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Fatigue/Mill Druid - nerfed to the ground

  • Last updated Apr 18, 2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 10800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/20/2024 (Delve into Deepholm)
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Mulligan Keep: (ordered by importance)

Dew Process, Lunar Eclipse, Frost Lotus Seedling.

Solar Eclipse only if you have Dew Process. Audio Amplifier, Widowbloom Seedsman, Planted Evidence. Kiri Chosen of Elune if nothing else.


How to win:

The aim is to make your opponent draw their full deck and take fatigue damage (plus 1+n damage for each card they can't draw.)



If you have a Dew Process in your hand early game and no Solar Eclipse, play it without. If you have Solar Eclipse, wait until you can do the combo on 4.

Try to get Sir Finley in your snapshot from Photographer Fizzle. This way it can then be used twice to place all cards in your hand back into your deck if it is empty or whatever remains to avoid fatigue damage.

If you have already used the Solar Eclipse and Dew Process combo, it will be worthwhile to play the further Dew Processes by itself even if you have the Solar Eclipse. Instead, use the Solar Eclipse with an armour card such as Beetlemancy, Feral Rage, Chitinous Plating for greater survivability. Does not work with Forbidden Fruit.

Use Attorney-at-Maw with Mish-Mash Mosher to make it immune for a full board clear.

The Choose One cards are just for armour.


Thoughts on each card:

Aquatic Form - Good for finding important cards faster and emptying a hand slot to prevent overdraw. Play with no mana to avoid drawing cards in the late-game.

Forbidden Fruit - Usually use at the end of the game to gain massive extra armour, requires whole turn to use, can be used to free up a hand slot.

Funnel Cake - Free up hand slot with free plus 2 mana, used on opponents minions.

Planted Evidence - Gives you some options for different kinds of decks, frees up hand slot, good early-game removal. Cut due to being a nature card that interrupts Widowbloom

Sir Finley, Sea Guide - Vital for preventing fatigue damage. For example, with an empty deck you can put your entire hand back in. Used in late-game to place more cards back into your deck.

Attorney-at-Maw - Silence is useful for buffed minions or Titans. Can be used in combo with Mish-Mash Mosher for a full board clear with a big minion still on the board.

Audio Amplifier - Prevents card burning.

Chitinous Plating - Extra armour, can be used with Solar Eclipse for 16.

Coroner - Freeze high damage minions, mid-game potential for silencing.

Dew Process - Main card draw for the deck and win condition. Should aim to play both and at least one with Solar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse - Removal as most minions have 3 health and can allows you an extra free card to play.

Solar Eclipse - Used for gaining large amounts of armour and card draw with Dew Process.

Feral Rage - Alternative to Chitinous Plating to avoid duplicates for Reno, Lone Ranger. Both gain 16 armour if doubled.

Frost Lotus Seeding - I usually wait for this to bloom for value. Used as armour and card draw to find Dew Process.

Kiri, Chosen of Elune - More armour gain potential, removal, plus a 2/2 body.

Photographer Fizzle - Used for extra cards for armour and removal in the late-game when you have run out. Should be used with Sir Finley in hand to avoid fatigue later on.

Pozzik, Audio Engineer - Synergises with the deck to mill their wanted cards and wastes their mana playing 3/3s.

Widowblooms Seedsman - Faster at finding Dew Process and mana ramp.

Beetlemancy - Highest armour gain potential at 24 if doubled. Very good for survival.

Crypt Keeper - With so much armour gain in the deck, it is always a free 4/6 taunt and frees up a hand slot.

Mish-Mash Mosher - Good late-game board removal if paired with Attorney-at-Maw. Used for board control.

Reno, the Lone Ranger - Will generally have drawn all duplicates by the time this is playable, and is also great for stopping the opponent from doing anything for the turn after it is played. Necessary board clear.


Cut cards:

Glacial Shard, Armour Vendor - (Armour gain spells synergise with Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Glacial Shard is not worth having in the deck.)

Smothering Starfish - Opted for more silence cards instead, but was useful against a particular Paladin deck where their minions got buffed when they attacked.

Hero power package, Free Spirit, Peaceful Piper, Groovy Cat, Anub'Rekan, Zok Frogsnout, Underking, Unending Swarm, Rake - All together too slow, opted for more armour gain instead. The idea is to play Anub, Underking then Zok with/without hero power which would increase the attack to create massive taunts.

Wrath - Opted for Planted Evidence instead for a 0 cost Wrath.

Hedge Maze, Selfish Shellfish package + (Death Blossom Whomper, Cover Artist) - Hedge Maze is too slow and a 7/7 isn't good enough to play. If you were to play this, I wouldn't recommend Death Blossom Whomper as its stats aren't good enough.

Innervate - Funnel Cake is better.

E.T.C., Band Manager - 4/4 too slow to play and the cards inside were too specific.

Wild Growth, Nourish - Too slow to play.

Prince Renathal - Too slow in finding important cards early like Dew Process due to larger deck.

Incarceration - Found it better to silence the minion or face tank the damage.

Miracle Growth - Too expensive for zero gain. The stats would not make up for giving up your turn to play this which would only burn cards from overdraw.

Doomsayer - Can usually be killed and doesn't clear the board.

Explosive Sheep - Needs a turn to be useful.

Tar Creeper/Treasure Guard - Would just be killed via spell removal.

School Teacher - 4 mana 4/4 too slow and the spells weren't good most of the time.

Naga Giant - Mostly low cost spells in the deck, would likely cost some mana to play and would not be that useful.

Ozumat - Too slow, you just need to survive aggro decks to win.

Saloon Brewmaster, Celestial Projectionist, Zola the Gorgon - (Why were these in the deck. My only guess is for Photographer Fizzle, but it is really not needed and hinders the deck greatly.)