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Vanndar Surprise (70%+ WR)

  • Last updated Sep 11, 2022 (Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle DH
  • Crafting Cost: 8640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/10/2022 (Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs)
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  • Daym0
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Fairly straightforward, but the most fun I've had with demon hunter on a long time. Am a Wild Only player and been playing this deck exclusively since a couple weeks into the new expansion. Demon Hunter was my only non-golden portrait class with next to no wins as I have not enjoyed previous DH archetypes & am now only a handful of wins away from 500. Also it is the newest class & was often laughed out of the room in wild due to the formats power level & other classes having far more choice in deck archetypes. I have found THIS deck to very strongly hold its own against nearly all other classes & often blow games out of the water with it's newfound consistency, primarily due to Abyssal Depths. Never underestimate Tutoring cards!

Step 1: Mulligan for & Play Vanndar, Abyssal Depths helps so much with the consistency here.If you have not already drawn Death Speaker Blackthorn you will also pull him with Abyssal which is very nice, if not he'll be reduced in cost with Vanndar.

Step 2: Stay alive, use the many removal spells you have & throw some blockades up to stop face damage. I've found if I'm struggling to find my Vanndar one can also use Topple the Idol even if the boards empty to Discover him.

Step 3: Death Speaker Blackthorn & fill the board with hard to remove taunt minions, using Taintheart Tormenter to make it more difficult for your opponent to play removal spells.

Step 4: If the previous steps have worked out usually just watch them concede, if they do manage to fully remove your board & it's leftovers play N'Zoth to refill, even then I've found this deck usually still has enough reduced cost or full cost BIG BOYS to stick it out. Stoneborn General is your friend here and has helped countless times.

Flex Cards & Edits: Kurtrus Demon-Render is now gone & Battlegrounds Battlemaster is in having won me more games this morning & functions better in giving the extra damage for lethal than Kurtrus's cool hero power did before.

Possibly Final Form of the deck, but if anyone is feeling greedy I have also tried N'Zoth God of the Deep as an addition & can be seen to help against super late game decks if the opponent does manage to remove multiple large boards you have. Honestly though I think 2 N'Zoths is too greedy & Battlegrounds Battlemaster has helped speed up wins anyway. Do not underestimate Windfury! Moreover it feels good to draw off Abyssal Depths alongside Death Speaker Blackthorn if you have already drawn your Vanndar early as opposed to one of you deathrattles which you much rather want being dropped for free via Blackthorn.

Hope this short guide helps & Thanks all for checking out my deck. Most importantly, have fun.