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Gwenneth's Mind Control Tech Ramp Druid

  • Last updated Dec 31, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/31/2014 (GvG Launch)
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Hey everyone!

My name is Gwenneth, I am an EU Legend and I've been working a lot on my own decks lately,

this is the second deck I have posted so far, but I am going to add a lot more of my own decks in the future!

This is the deck I got legend with this season, it looks like a pretty normal Ramp Druid deck, but last week I was thinking like, in this rush meta we need like another tool for Druid to stop rushes, so I came up with the idea to start playing mind control techs.

After I got legend last week, now, a week later, I see everyone playing with mind control techs as Druid, which is quite funny.

Why is mind control tech so good in druid?

Well! Imagine you have a hand with a shade, a mind control tech and a wrath, and your opponent (a zoo) plays something like leper gnome, and you have the coin, you mostly don't want to coin out the wrath in turn 1, and you just pass your first turn.

Imagine then that he plays echoing ooze, so he gets 3 minions on the board. Then it's turn 2 for you, and you just coin out your shade! Now it is his third turn and he plays something like a dire wolf alpha, so het gets 4 minions on his side of the board,  but the funny part is, he can't trade with your shade because the shade has stealth! which is the most important part why the shade has so much synergy with the mind control tech :)

Then it's your third turn, and you just play mind control tech, then it wouldn't matter at all what you get.He goes from 4 to 3 minions and you go from 1 to 3 minions! And suddenly the whole game swings around!

So the thing I wanted to tell you here, is that you need to get a bit greedy when you have a mind control tech in your hand, and you don't always want to use a removal on his board, unless he plays an undertaker in turn 1, but then you can still save the coin and just wrath it in turn 2 (if you are playing against zoo) Because zoo mostly doesn't have a way to summon two deathrattle minions in turn 2. Against hunter it's a different story though, because hunter mostly has 4-1 drop deathrattle minions and zoo mostly has 2.

If you got any other questions, feel free to ask them, I can always add stuff on how to play other parts of the deck in this post!