve of most control warrior decks, you mind yourself using weapons to compensate for the lack of minions until turn 6 or later. What ends up happening many times is having too many weapons in your hand and trying to face tank all damage, causing an early drop in health, possibly to the point of losing the game. I've lowered the overall curve of the deck to make up for the weapon you won't have to use. 

It's actually quite surprising how a lot of the first 6 or so turns resemble a Grim Patron warrior, so partially due to this (and to curve out better), I've included a Gnomish Inventor. I truly believe this card is completely underrated for it's utility, and given that it often has confused the opponent into playing like a Grim Patron deck, it has given me the upper hand, and even won games.

I'm choosing to run only one copy of Brawl, as I feel that brawl is a board reset option, and doesn't give you the upper hand, unless you win the brawl, which often isn't your overall goal when using it.

Varian Wrynn - I've decided to include Varian despite the amount of battlecry minions in the deck. While a lot of people argue that using him and pulling out Big Game Hunter, Loatheb, or even Dr. Boom, I have less than a 20% chance of losing a card I actually needed. Despite this, its mana cost is justified with its stats, and when it does pull the right spells into my hand, or cards like Sylvanas Windrunner or Sludge Belcher, it's awfully hard to argue why not to include it in your deck.

I feel the bonus to armor Justicar Trueheart brings makes up for its stats, and given that your overall goal is to outlast your opponent - most likely into fatigue, this card serves its purpose. 

Harrison Jones - I feel like the community is split on Harrison, but I still include him in almost all of my control decks. Given that approximately 70% of the matches you play right now are against weapon-wielding classes, Harrison gets his value virtually all the time. Also, it's genuinely the one card that can really screw over Grim Patron Warriors. If I start seeing less Paladins (which is genuinely unlikely), I will consider swapping this card with Azure Drake.

There are a lot of situational cards that many players like to include, and I will touch on specific ones as to why I have not put them in my deck.

Baron Geddon - I've long included this in my control warrior decks, but given with the release of TGT, the meta has slowed down to not need to include it. Often the purpose of the card was to clear smaller health minions, but given the meta has changed, as well as its high mana cost, I've essentially replaced him with Justicar Trueheart.

Ysera - Probably the hardest card to justify replacing, it's hard to state the specific reason why I took this card out. Most likely attributed to help the deck curve out better. 

Ragnaros the Firelord - Probably the card I get questioned on the most, I felt like Ragnaros was just too situational, and using him did not always optimally even out the board, or do exactly what you needed him to. While it's true he can swing a game into your favor, or even win you the match, it was too hard to count on him to do what I needed him to. I'm not too big on game changer cards. If I was, I'd put in Kel'Thuzad instead.

Alexstraza - I feel like the age of using this card has slowly started to fade out, as Control Warriors of old have looked towards Alexstraza/Grommash combo to essentially seal out the game. While I don't deny the power of the card, the dual usage it gets from being able to heal yourself back up to 15 has been replaced Justicar Trueheart

Replacement cards - asking me a question about what to replace will often result in changing the utility of the deck, and given the general knowledge of control warrior in its state as it has become, my suggestion is to more than likely choose a different deck to play. By no means am I saying you cannot run the deck without specific legendaries, but if you are having to replace 4 or more cards, you may be running yourself into trouble. 

Should you have any more questions about the deck, please feel free to let me know, and as always, if you enjoyed learning a bit more about this deck, please upvote the deck. 

If there is a consensus for a mulligan or playstyle for this deck, I will gladly write one.
