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Mech Shaman [F2P]

  • Last updated Jun 8, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/8/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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Hi all,

This is my first attempt in writing a deck list.

For some basic information I started this game precisely 2-weeks ago and decided to focus on a Shaman deck (favorite class in WoW). Note: I have spent ZERO dollars on packs, most of them I won from arena for DE and crafting needed staples. I got the deck idea from viewing other's builds. 


Opening Hand: This deck's starting hand plays the key role to generating your pluses. I always look for rockbiter, flametongue, annoy-o-tron, power mace, earth shock in the starting hand. I would mulligan away all the 4 drops. Also, if you start your hand with a Sea Giant, just keep it otherwise you may draw it as a dead card. You don't want too many overload cards in your early hands also. 

This deck has plenty of cards for field control: Crackle, lightning storm, rockbiter, hex, power mace. Fire elemental. The rest relies on your summon sequences and also random totem luck. Every end turn when you are out of useful plays summon totem. 

Deck Breakdown:

Earth Shock: Useful for clearing taunts, twilight drakes, explosive sheep and etc. Basically used for clearing anything with 1 base health or to counter buffs. Can synergize with WOTA totem for 1 extra damage. 1 copy is suffice, it could end up a dead draw when desperate.

Rockbiter Weapon: Useful for early field clear. Plus 3 damage to a minion when needed. Self-explanatory.

Crackle: To clear cards from 3-6 health. Can synergize with WOTA totem for extra 1 damage.

Annoy-O-Tron: 2 cost for a card with double life. Good for stalling and clearing 1 health minion

Flametongue Totem: for the adjacent +2. Works well for 0-2 totems to get in extra attacks.

Knife Juggler: I mainly use it to clear divine shield and 1 health minions. 2 cost for a 3/2 minion is superb. If you don’t have this card you can switch it with Acidic Ooze for weapon clear.

Mechwarper: Used for discounting mechs. Works great for early summons with 2-cost mech minions.

Whirling Zap-O-matic: if you can keep this card alive its 6 damage in 1 turn. Play it with rockbiter and power mace buff for enhanced push. Make sure you can keep this card alive before summoning

Power Mace: Key card. No overload. 3 damage weapon for 3 cost. Not to mention when its used up you buff a mech for extra 2/2. 3 damage could clear most early game minions.

Feral spirit: Due to the overload, I’d only play 1 copy, two 2/3 minions with taunt can buy you several turns to set up.

Hex: Gets rid of the big boys.

Lightning Storm: This card is very crucial. Take advantage of its pluses when your opponent overextend. Can synergize with WOTA totem for 1 extra damage. 1 copy is suffice, due to overload.

Harvest Golem and Piloted Shredder: I call this a Plus card. Once dead summon another. Good value for good cost. Also, acts as a target for power mace buff. (If you don't ahve ahrvest goelm, you could use spider tanks)

Mechanical Yeti: I use this card for its value. 4 cost for a 4/5. Moreover, you can get a spare part on random (must learn to use the parts to specific situations).

Fire Elemental: Good cost and for clearing taunt monsters for attacks and just 3 damage to face or minion.

Sea Giant: Some of you may ask why. One is because I don’t have Dr. Boom. Secondly, with this decks swarming ability his cost is usually at 3*-5*. He is used for winning games and scaring your opponents to concede. Could be replaced by Stormwind Champion, Frostwolf Warlord from basic decks.

Feel free to give me feedbacks and inputs. Cheers.