TempoMage #1 Legend S15 - TheEnclase
- Last updated Jun 3, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 5680
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/2/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
- user-12879693
- Registered User
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He hit Legend #3 this Season (15) after 1 Lose and 3 Wins in a Row he hit #1 Legend.
Congratulation and i only have take the time to make the list here... but ALL CREDITS goes to ENCLASE
And SORRY for my bad english ^^
The Stream find you under: http://www.twitch.tv/theenclase
Apprenices give you a lot of tempo when playing with unstable portals, frostbolts/fire cannons and draw. They allow to play your hand with max profit every turn, that's why it is called "tempo" :)
I clearly have no idea how to play this deck. 6 losses in a row. Just lost to a priest that played a Gnomeregan Infantry or whatever that 1/4 taunt is called to absorb my Mirror Entity. Bad players can make any deck look like garbage, apparently. F this game.
Sylvanas is generally irreplaceable in pretty much all decks that run it, but try Emperor Thaurissan or Archmage Antonidas.
EDIT: Also make Sylvanas a top crafting priority...
What are the mulligans I should be looking for?
Currently Rank 10 and wanting to try this deck to move further up the ladder :P
trying right now with rag and see how it feels, otherwise ill replace it with antonidas. Thx for sharing it
So, how it felt?
it feels really good with ragnaros, it actually made me win a lot of games where i was on a bad position so yeah rag its the way :D
1 question, why not both?
Why run Flame strike? Seems too slow for me. If you have to Flame Strike you're probably going to lose anyway... If not then it's just a win more card.
flamestrike saved my butt against patron warrior
Yeah, I still don't see it.
Flamestrike wins otherwise unwinnable games all the time. I ran two when I got to legend with it. How would you beat patron warrior without it?
Patron warrior is one deck and I wouldn't bother to tech against one deck.
Flamestrike is not a "tech" against patron warrior. Without flamestrike you will lose a majority of your games against the best deck in the format (patron warrior), and will greatly hurt your matchup against ANY control deck. Flamestrike is your way of coming back after your opponent clears your board. Flamestrike helps you in 50% or more of your matches at high ranks, and that is more than enough reason to run the card. Patron warrior is just the most prominent example of a deck that gets completely wrecked by flamestrike, it is still extremely powerful and will win you games that you would have otherwise lost against a lot of other decks.
Also, to your other point about "teching" cards for one deck, that is actually a good idea if it is a bad matchup and it is a popular deck in the format. If there was a card that was game changing against your bad matchup then you would run that card for sure. It's like druids running keezan because otherwise they get wrecked by tempo mage. Do you run a BGH in any deck? I'm guessing you do, because it is a good card in a lot of matches and outright wins games in other matches, that is what flamestrike is for this deck.
Bgh seems like a bad example because I'm pretty sure it's good against everything except hunter.. Maybe you could elaborate on what decks besides patron warrior Flamestrike works on? I just see 7 mana and my whole turn gone just to put a dent in my opponents board. I'm not the most seasoned player and my OP was a genuine concern. Usually I play control warrior and have not had really any problems with patron warrior.
A lot of decks don't have the draw of patron and win by flooding the board with minions and winning the early-mid game. Example is mech shaman/mage (even though these aren't the most popular at the moment). If you clear board against a deck with poor draw you likely win.
Basically flamestrike works against anything that isn't face hunter, face paladin, or freeze mage. I use patron as an example because flamewaker is the card you lean on to win games, and with a board of patrons your flamewaker is useless and you basically lose instantly (you can win against patron warrior, but you have to draw well and kill them before they combo, but you only get about 50% winrate against them that way, with flamestrike it is more around 75%).
It's a strong card against control warrior, patron warrior, druid, handlock/demonlock/dragonlock, tempo mage, non-face paladin, shaman, priest, mid-range hunter, and it's actually pretty decent against oil rogue, mech mage, and zoo.
7 mana seems like a lot, but if you play tempo mage you will find that you are almost never dead before turn 7. You will control the early game and out tempo your opponent, but around turn 7-8 will you will begin to lose steam and your opponent will begin building a solid board. If you don't have enough to kill them by the time they build their board then you will most likely lose the game. Control decks are very good at getting to the late game, and once they are in the late game they will drop a bunch of big threats that you won't have the resources to remove one at a time, but flamestrike will usually wipe their board enough to where they can't recover in time to stop you from getting that last little bit of damage in.
Flamestrike will take all your mana for the turn, but it can wipe 2-3 turns worth of their creatures from the board, and that is game breaking.
Also, to your comment about control warrior against patron warrior, you don't have as much issues with patron warrior because your power cards don't have low attack and don't sling random damage. As a tempo mage one of your best tools for winning games is flamewaker, and patron warrior will basically make that card useless in the late game once they get a patron combo off.
That's a lot of great information there. You've convinced me, I'll try flamestrike in my tempo mage and see how it goes. I do see a lot of warlock(zoo), tempo mage, and paladin. So based on what you said it should be a good card to add in. Thanks for all of your insight on the matter.
I'm always happy to share any information that I have. If you want you can PM me your battle.net info and I'll add you.
This looks like a fun deck but couldn't you use Archmage Antonidas over boom for a 7 drop since most decks have BGH now or is Boom just better? Either way cant wait to try this deck.