Superior Miracle Priest (Theorycraft)
- Last updated Apr 10, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 16 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Priest
- Crafting Cost: 8640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/8/2022 (Sunken City)
- SuperiorDavid
- Registered User
- 1
- 4
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Played some Miracle Priest during theorycrafting, and the archetype seems really well positioned going into Year of the Hydra!
Not only is it receiving a lot of support with some powerful Nagas and spells from Voyage to the Sunken City, but heavy hitters like Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, and Lyra the Sunshard are making a return in the new Core Set as well. Watch out for those Priests!
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this deck just does not have a reliable win con. you can just kill the big things and lyra doesn't do much nowadays
No, it didn't turn out good on release. People were just playing the card for fun. It took a while for people to figure it out it was actually a bit nuts. It WAS a sleeper, just like your explanation said.
yet another slot machine deck.
priest look boring so far imo.
Gargabee deck, this deck literally do NOTHING! IS A JOKE!
This has potential. Lyra was already a sleeper card on initial release years ago and now that we have even more cheap spells and support cards such as Valishj, it could be even more nuts.
Lyra a sleeper? She was in almost every Priest deck back then and will be now again lol
Lyra was a sleeper, yes. ON INITIAL RELEASE. Freaking read the words. Everyone though it was going to be trash. Mike Donais thought they might have made it too good and people were making fun of him.
Thats not what sleeper means. If everyone thought it was gonna be trash, then it released and it turned good, thats not sleeper, thats just everyone was wrong. Sleeper means it had been out for a while and then people figured out how to use it correctly :)
No, it didn't turn out good on release. People were just playing the card for fun. It took a while for people to figure it out it was actually a bit nuts. It WAS a sleeper, just like your explanation said.